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Christians in Business: Why you must take marketing actions

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Christians in business have allowed their spirituality to negatively affect the way they market and promote their businesses. Just because you are a Christian does not mean you are exempted from taking important and relevant marketing and promotional actions in your business.

Christians in business: Without marketing there is no business

The glorious step of taking action on what you must have learnt in promoting and marketing a business is important for the success of your business. I know of a lot of Christians in business who only take delight in reading marketing books and other instructional guides but they are very poor in implementing the knowledge gained from such guides.

Knowledge without action is ZERO! I wrote that in capital letter for emphasis. You won’t get anything working in terms of improved profits and growth in your business if you don’t take necessary marketing

The need for effective business marketing

Sometimes ago, I was inspired to understand that my business (I run a publishing business and a book marketing organisation) needs more of effective marketing than new products. Before then we were churning out good books online and offline but the sales were not really coming in.

Yet we were still pushing out more ebooks on to the cyber space. Now when I heard that in my spirit, I completely agree with it. I took the decision to look at how we could concentrate more on marketing.

I began to research more into how we could do more effective and affordable marketing that will be ideal for our organisation. In the process of doing this, I stumbled upon lots of simple, common, cheap and effective marketing strategies that were there all along for us to implement which we were not taken advantage of.

Improved marketing equals more profits

I also noticed a jump in sales when we began to implement what we found out. That was when I fully agreed with the experts who have said so many nice things about strategic and effective marketing for businesses.

I also understood that every company, organisation, no matter their size or level of operation and no matter whether it is run by Christians or non Christians, can always find a good, affordable and effective marketing strategy to use to increase profits in their businesses. I’ve interacted with some small business owners, especially Christians in business, who have ignorantly told me that they are not involved in any marketing at all because they don’t have the big resources to do so or compete with the big players.

This should not be so.

The marketing Joe series

Whatever level or size you are now, you can always find a way to do good, effective marketing of your products and services. This is the reason for the creation and publication of the Marketing Joe series by our organization.

This is going to be a continuous book, videos and video course series where the Marketing Joe himself will be teaching you some interesting mysteries around common logic marketing in a classroom environment. We will make these teachings available on this blog from time to time.

It is common logic marketing

It’s common logic because some of the ideas will be very simple and yet will be very effective if you implement them. These common logic marketing tips can be used by both small and big companies to increase profits in their businesses.

We will be spending ttime in the marketing class of the big Marketing Joe. Lest I forget, let me tell you something about my relationship with the big Marketing Joe. I came across him during my search for marketing ideas and recommendations for my business.

Please let me read from you how marketing has helped your business as a Christian. I will be happy if you can share this article with your friends on social media.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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