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Visionary Business Project

Church of the end times

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Some days ago, I wrote a post about what the Lord is revealing to me about the church of the end times. Though, I wrote specifically about how the church of Christ in my country can be relevant in this end times, the end time revelation in that post is also relevant to the church of Christ generally.

I am using this post to continue the series on how I see the Lord using the Church of Christ in these last days before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe you will find this post extremely useful.

Relevant: Church of Christ in Nigeria and God’s end time agendaEnd time


The prophetic thoughts for the church of the end times

If you read that post, you will observe that I mentioned the prophetic thoughts that was formed in me when I heard the prophetic declaration from a man of God at a Christian gathering. I heard from my spirit the following lines of information from God:

“The day is here when the church will be ringing the bell and th world will run to it. The day is here when the church will be beating the drum and the world will dance to it. Jesus is turning the attention of the world to the church and He’s asking you and me to be relevant in the scheme of things. God’s act of miracles will be happening in the industries and factories.”


The miraculous confirmation of the prophetic thoughts

While these prophetic thoughts were bombarding my mind, there was a big shout at a particular section of the auditorium which drew the attention of all, a man was holding his wheel chair above his head and rushing down to the altar area. He had been healed! He came in lame and on a wheel chair but a miracle had happened, he was now walking.


More revelations about the church of the end times

While I tried to look at the man carrying the wheel chair giving glory to God, the Spirit of God spoke to me more information about the church of the end times:

“Look at that. This will be a common occurrence in industries, factories and offices where Spirit-filled Christians are the heads”. He continued, “The church is coming into the factories and offices, market places. Prophets are entering the market places. Miracles of healing will be happening when a Christian teaches biblical strategies of solving problems in board rooms, industries, seminars, workshops, and conferences”.


Jesus is turning the attention of the world to the church

I couldn’t but shed tears of joy at this information from God’s Spirit about His end – time plans to save the world. I was particularly happy about the statement from the above information that reads, “Jesus is turning the attention of the world to the church and He’s asking you and I to be relevant in the scheme of things.

I knew these revelations with the ones the Lord has shared with me on the same topic prior to that night puts a responsibility on me and I have taken up the challenge to include these teachings on this blog in order to further sensitize you with God’s plan for the world in these last days.

Relevant: Read some of my books on revelations about the last days and how it affects your business and finances


Similar church prophecy for the end time

While I was putting this post together, I also read a similar prophecy from one of the most accomplished clergy in the world, Pastor Enoch Adeboye. He wrote in his book, Spiritual Warfare:

“There will come a time when, for instance, student union leaders will be tongue-talking Christians. At that time, there will be no external influences causing trouble in our university campuses. Violent demonstrations will cease.”

I believe strongly you will allow these teachings be a guide to you about how you are going to be relevant in the scheme of things today. While I am not asking you to take this content and apply it without checking for it’s accuracy through the Holy Spirit on how it can be useful to you, but I believe it can go a long way to help you get prepared for what the Lord is planning to do in this end time.


Post-Covid 19 Church manifestations

Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world to it’s knees again looking to the Lord for help. This disease has really devastated our world and we hope for divine solution very quickly. But I believe the Lord has allowed this to usher the church into a new realm of manifestation in this end times.

You must be ready and prepared to be used of the Lord. Your life, your home, your marriage, your business, your finances and resources must be put at the feet of the Lord for His use.

Please if you have received any revelation about the plans of God for this period in our world, I want you to share your experience and story with us. Please share this article on social media with your friends.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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