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Principles of Christian living
Action Power Devotional

Doing the will of God

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Doing the will of God is your most important vocation and profession on this earth. You can’t just afford not to do the will of God for your life. Yes, you can’t afford not to do His commandments. That was a simple statement but it holds the key to a successful life in Christ Jesus on this earth.

Related: Importance of God’s Word for you


What is doing the will of God? 

Doing the will of God is all about discovering and obeying the commandment of God, your Creator. God did not create you and put you here on the earth to do your own will or your parents’ will or your boss’s will or your uncle’s will; He created you to do His will. 


What Paul said about doing the will of God 

Paul understood what doing the will of God is all about and captured it perfectly in the scripture below: 

Ephesians 6:6-7

[6]not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,

[7]with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men,

The NIV version used the word, slaves in place of bondservants. You are enslaved to do His will from your heart!


Rewards for doing God’s will 

There are both earthly and eternal rewards for doing God’s will. Read verse 8: 

8]knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.

There are good results or good consequences if you are obedient to God and His commandments. Sometimes, doing God’s will can be tough (not burdensome) but the rewards far outweighs the initial toughness. 


Obey God or obey the devil 

You should also understand that if you don’t make a decision to do the will of God or obey God almighty, you will surely begin to obey or do the will of yourself, other people or the devil. The simple reason for this is that you must obey someone! 

You are a servant to the one you obey. I am sure you know that you can’t afford to be a servant to the following set of people:

  • Yourself (because you will lead yourself astray)
  • Other people (They are subject to change and are limited)
  • Devil (He does not and will never want the best for you)


Study to show yourself approved 

Learn to study the Word of God to discover His will for your life and to show yourself approved unto God. And when you find them out the will of God through His Word as we have it in the Bible, do them!

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Never look down on anyone. Never condemn anyone. Never write off anyone. Condemn sins but don’t condemn the people.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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