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second coming of jesus christ
Teachings About Jesus Christ

How My Encounter With Jesus Transformed My Life

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The story around my encounter with Jesus is one that will help you. I am using this post to share this experience with you today and I believe you will gain maximum satisfaction from it. It’s filled with practical stories.

Really, an encounter with God is one every Christian must be thirsty of. It is one that will last for a lifetime. You will learn from this post how I got born again and you will also see how I have positioned myself to always have encounters with God.

Please enjoy this post on my encounter with Jesus and share it your friends.

encounter with jesus

Read My Background Story Before My Encounter with Jesus

I grew up as the first child in a family of eight comprising of my dad, mum, and my beautiful sisters in the former capital city of Nigeria – Lagos State. My father worked with the Federal Government for so many years until he retired. My mother on her part was for the most part of the period we (the children) were growing up, a petty trader.

We struggled through school as the people in my country were hit severely by the effect of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) introduced by the then military administration. The family depended solely on my father’s monthly income and the little income from my mother’s petty trading.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The story around my encounter with Jesus will greatly motivate you and encourage you to seek personal encounters with God face to face or through the Bible” quote=”The story around my encounter with Jesus will greatly motivate you and encourage you to seek personal encounters with God face to face or through the Bible”]

             Served With An Eviction Notice

A combination of improper administration of the nation’s resources and economic recession made my father’s monthly income become irregular. This development badly affected the family and we found it difficult to feed ourselves. Paying the accommodation fees became very impossible and the owners of the property served us with a “pack out” notice.

Things were very tough. My father and mother ran to friends and relatives for help, which came. The accommodation fees and some other debts were settled. This was to be a temporary relief as the worst was yet to come!

A year after my High School (Secondary school) education, my father was retired and gratuity and pensions were not forthcoming from the government. The same old problem reared its head again. Feeding became very difficult and we were served with another “pack out” notice. We finally relocated to cheaper accommodation on the outskirts of the state where all the necessities of life – electricity, pipe-borne water were missing. Help was no longer coming forth from anybody.

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Pains of Godless Living

We were left to “enjoy” the pains of our God-less living. My dad took to farming, my mother continued her petty trading, and I gained admission into a higher institution. It was during my time in the higher institution that I began to look at the way we have lived our lives all this while. I began to see in my “inner mind” how real success has eluded us because we chose to put our trust in men – the government, friends, and relatives.

We never had a relationship with God and we really struggled. My lovely and ever-caring dad and mum worked very hard but I realized hard work alone could not bring success.

Related: I want you to watch this interesting video that shows biblical solutions to some of life’s problems. I want you to learn from the simple principles shared in this video below.

             My Encounter with Jesus: The Perfect Solution

Finally, I took a decision to find out, by all means, the perfect solution to the various problems that surrounded us like a plague. I took the decision to be successful. How was I going to do it – by working hard alone? No. My Dad and Mum worked very hard but achieved moderate results. Maybe I must put my trust in friends, relatives, and the government. No. Dad, Mum, and us (the children) trusted them but they failed.

Then, I realized the only thing we never had then, was a relationship with God Almighty. Therefore, I took the decision to develop a relationship with God. I never knew how I was going to do it but all I knew was that if I was going to be successful, I needed to be “Godful”. After I graduated from the higher institution and during the compulsory National Youth Service Programme, God finally helped me to know how I will start a relationship with Him in order to be a success.

In a dream, He revealed Himself to me with some sets of Bible passages; I read these Bible passages repeatedly to get a clear understanding of the meaning and relevance to my cause in life. The Lord finally arrested me a year after and I gave my life to Jesus Christ.

A new chapter was opened in my life and instructions upon instructions have come from the Holy Spirit unto me on so many occasions on how my goal of becoming a success can be achieved. My Dad and Mum are now living their lives for Christ and they are enjoying every bit of this relationship recording outstanding personal results in the process!

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             My Encounter with Jesus Pointed Me to Jesus 

second coming of jesus

“Jesus said unto him, I am the way the truth and the life no man comes unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). Jesus has acted as the Way to the Father for me. I now enjoy a good relationship with the Father, which is very necessary for me to be a success in life.

Today I am not only enjoying my life in Jesus but I am also actively involved in propagating this gospel to the wo0lrd. I believe this story should motivate you to either stick out your neck for Jesus if you don’t know Him already or stay trusting Him if you already know Him.

In case you have desired to understand what is an encounter with Jesus like or you have asked the question, how can I encounter God personally? I believe you have received some inspiration from this post.

Can you share with me and others your salvation experience or your encounter with Jesus? How has salvation and Christianity helped you to run towards success? Share your experience in your comment on this post.

I am a Christian personal development expert and a strong proponent of the need for  Christians to walk by faith and  Christian entrepreneurs to run successful godly businesses. Get my problem-solving resources like The Christian Entrepreneur (an ebook), From Business Vision to Manifestation (a video course) on starting a faith-based business that has helped lots of Christians to use godly principles to improve their finances and also run their businesses.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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