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faith based businesses
Running faith based businesses

Faith based businesses: 4 ways to multiply resources

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School of BUSINESS

For Christian entrepreneurs who run faith based businesses, this interesting Christian business principle will be of great use to their businesses. I run faith based organizations online and offline and I have been able to put this principle into use on many occasions. The principle works just like any other principle from God’s Word in the Bible.

Related: Watch this interesting video on how to receive faith based business teachings and faith based business books


What are faith based businesses?

Faith based businesses are businesses that are started and run using the laws and regulations of religious institutions as a guide. Now, because this is a Christian blog, I will be narrowing this down to businesses that are started and run using Christian laws, regulations, and values as a guide.

We have lots of Christians running faith based businesses today. According to a report, the faith based economy is now worth about $1.2 trillion a year and is already making a huge impact on the US economy. I believe they are also having a lot of influence on other countries economies all over the world.

Now, let me take you immediately into this interesting principle on how you can multiply or increase your business resources as a faith based business owner.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”For Christian entrepreneurs who run faith-based businesses, this interesting Christian business principle will be of great use to their businesses.” quote=”For Christian entrepreneurs who run faith-based businesses, this interesting Christian business principle will be of great use to their businesses.”]


How Jesus increased feeding (business) resources

I picked this business multiplication principle up from the act of Jesus Christ in the passage quoted below:

“And when He had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, He looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke the loaves, and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided He among them all” (Mark 6:41).

This is a very popular Bible story. I call it the ‘miracle of multiplication’. Jesus was able to use the limited resources around Him to feed thousands of people!

How did He do it? How was He able to use 5 loaves and two fishes to feed 5000 people (excluding women and children) and still had 12 baskets full of fragments remaining?

Well, the Spirit of God exposed this secret to me and helped me to understand the steps Jesus took to multiply His little resources to feed this crowd. I want you to look at the steps below and I am challenging you to start practicing these steps to multiply your limited business resources consistently.

Related: Check out these faith based business books


How faith based businesses can multiply resources

Step 1: Faith based business should use available resources

Jesus asked for what was available (see Mark 6: 38): When you want to execute a big business project and you need big resources to get the job done, you should first for all, bring together what you have around you already at that moment.

Though they look insignificant and too little but in them is the multiplication miracle. Prayerfully look around you to find them out. They are there!


Step 2: Faith based businesses bring organization into the available resources

Jesus asked the people to sit down and be orderly (see verse 39 and40): You should outline on paper the steps you will take to use the little resources you found to kick start your project execution in order to obtain the big resources that you need later on.

Get these little resources organized to kick start your project. Jesus asked them to sit down in the fifties and hundreds. Orderliness and organization is an important law in the school of multiplication.


Step 3: Faith based businesses should be thankful for the available resources

Jesus gave thanks to God (see verse 41): You should thank God over the little resources that you have. Yes, you need to do this because He has given you the “seed” that will grow into the “forest” that you desire.


step 4: Faith based businesses should be ready to work with the available resources

Jesus asked the disciple to distribute these resources: You should begin to put into practice all that you have outlined on paper to multiply your business resources. At this stage, the law of multiplication goes into action for you and your little resources will surely become bigger and bigger over time.

I want you to note particularly that Jesus handed over the loaves and fishes to His disciples to distribute. You can also bring in people for the purpose of distribution.

I believe the use of His disciples for the distribution helped the multiplication process. The distribution did not start when the resources were in the hands of Jesus. It started when the disciples began to distribute them.


Distribution is an important part of the process

You should follow these steps consistently to multiply your lean business resources. All the steps are very important and necessary for the multiplication miracle. You should, however, understand that the last step which has the actual distribution process is of utmost importance to the whole process. Without distribution, multiplication will not come into play.

This goes a long way to show those who don’t put in everything they have got into the act of distribution, selling, marketing and reaching out to the people with their products and services. If you have a solution to a problem, you must reach out to the people at whatever level you are.

If you can get it across to only two or three people, that is fine, you will always grow from there learning valuable lessons along the way. The multiplication miracle will come in for you.

This business strategy has worked for me immensely. It will work for you too because it is from the Word of God which is ever true.

Further Reading: Matthew 15:33, Numbers 11:13 and 22, 2 Kings 4:43


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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