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Christian motivational program
Action Power Devotional

Faith without works is dead: About Action Power

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The Bible says, faith without works is dead (James 2:17). When action, the last step of the process of faith is not in place, faith is not complete and will not produce.

Action Power is an interdenominational, motivational and problem-solving social media, radio and television program that teaches and empowers people to live effective Christian lives, run their businesses according to the will of God, or work effectively as Christians in their workplaces.

Action Power will help you to operate faith with works (the required action needed from you). It will help you to add the action fire to your faith.

Related: Read about the Visionary Business Project operational chart  



Watch the video version of this post: Faith without works is dead


A revelational and motivational platform

The Action Power contents will be produced from inspiration from the Holy Spirit through His Word. I have always believed that the best place to get inspired and adequately motivated is through the Word of God.

But God’s Word cannot inspire or motivate you if the Spirit of God does not show you revelation from His Word. The Action Power platform and contents will allow you to get Spirit-inspired revelation that will inspire you to do more, achieve more, and stop operating faith without work.

Related: Read daily Action Power update


Faith without works: Knowledge and action

Many fall flat when It’s the time to take the most important last step of the journey to achieve an exploit or receive a miracle – taking action. Many long-term Christians operate their faith without works.

Some people are indeed very knowledgeable but it ends there – on the platform of knowledge. They don’t act on what they know.

Sometimes, they need the power to act on what they know. The Action Power contents will be used by God to make them act and then achieve maximally.

God puts this divine idea into my heart to help lots of people in this category.


Structure of Action Power motivational platform

The Action motivational platform or contents will:

  • Be Inspired by the Holy Spirit
  • Be short and straight-to-the-point
  • Be practically described and taught
  • Be full of specific action steps you must take
  • Contain relevant bible text or passage
  • Contain relevant website links for free resources


How to subscribe to the Action Power update

You can subscribe to the Action Power update in the following ways:

Through our various channels and platforms:


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If you want to stop operating faith without works or action, then you need to subscribe through our different channels above to receive daily updates. Thank you.


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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