How to achieve greatness in life and business
Following God's plan for your life (by Kenneth Hagin)
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Following God’s plan for your life (by Kenneth Hagin)

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading through this piece of work by Kenneth Hagin. Just as I have enjoyed a lot of his books, this one was not an exception.

Really, following God’s plan for your life is about the most important vocation or skill you must learn to master as a Christian in your walk with God. Kenneth Hagin, through the help of the Holy Spirit, did a good job to analyze and explain practically how you can master this spiritual skill.

God’s Word says the Holy Spirit will teach and guide us into all truths. God is also interested in helping us to understand how we can enjoy our Christian lives through a diligent and obedient relationship with Him.

The author started out from the first Chapter to describe how he had, sometimes, failed to follow strictly God’s will for his life or how he actually could not determine the proper timing of acting on God’s instructions. He wrote that these mistakes usually go a long way to make us commit lots of mistakes.

If you read this interesting book diligently, you will be able to find out how the Word of God wants you to follow and do the will of God for your life.

I want you to read more about this book below:


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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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