How to achieve greatness in life and business
Sons of the prophet
Action Power Devotional

Getting help from prophets

Getting help from prophets is your right as a Christian. In case you want to know. Prophets help and support are the will of God for you on this earth. 

No one can really fulfill his or her God-given mission on this earth without this form of help. It is so sad today that most Christians don’t know getting help from prophets is their lot and God’s will for them. 

For some who know, they do it the other way round. They get involved with fake prophets and they always have a negative experience with these ungodly fellows. 

Related: Read about the Sons of the Prophet book here 


Getting help from prophets: Let me start with a prayer for you 

Let me inform you that, as we prepare to go further into this year, the judgment of God will come upon all contrary powers that have been putting different stumbling blocks between you and the success of your business project and all other godly projects in your hands.

You will get the right support and help from heaven concerning your business and other projects in Jesus name. As I have mentioned above, one of the ways God will help you over demonic obstacles and hindrances is through the help of prophets.

I want you to read the story of Judah below. 


Judah was helped by God’s prophets 

Judah set out to start and finish the temple of God and adversaries brought different obstacles to stop them. Read Ezra 4 to see all the obstacles. 

Then, they “made them to cease by force and power” Ezra 4:23.

But God’s prophets came on the scene. God’s Word came on the scene (Ezra 5: 1). Obstacles melted. Adversaries and powers were subdued. They finished the project (Ezra 6:15). 


Obstacles will melt before you 

The remaining part of this year will see you thriving and succeeding at Godly projects in your hands in Jesus name. Obstacles will flee before you because God will help you in Jesus name. 


Read my book Sons of the Prophet 

If you have not read my book, Sons of the Prophet, you are missing a lot. This book shows the deep revelations behind deep spiritual mentoring and help you can get from God-given prophets.

You will be able to learn a lot of deep insights in this book on:

  • How Dr. David Oyedepo has enjoyed the support of his God-sent prophets
  • How his sons in the Lord have enjoyed his support as a God-sent prophet over their lives.
  • How to find your God-sent prophets

And more. 

Sons of the prophet

Read more information and get a copy at the Nownowbooks store online 


Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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