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Why having Church in the home is compulsory today
Visionary Business Project

Why having Church in the home is compulsory today

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The present situation of the world especially with respect to the problem of Covid-19 has clearly shown why having Church in the home is of utmost importance today. I strongly believe that the will of God is that there should be Church in the home first and then in the temple.

Many Christians and churches have missed this golden truth over the years. Church programs have overtaken the need for families to have strong family worship and fellowship programs in their homes.

What is having Church in the home?

Having Church in the home is about the setting up of functional and effective worship and fellowship programs in homes by families. With a Church in a home, the husband is the Senior pastor, the wife is the Assistant pastor while the children are members of the Congregation.

What are the benefits of having Church in the home?

A strong fellowship in the home has the following benefits:

  • Worship and fellowship with God is brought very close to members of the family
  • Children can learn effectively the Word of God on a personal and deeper level.
  • Members of the family can understand the necessity for fellowship among brethren
  • A strong worship program in the home can make the home a centre where God consistently drop revelations and visions
  • Members of the family can quickly react, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to problems with prayers even before their church pastors become aware of them
  • It helps the bond between members of the family
  • It helps to prevent divorce and help the bonding between husbands and wives.
  • The children have the opportunity to see God at an individual level

My in-law’s Church in the home

Having Church in the home

The featured picture in this post and the one above is that of my beloved brother in-law. I laughed when I saw the pictures on his Facebook wall but God actually used the pictures to help me further understand what His will is in terms of having His Word and His will get rooted in our homes.

God bless you my dear in-law Awolesi Johnson for these pictures.

Related: Read some of my books on the end times and how it affects your home, family, marriage and finances

My belief about setting up Christian programs in the home

The following are what I believe about this end times and the topic of discourse in this post:

  1. I believe the era of being an angel in the church and a novice or a devil in your home should be over
  2. I believe the era of teaching Sunday School with eye service in the temple without an effort to do the same in your home and family should be over.
  3. I believe the era of demonstrating your spiritual gifts in the temple and making it of no effect in your home and family should be over.
  4. I believe Christians should understand that their marriages and their families represent the first platforms for manifesting their ministries.
  5. I believe Christians should understand that the first and the best place children can learn the Word and the will of God is the home.
  6. I hope Christians can now understand the reason why God created the marriage, home and families first as recorded in the book of Genesis.
  7. I sincerely hope Christian churches and ministers can encourage families to plant churches in their homes. Having too many Church programs at the detriment of the spiritual well being of the individual families in the church is not working.
  8. If you are an active minister in the church and you don’t have an active family altar in your home, shame on you.
  9. Christians should understand that God did not put the responsibility of training their children spiritually, morally and academically in the hands of their pastors or their Churches. It’s your responsibility. If you don’t teach your children the Word of God, they may not learn it anywhere.

The end time is here

It’s the end times. Jesus is coming soon. Before covid-19 rolls away and you return to normal Church activities, ensure you plant the church in your home.

Jesus is Lord.

Please let me read your comment and let us know how you have set up a church in your home and family. Share this article on social media with your friends.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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