How to achieve greatness in life and business
How can I add values to others
Visionary Business Project

How can I add values to others

This is a question someone asked me, How can I add values to others. It’s likely you have asked the same question in the past.

If you have, then you have the answer here for you in this post. Adding values to people’s lives is a good thing and there are lots of benefits to be derived frim doing so.

Related: How to live a fulfilled Christian life 


What does it mean to add values to lives?

To add values to lives is all about giving something of quality to others so as to help, support and solve their problems. We are all designed by God to be value-adding creatures.

You have got all it takes to add values to others or to solve the problems of others. This is the reason God called you and I light of the world and salt of the earth.

Related: How to make money from a Christian blog


How can I add values to others: More information

Please find more information about the answer to the question, how can I add values to others;


People are value seekers

People are naturally value seekers. They follow or desperately look for people or systems or businesses that are offering value.

I once used to go a long distance to get graphics works done for me by an expert in the trade. I could go to that extent because he was offering value.


Spiritual values

It’s even more pronounced when you are offering spiritual values (that is, the Godly spiritual values).

The value -seeking people will always be ready to offer material values back to people who offer them values. It’s a biblical principle.

Paul said:

1 Corinthians 9:11
[11]If we have sown spiritual things for you, is it a great thing if we reap your material things?

Related: How to start a Christian blog 

How can I add values to others: Give out values

The only way to add values to others is to give out values to others. It’s as simple as that!

Don’t tell me you have values to give. God designed every one of us to carry grace or have gifts. Find out your own grace environment and the gifts God has given. Then you use your findings to start adding values to others.


Give out values with life and business

As people are value seekers, you should understand that you can only gain the attention of the people or deserve their material blessings if you ensure you’re always giving out values to them with your life, business or ministry.

You should begin to look for ways you can begin to add values to lives. Set up platforms if need be.

Watch the Visionary Business Project short video on How to recognize opportunities on YouTube.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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