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How to start a Christian blog

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Do you want to know how to start a Christian blog? If you do, this post is just right for you. Our tech team have decided to put this together for those who intend to start their own Christian blog.

Some weeks ago, under the platform of the Visionary Business Project, we had an online training for Christian authors. It’s part of our divine goal and mission to help as many Christians as possible to use the platform of technology and the internet to produce more personal and organizational results.

This post on how to start a Christian blog is one of the materials or resources to help Christian authors.

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Related: Watch video on how to post on WordPress Christian blog. Watch video below:


What is a Christian blog?

A Christian blog is simply a blog set up to share Godly and biblical information and content to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. Christian ministries, ministers, workers etc. are now active users of the internet and the social media to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ and the messages of their ministries.

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Do you need a Christian blog?

My simple answer is, yes or no. Yes, if you want your own platform where you have full control over it and which you can use effectively to promote the cause of your ministry or Organization.

There are many platforms online that are given out free space to their users to promote contents but the truth is that you don’t have any control over these ‘gifts’. They can change their rules and operational guidelines and that may immediately affect your organization negatively.

This is the reason why I advise you to start your own Christian blog. But you must be committed to the project to make it a successful Christian blog. You know the competition is much today on the blog space.


Our Christian blog so far

You are reading this post on our own Christian blog

We started this blog officially in the year 2008. Look at some of the goals I set in my mind for this blog before it started:

  • I had that Visionary goal to make it one of the best Christian blogs online
  • I wanted it to rank for many Keywords and keyphrases
  • I wanted it to contain lots of resources that can help people know more about God and the message He has given me
  • I wanted it to be one of the go-to Christian platforms online
  • I wanted it to be hub of Christian personal development resources online

Is it living up to this already? I believe so. Yes, we are not there yet but we are definitely moving towards those big goals. By the grace of God, we will surely get there.

Gain access publishing and author tools I have used to make a success of my ebooks online 

Related: Thinking of monetizing your blog, I highly recommend joining ezoic to handle the ad placement on your blog. They will do a good job and that can be a great way to start monetizing your Christian blog.


Keywords we are ranking for now

The following are some of the Keywords and keyphrases we are ranking for now according to a report monitored on Google Search console for May 2022.

what changes when you are born again
1 clicks · Avg. position: 8.6
list of christian organizations in nigeria
1 clicks · Avg. position: 8
difference between destiny and purpose
1 clicks · Avg. position: 9.5
what does it mean to walk in obedience to god
1 clicks · Avg. position: 7.8
my encounter with jesus
1 clicks · Avg. position: 6.8

prayer for starting a new business
2 clicks · Avg. position: 7.8
what does it mean to run with the vision
2 clicks · Avg. position: 3
Top 5 results
prayers for starting a new business
2 clicks · Avg. position: 8.7
free christian romance books to read online
2 clicks · Avg. position: 4.8
Top 5 results
how to serve god effectively
2 clicks · Avg. position: 3.9
Top 5 results


Are you an author? Gain access to two ebooks on selling more eBooks on Amazon and making money selling writings to literary journals online.

How to start a Christian blog: step-by-step

You can start a Christian blog by following these steps:

Decide your niche

Decide what your Christian blog will do. Find the niche you want to operate in. This is important so that you are not starting out facimg a stiff competition from established Christian blogs.

For this blog, our main niche is Christian personal development.


Do some keywords research

Now I did not ask you to start from Keywords research because this is about a Christian blog. Usually, people start a Christian blog or website because they have a message from the Lord to pass across.

However, you can do some keywords research to know how people have been searching for information relating to your area of uniqueness. That was the way I discovered and used Christian personal development.

I noticed people were using that keyphrase to search for the main area of message I want to preach on my Christian blog, so I adopted that keyparase. You will continue to do keywords research as you begin to use your blog.

We will get to that later.

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Determine the categories on your Christian blog

Blogs have categories and they have pages. They also have post pages. You have to decide what the categories and pages will be before you launch out.

Yes, you will still have to tweak one or two things later but you should just start out with the types of categories and pages you will have on your Christian blog.

Again, keywords research is necessary here. There are so many online tools to carry out Keywords researches. Most are premium products. Some have free versions.

You can always use the free Google Keywords research tool.

You can also type a main Keyword into the Google search bar and it will bring you different suggestions of other keywords people are already searching for in your niche. You can use some of these as categories on your blog for a start.

For the pages, you can visit other Christian blogs to find inspirations. You can check out the pages we have on this blog.

Pay for domain and hosting

You need a domain name and hosting to design your blog.  For this blog, our own domain name is, Google’s domain name is

You also need to buy hosting. This is the space where your domain name will reside on the internet.

Did I hear you think of using one these free blogs platforms out there. I advise against that. It’s not professional and it does not show you love and believe in what you want to start teaching.

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Design your blog

If you are not designing your blog yourself, then you may not bother with this step and the last step. The blog designer will do that for you. Even at that you will still need to be involved in one way or the other so that the web developer can do exactly what you want.

If you are designing your blog yourself, it’s so easy nowadays, yo can watch the video below.

Let me inform you that there are so many paid blogging platforms online today but the most popular is WordPress. We use WordPress to power this blog. It’s like that with so many websites and blogs online today.


Start posting on your blog

You can then begin to post on your blog when you’re done designing it. As I mentioned above, you need to need to learn how to do this effectively and how to do adequate Keywords research if you want your blog to be successful.

I advise bloggers to have education in the area of:

  • Keywords research
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Blog promotion

I want you to check out these resources from our stable that show our practical experiences as we grow our blog to what it is today.

Read more about How to write SEO articles here (an ebook)

Read more about On Page SEO Strategies for Bloggers (an online course)

You can also access to the two ebooks above by using our hot WhatsApp line: 08034300979.


You can watch this video on how to start posting on your Christian blog.

Watch video below:

Monetization of your Christian blog

Well, you will surely get to this in the future when you begin to rank for Keywords and keyphrases and you begin to get some traffic on the search engines. It’s better you learn something about it now.

I highly recommend joining ezoic to handle the ad placement on your blog. They will do a good job and the can be a great to start monetizing your Christian blog.

Join ezoic here

I will write extensively on this in another blog post. Please watch out. [Update: Read the blog post on how we make money from our Christian blog ]


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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