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How did Benson Idahosa die
Sermons of faith giants

How did Benson Idahosa die?

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How did Benson Idahosa die? I believe you must have searched for this information just as I have done for some time. Well, I believe I have an authentic record of how the one who is called the father of Pentecostalism went to be with Lord.

Really, in your search for these types of records online, you have to be careful not to feed on the wrong information. There are so many wrong information out there online on any topic. You must beware.

Related: Top 10 Christian ministries in Nigeria 


How did Benson Idahosa die: The authentic record

How did Benson Idahosa die

I believe I have the authentic record of how did Benson Idahosa die in this post based on the following facts:

  • I got the information from an authentic source or social media platform I have followed for many years now
  • It can from someone who is a dedicated researcher
  • The record has information that made the story authentic
  • The researcher mentioned names and insurance that can be confirmed by further researches


Many lies about the death of Archbishop Benson Idahosa

There have been many lies flying around about the death of Archbishop Benson Idahosa. Some of them are shown below:

  • He was killed by witches
  • He died of an unrevealed sickeness
  • He was poisoned
  • He was killed

There are so many lies flying around. No matter what perpetrators of fake rumors do, lies can never become the truth. The truth will never die.

It is for this reason that I have decided to reproduce this record I found on this blog and in this post so that you can be informed adequately. Normally, we don’t copy and paste articles here but I believe sometimes, we need to do this especially when we have the right records we know is the truth.

We all have to rise to fight wrong and evil information in our world today. It is our responsibilities.

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How did Benson Idahosa die? The right record

Let me reproduce the record without changing anything from it. Happy reading.


-In loving memory of Benson Idahosa

It’s 21 years that the icon and ambassador of the gospel of Christ to the world, Benson Idahosa went to be with the Lord.

No man has ever challenged me unto practical Christianity than this man…

I have read about him from birth to death… Every book he ever wrote and the ones that were written about him has formed my Christian ideologies…

That’s why if you have not heard me talk about him, I can be sure to say that you have never heard me.

In my little life as a Christian, I have tried to practice everything I saw in my Bible, down to laying hands on the living and the dead because heard him and read him….

He continues to speak loudly even in death.

What many do not know is that he actually described in vivid terms
how he was to depart when his time was over and that was exactly what happened on the day he died at the ripe young age of 59 years and 6 months.

His last sermon was titled “Benefit of
Death”….he kept on shouting that day as I watched “For me to live is Christ, for me to die is gain” and he asked…. Are you afraid of gain? Why are you afraid of death???

That message was another evidence that as controversial as he might have
seemed, truly, Idahosa was a man of God.

He said too…
“I will go when my work is finished; therefore when I am gone nobody should be double-minded concerning the will of God for my death. I am going to go by the will of God, not the
will of witches or wizards. No man can kill me.

Many have tried to hurt me spiritually and physically to no avail.
God has not given the key of the vault in which he has hidden me to any man or devil.

He did not invest so much in me only to hand me over to the devil to fulfil his dark and unholy idiosyncrasies. I am indestructible by the grace of God,
so are you if you know my Jesus.

You know, here in Edo land, I do not know about you and where you come from, but here in Edo land, where I am from, when a man dies, the wife is
always accused of having killed him.

I share a beautiful life with my wife Margaret, at least as beautiful as my human nature and God’s grace in my life can make it. She is not dreaming of killing me-she is the flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones, the wife of my youth and the mother of my lovely four children. No, when I go it will be by
the will and call of God.

You may ask if I am preparing to die. Not at all. I hope to live for at least one hundred and twenty years. I look forward to when I will hobble into the church with my walking stick and
sit back on my big chair to listen and watch my children in the ministry show forth the stuff which God has invested in them through the ministry of God committed to me.

But, and this is the big But… if the Lord calls me before then, if He calls me NOW, I am ready to answer ‘’Here I am O Lord’’ with joy and expectation because death is gain. Yes, yes! Ha, I see heaven open and the voice that I hear says “Come up hither!’’

My going will be a Glorious one, I will NOT be sick and be taken from one hospital to the other. Like Elijah, whew! I will be gone before you can say Jack Robinson…

No. Nobody will mourn me with regret because of a prolonged illness. Nobody will have the pleasure of sympathising with me because of long suffering; that is one of the gifts which I
do not have: the gift of Lo-o-ong suffering!

When my day comes, I may be sitting with people in the Church and will go when I hear the call like Rev. Gordon
Lindsay did. It is a glorious way to depart. I MAY BE WITH

On Thursday, the 12th March, 1998, Idahosa started the day as busy as always. In his office he asked for a cup of tea which he did not drink up. He told one of his staff members;
‘’I am going home’’. This was not strange.

But when he repeated it unnecessarily, there was a reason to suspect the
unusual but no notice was taken of it.

Later that afternoon, at lunch with his guests, he spoke about heaven. He asked them whether they believed it was possible for one to walk to
heaven like Elijah did? He said he would prefer to be translated like Enoch and Elijah.

He told them he had a heavenly drink in his cup. He took the “pure heaven” juice on the table and drank from it, making a humorous statement about going to heaven.

The drink tasted like heaven’s drink he told his guests. His high sense of
humour was on parade.

On that day he had received “members of an educational foundation team from the U.S.-based Oral Roberts University”
at the Christian Faith University after ministering in church.

He excused himself to go to Miracle Centre, his Church office and prayed with different segments of people at the Church Office and including the Bible School students before he went
back to meet his guests at home.

It was a busy period at the headquarters of CGMII, the
Archbishop had just returned from one of his many tours, this time from the UK. Members of the Oral Robert University Educational Fellowship (OREF) were at the headquarters of
Word of Faith Group of Schools for the yearly OREF program.

They were led by Professor Don Petri, a friend of the Benson Idahosa University and a Professor of Christian Education at the Oral Robert University. Both he and all the American
participants at the conference were guests at the Archbishop’s home.

It was an early afternoon and Idahosa
and his guests were at the table. A characteristic humour of the Archbishop eliciting laughter and chatter punched with the lunch. It was a sumptuous meal and both local and international guests were satisfied.

Pure heaven was the name of the drink they all were drinking as he came… The caption started another round of conversation.

It was about heaven. Then suddenly, there was a hush as the Archbishop broke into the good natured conversation and asked. “how many of you are ready to go to heaven right

You see he continued; “all Christians talk about heaven and its beauty and desirability but not one is prepared to go there straight away”. I have news for you. I am prepared to go to heaven right now, anyone going with me?

Everyone was silent. The mood of the diners changed and they went to their

The Archbishop called for Professor Don Petri to join him in one of the mainly sitting rooms in the new Benson
Idahosa University.

He indicated those aspects of the master plan he had implemented and requested the professor to
continue from where he was ending.

Yet Professor Don Petri did not understand the meaning of the Archbishop’s words.

The Archbishop was the symbol of the university. It could not
have entered the mind of anybody that he would be translated a few minutes after.

Shortly after he had spoken instructing a deaconess on what the guests should eat for dinner, he began to repeat the
words ‘Thank you Jesus’ then suddenly threw his head back on the easy chair and gave up the ghost!!!

Professor Don Petri did not immediately understand until he saw the body slumping off the chair then Don Petri rushed at him calling
for help and laying him on the rug.

He tried all the resuscitation techniques that he knew but to no avail, they called for help from the Faith MediPlex but the doctors testified that from the moment he hissed that sigh of relief, he had clearly departed.

His going was an air of finality which
the doctors knew but could not admit.

He was not sick. He never had high blood pressure. He was never down. Even the doctors were surprised that he died because he was not sick
at all”.

precious death”. He once said days before!

Archbishop Benson Idahosa, the undisputed Prophet and Apostle of Christendom in the twentieth century went to be with the Lord in gloriously!

The mantles of men like this are resurfacing again!

If you are hungry enough and you will carry the mantle

Keep Your Spirit Life Burning.

*** Source: Facebook page of


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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