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How to make inquiries of the Lord
Bible Short Reports series

How do you inquire of the Lord?

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My new Bible Short Report addresses the question, how do you inquire of the Lord?  I am presenting the full copy in this post.

This report will also show you the 5 Benefits of making inquiries of God. It also contains requirements that are needed for you to successfully and consistently make inquiries of God.

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Table of Contents

5 Benefits of Inquiring of the Lord 

Seeking God to know Him and find direction 

Sesan Oguntade

Published by Sesan Oguntade at Nownowbooks store 

Copyright 2024 Sesan Oguntade  


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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Scripture quotations marked (TLB) and (MSG) are taken from The Living Bible and the Message Bible translations respectively.


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Book Texts

Jeremiah 29:11-13

[11]For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

[12]Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

[13]And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

Introduction to how do you inquire of the Lord 

I am sorry I will be starting this book with this strong advice to you. What is this strong advice?

Please don’t ever join or agree with the set of people who claim that there is no God. Don’t join them. Please don’t agree with them!

This beautiful earth did not just come on board without a Creator. Likewise, you and I did not just got planted here on the earth without a Creator who masterminded our being and our being planted on this earth.

Please don’t mind those who talk about the earth as being ‘creator less’. That is, the earth and the people on the earth just got here by chance or by evolution. This is completely untrue!

I am not reaching this conclusion because I am a Christian writer who is trying to convince you about the validity of the contents of the Bible. No, I am not.


The Atheist interview

I was listening to one famous Nigerian (name withheld) who believes there is no God and that all things just came into existence on their own.

During the interview, this man talked about his marriage, his family, his companies and the many awards he has received over the years.

Then I laughed. I hope someone can tell Mr. Atheist that if his marriage, family, companies and awards did not just come into existence on their own but were deliberately created by himself and his wife and the owners of the awards, then the earth and himself must surely have a Creator.

The Bible says Hebrews 3:4

[4]For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God.

Yes, every existing house was built by someone. They did not just come into existence on their own. God almighty is the Creator of all things.

Don’t listen to confused people who say there’s no God and who say everything just came into existence on their own. It’s a lie from the pit of hell. God exists and He is the Creator of all things. 


Why am I convinced?

What is helping me to reach the conclusion above that the earth and the people in it are the hand work of a Creator – God almighty?

I believe I should provide an immediate answer to that. I am sure you want to know that.

Events around our world are showing that God created the earth and the people in it. The Bible which contains God’s eternal Word has predicted or prophesied some of these happenings many years ago. Before our very eyes, we are seeing the manifestation of these predictions or prophesies.

We just got out of a pandemic (COVID 19). The needless war between Ukraine and Russia started before our very eyes and it is now over two years of war between these two neighboring countries. 

Hammas terrorists attacked Israel and this also started the war between Israel and Hammas. 

Iran recently attacked Israel and Israel has retaliated. I believe we have not heard the last of this. 

We have lots of other cases of killings, shootings of harmless people in different countries of the world even in developed countries with advanced security technologies and systems in place. Different regions and continents have their fair share of troubles they are dealing with.


Jesus saw and said it 

But Jesus saw all these and prophesied them. Read what He said below: 

Matthew 24:5-8

[5]For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.

[6]And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

[7]For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

[8]All these are the beginning of sorrows.

If God’s Word and prophecies are coming to pass before our eyes, then we should give attention to that God and His Word. Then we should acknowledge the existence, presence and relevance of that God. 


The earth is the Lord’s 

God’s Word in the Bible shows very clearly that the earth is the Lord’s and it’s fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell in it (Psalm 24). 

God exists and He is alive and relevant to you and I. We can’t survive and successfully navigate the rough terrain of this earth to end well eternally without this God!


Why am I starting this way?

Why am I starting this short ebook this way? The reason is this: If God created the earth and you and I, then only Him is qualified to show us the way around here on the earth. 

If God’s Word, warnings and prophecies are coming to pass before our very eyes today, then His Word, warnings and instructions are useful for us to live successfully on this earth.

This implies that we cannot be successful (talking about real and enduring success) here on the earth unless God helps and guides us. I am not surprised Jesus said very clearly and unambiguously in John chapter 15: 5 that, “If you dwell in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruits, for without Me, you can do nothing.”

That was clear and straightforward. It got me hooked to Christ and Christianity when I saw it at the early stages of my Christian life. It is today the message of my ministry. 


God laid the foundation of the earth 

Hebrews 1:10

[10]And: “You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands.

God laid the foundation of the earth. He understands every corner of the earth. He created you and I and He has assigned a purpose to you and I. We all have divine duties here on the earth. 

You can’t be successful or do a good job or find your way around this earth if you don’t learn to inquire of God. The good thing is God wants to guide you. He said in Matthew 7:7 that you should ask and it shall be given unto you. 

Knowing how to inquire of the Lord can go a long way to prevent you from making calamitous mistakes in your journey on this earth. It can help you enjoy your life as a Christian. 

If you are yet to become a child of God or become born again or accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not enjoy this beautiful and most beneficial relationship with God where you can make inquiries of the Lord and get directed or instructed.

So before you go further into this book, I would like you to pray the simple prayer below from the bottom of your heart. 

“Oh God, have mercy on me. I’m a sinner and I’ve come to you to help me. Forgive me my sin. I believe Jesus Christ died on the Cross shedding His blood in the process to wipe off my sin. God, use the blood of Jesus to wash me clean from my sin. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior today. I believe I’m saved now.”

I want you to enjoy this Bible Short Report and share it with your friends. I believe after you are done with this ebook, you will be able to start enjoying the noble and highly beneficial practice of inquiring of the Lord.

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Bible Short Report series 

Oh, I believe I have been able to give a worthy introduction to this book. I would like you to go to the next chapter where you will see the major reason why some problems become naughty in the lives of some people. They become so naughty that they are not ready to go. 

In the meantime, look at the Bible book text for this book, meditate on it and let God’s Spirit give you a revelation.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

[11]For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

[12]Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

[13]And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

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Chapter 1: Why that naughty problem persist

You are welcome to this chapter. Thank you for making it to this chapter. Now, let us get into the business of this chapter immediately. 

I have encountered many situations with people over the years during our many counseling periods and through our ministry activities. Different people with different problems that have defied solutions for many years.

From observation and from what the Spirit of God has inspired me with over the years, I have observed that most of the problems in the lives of these people were caused by the inability of these people to ask God for directions before they took major decisions in their lives.

Are you surprised to read that? Please don’t be surprised, it is a fact and it came from my personal experiences over the years. 


Another important fact

I want you to read another fact below:

I also observed that their inability to inquire of the Lord for solutions to their problems is the main reason why the problem has remained unsolved in their lives. Instead of approaching God and His Word to find solutions, they approach the wrong source or act according to their own will. 

But the Word of God says in Proverbs 3:5-7

[5]Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;

[6]In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

[7]Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.


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Spiritual problems need divine solutions 

Many spiritual problems will only answer to spiritual or divine solutions. This implies that only God and His Word will help you to solve the stubborn problems. You can’t get this very important help if you don’t approach God to inquire of Him for the solution to your problem.

I have helped myself to master this practice over the years. The Spirit of God helped me all the way. One thing that I have observed about God’s Spirit is that He keeps the information or revelation flowing to people who consider Him important to ask Him for a solution or the reason for their problems. God’s Spirit is not stingy with information or revelation!

I don’t take major decisions without consulting God. If I don’t get a revelation or an answer immediately, I keep up the asking and inquiries. This practice has helped me not to make careless mistakes and also to solve some naughty issues in my life. 


The problem of childlessness 

The problem of childlessness was broken or solved in my life and family through this practice. I got married to my wife and we stayed childless after 4 years. We kept on the search and waiting on the Lord all these years. 

He did not disappoint as He showed us the real issues behind our problems. We applied the solution He provided and the problem was destroyed permanently. All glory to God.

This may just be one of the reasons why you have not received a miracle over that naughty problem. You have failed to see God as the One who is able and ready to help you. You have not asked Him for help!

I am not going to end this chapter without showing the following Bible passages. Just before that, I want to ask you some important questions that will help you internalize the contents or revelation from these Bible passages.

If you work for a very wealthy man and on your first day at work, your wealthy Boss informs you that you should be free to ask him for help, guidance and support anytime you need one to make your stay in his company’s a successful one? 

Now, what will you do when, during the course of your work in the company, you encounter a problem? 

I strongly believe you will remember the information he passed across to you and you will run to him for instructions and for his help. I also believe you will stay with him and around him or wait on him until he provides the needed information you require to solve the problem.

It will be foolishness on your part  to lean on your own strength when you have someone who has a superior strength and who is ready to use that strength to help you solve your problem. 

Likewise, God is the Creator and owner of the whole earth and He is your Boss. I believe you still remember the way I started this book. Now look at the Bible passages I talked about below: 

Matthew 7:7-11

[7]“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

[8]For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

[9]Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?

[10]Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?

[11]If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Jeremiah 33:3

[3]‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

The Creator of the earth and you. The One who is your Boss is saying to you that you should approach and ask Him for a solution to your problems. He has superior strength. 

The Bible says the mighty hand of God is strong (Psalm 89). The Bible says He is your helper and a present help in the times of trouble.

So don’t allow that naughty problem to persist and remain there. Approach God for a solution. He will surely respond if you ask in faith. 

Thank you once again for reading this so far. Please join me in the next chapter to look at what it meant to inquire of the Lord.

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Chapter 2: What does it mean to inquire of the Lord?

What does it mean to inquire of the Lord

Inquiring of the Lord is all about going to God in prayer to ask Him questions on issues you don’t have a full understanding of.  It is all about asking God to find the truth about a problem or any issue in life.

I want you to look at this popular Bible story. 

Genesis 25:21-23

[21]Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

[22]But the children struggled together within her; and she said, “If all is well, why am I like this?” So she went to inquire of the Lord.

[23]And the Lord said to her: “Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger.”

This woman did the needful when she found out that the babies in her womb were restless when she became pregnant. She was surprised why this was so. So she approached the One who created her. The One who created the babies in her womb and who called her husband, Isaac, to serve Him. 

She was a very wise woman. God responded to her inquiries with a revelation she would never forget all her life. God said:

[23]And the Lord said to her: “Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger.”

How do you think she would have discovered the revelation God showed her if she had not approached God? I believe that put her mind at rest and this also guided her decision making over those children after they were born and grew under her watch. 

She later helped her son (Jacob) to take away the first born heritage from his brother (Esau). She did this based on the revelation she heard when the babies were in her womb. 

You can’t just underestimate the extreme benefits of inquiring of the Lord. It can save you lots of headache and heartache! 


Issac did the same 

I believe the story of Rebecca above must have intrigued you and would have put on the fire in you to fall in love with the practice of inquiring of the Lord. Let me add more to the fire building up in you by showing you what her husband did before then. 

I strongly believe she learned the practice of inquiring of the Lord from her husband. Please read what Issac did when he noticed his wife was finding it difficult to conceive a baby after they got married 

Genesis 25:21

[21]Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

Yes it was a long 20 years and Rebecca could not conceive a baby. Issac did not like this so he went to the Lord in prayer. 

I want you to know that the practice of inquiring of the Lord has its root in approaching God in prayers. Inquiring of the Lord or asking Him questions about issues you want instructions or wisdom or clarification is one of the things you do during your prayers sessions. 

The Bible says Issac prayed unto God for his wife. We did not know the contents of his prayers but we know that he approached God. We also know that his wife conceived after his prayers. 

People who approach God in prayers over troubled situations or love to get in God’s presence praying and studying His Word will always position themselves to receive instructions, wisdom, knowledge and understanding from God. 


Dealing with stubborn situations 

It is a wise thing to deal with stubborn situations by first approaching God to inquire of Him. This is pure wisdom because God is all knowing. What you think is the root cause of the problem may not be the root cause.

The Bible says, God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. It is your duty to ask Him for His thoughts on the troubled issue at hand. 

Myself and my wife have taken this to another level, we don’t approach the hospital over any issue until we have asked God in the place of prayers. Even if the issue is an emergency and someone is already in the hospital, we will still ask God for directions and His thoughts.

In Africa, and specifically in Nigeria, my country, we have cultists in the hospitals who parade themselves as Doctors or  Nurses or health officials. They are in the hospital to fetch blood of the innocent for their use in their occultic groups. 

We don’t approach the hospitals without praying. Even if anyone we know is already in the hospital, we pray along and make inquiries of the Lord. We cover the hospital with the blood of Jesus Christ. We curse every operation of occultic groups in and around the hospital.


Science over God 

The problem is that we have allowed science and technology to take the place of God in our lives. We place Doctors, technology, Google search and now artificial intelligence above God. We ask these ones for directions instead of approaching God. This is not good wisdom.

One of the secrets of our fathers in the faith in the Bible and post Bible days is that they received directions all the way and through their lives and ministries. They were perpetual seekers of God in the secret place or perpetual dwellers in the presence of God. They ask and inquire of the Lord for directions and His thoughts every now and then.

They lived worthy lives that reverenced God so God was always happy to direct them even before they asked Him for directions. 

Moses excelled greatly in this vocation of inquiring of the Lord. God saw this and called him the meekest man on earth. Truly, only meek people approach God for instructions and directions all the time. That was what Moses did consistently. I am not surprised he had a great ministry with lots of great exploits and miracles that surprised the world.


Paul inquired of God about his thorn in the flesh 

Paul was troubled and could not understand why he would be an Apostle doing great things for God and still had a thorn in his flesh. So he approached God in prayers. 

2 Corinthians 12:7-8

[7]And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure.

[8]Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.

He wanted God to take it away and I believe he wanted to know why this was so. God did not disappoint him. God said:

9] “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

After he was instructed, Paul heaved a sigh of relief and he said:

[9]Therefore most gladly, I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

[10]Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

That is what happens if you learn to inquire of the Lord. God’s response or directions or instructions will put some peace into you and you need that to stay on course in God’s plan for your life.


Strange revelations from my inquiries 

Many years ago, I was bombarding heaven with prayers asking God for why it seems I was not really moving forward in my life and ministry. Everything appeared static. Nothing I planned appeared moving forward. I did not like this so I troubled God and heaven with prayers.

God responded, as usual, with a series of revelations. One of the revelations I would not forget was the one I am going to narrate below:

I saw myself in a car being driven by a man I could not see his face. Then after driving me for some time, we got to a junction before us which led to two roads. One road was smooth while the second was rough. 

I was expecting my strange driver to choose the smooth road. But to my surprise, he chose to drive me through the rough road. Then, I asked him, “Why are you driving me through the rough road and not the smooth road?”

I did not receive a reply from Him in the revelation. 

However, I understood from that revelation that my driver was a divine being and driving me through the rough road was God’s plan for me at that time. I was being trained by God for His purpose for my life to manifest.

That revelation helped me to calm down and to understand the situation at hand. It helped me not to make calamitous mistakes. It prevented me from approaching the wrong people for help. It helped me to get more interested in the situation I was in at that moment and to enjoy God’s divine training for me.

God is good and He always wants the best for His children. He just wants you to love the practice of approaching Him for help. When you do that, He will always be ready to respond and guide you with instructions and directions.


Are you saved?

As I wind down in this chapter, let me ask you again this important question: Are you saved? Are you a child of God? Are you born again?

You can’t enjoy the blessings of getting guidance from God if you are not born again. So I would like you to say this simple prayer below:

“God, forgive me. I have been a sinner. I believe Jesus died for my sins. Use the blood of Jesus to wash me from my sins. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for answering my prayers. I believe I’m saved now in Jesus name. Amen “

Now to you if you are already born again  Are you living your life to please God? Are you a diligent student of His Word as we have it in the Bible? Do you always love to come Into God’s presence to pray and listen to Him via His Word?

If you are struggling with the spiritual activities above, you need to approach God in the place of prayers and ask Him for help. You can pray the prayers below: 

Lord, thank you for saving my life. But I have been struggling to live a worthy life. I still enjoy my sins. I don’t study your Word diligently. I don’t always want to stay in your presence. I repent of all these. Forgive me Lord. I want you to help me. Let your Spirit help me. Strengthen me to do your will from now on. Thank you for answering my prayers in Jesus name. Amen.

I believe you now know what it means to inquire of the Lord. Let us go to the next chapter to see why you should inquire of the Lord. The next chapter will build on the gains this chapter has achieved. God bless you. 


Chapter 3: Why should you inquire of the Lord?

You are welcome to this chapter. Thank you for making it so far in this book. I pray God will give you the grace to make it to the end in Jesus name. Amen.

Why should you inquire of the Lord? There are many reasons and I believe you should have been able to understand some of the reasons from the beginning of this book. 

However, we are going to use this chapter to bring it together and to add more reasons why you should inquire of the Lord. If you are convinced of the reasons why you should do something, you are more likely to embrace the practice. Is that right? 


Why you should inquire of the Lord 

You should inquire of the Lord because of the following reasons:

He is God and He is all-knowing

I have said much about this earlier. God is God. He is the almighty. He created the heavens and the earth:

Psalms 24:1-2

[1]The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.

[2]For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters.

He established the foundation of the earth

God told Job expressly that He is the One who established the foundation of the earth. 

Job 38:4-6

[4]“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.

[5]Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it?

[6]To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone,

He created all human beings 

He created you and I. He is the Creator of all human beings on this earth. See the revelation Apostle John had: 

John 1:1-3

[1]In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

[2]He was in the beginning with God.

[3]All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

He knows all things 

He knows all things. He knows what you don’t know because everything originated from Him. Nothing can escape His knowledge. He is the Alpha and Omega. 

When you are confused, it is safe to approach the One who is all knowing because you are sure of getting the solution through His response.

When you are confused, it is to your good if you approach the One who is the Truth Himself. You will always gain access to the truth from Him. There are many lies in our world today. You can’t be sure of getting the truth from anyone or any lesser god in a world that the devil has infested with lies and deceit. 

You are His child and He wants to be a good Father to you

This is another reason why you should inquire of the Lord. You are a child of God and He is ever willing to guide and instruct you. He only wants you to come to Him and ask.

He said in His Word, Hebrews 4:16,

[16]Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

God’s Spirit helped me to understand what you get when you approach the throne of grace of God while studying through the immediate Bible passage above:

  • Mercy 
  • Grace 
  • Help 

In that order, you get a mighty response from God when you approach His throne of grace to pray or make inquiries. And did you see the last part of that passage? You get help in the times of need!

As a child, you should not be scared to approach the throne of grace of your Father. God is your Father. Jesus said to the disciples after His resurrection, 

“I go to my Father, your Father and I go to my God, your God”

Salvation gives you that status of sonship. Children don’t shy away from asking their fathers for anything. When children need clarification on any issue, they are always very bold to approach their fathers. 

I want you to look at what I got when I was studying the book of Isaiah. 

Isaiah 54:7-10

[7]“For a mere moment I have forsaken you, But with great mercies I will gather you.

[8]With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment; But with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you,” Says the Lord, your Redeemer.

[9]“For this is like the waters of Noah to Me; For as I have sworn That the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth, So have I sworn That I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you.

[10]For the mountains shall depart And the hills be removed, But My kindness shall not depart from you, Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” Says the Lord, who has mercy on you.

From this interesting passages above, you should understand that even if you are deep in sin and regrets today, God is available to reach. Anytime you see a rainbow, you should understand that God’s is showing you and I that He is still keeping His words which he swore to Noah that He would not destroy the earth again with flood.

Apart from the above, you should understand that this sign of a rainbow, according to the passage above, is meant to tell you that God is ever ready to have mercy and be kind to you. God likened this to his vow never to destroy the earth again with the waters of Noah.

With this, nothing should stop you from approaching God to make inquiries from Him. He is ever ready to listen to you and to help you.

He wants you to ask, seek and make efforts to find answers to any question of life

Jesus shared a fantastic illustration in the book of Matthew Chapter 7. Read it below: 

Matthew 7:7-11

[7]“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

[8]For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

[9]Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?

[10]Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?

[11]If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Ask God, your Father, for anything. Ask Him about anything. He is willing to give you the information you require. A good father will not give the child stone when he asks him for bread. He will not give the child a snake when he asks for fish.

What an illustration that is. It has always helped me to go to God in prayers because I know God is ever interested in answering me according to His will and to give what is best for me.

He wants to shine the light to provide a path you can follow to have your miracle

One of the books in our Bible Short Report series, 7 Reasons Why God Wants to Solve Your Problems, shares valuable information on why God is and will always be interested in solving our problems. God always wants to give us the miracle that will solve our problems that we have presented to Him.

One of the factors that birth miracles is light or revelation or inspired information from God. Since God wants to solve our problems and usually light or revelation is one of the ways these miracles are birthed, then you should always be bold to inquire of the Lord. He will be ready to share the necessary revelation with you.

Isaiah 60:1-2

[1]Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

[2]For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.

You will be able to rise and shine when His glory has risen upon you and He has shined the needed light to you. You can’t shine light when you have not received light. You can’t manifest miracles if you have not seen the light that gives birth to miracles.

He is inviting you to a conversation because He said come with your strong reasons

This is another good reason why you should inquire of the Lord. Read what God said below:

Isaiah 1:18

[18]“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.

Isaiah 41:21

[21]“Present your case,” says the Lord. “Bring forth your strong reasons, ” says the King of Jacob.

God has already sent the invitation out to you to bring your arguments or strong reasons. This shows God is waiting and interested in having a discussion with you. This should be good news to you.

Let us look at it this way. 

You know that God is good. You know that God is the Creator of all things including the earth where you dwell. You know that God is all knowing.

This same God is also inviting you to come and ask Him for anything. He is asking you to present your strong reasons. This is a blank check. You should be bold to inquire of Him. 

Don’t be like those who pass up this golden opportunity. God loves you and He wants an improving relationship with you.

I believe strongly that with the reasons advanced in this chapter, you will be able to develop the confidence and the understanding to make inquiries of the Lord. 

Are you a strong person? You are not strong if you don’t make inquiries of the Lord! Please turn to the next chapter to read more.


Chapter 4: Strong people inquire of the Lord

Strong people approach God when there are problems to solve. They know the best and the surest solutions are in God and His Word.

Only weak people run away from this good God due to flimsy reasons or sheer responsibility. Some people won’t approach God because they have not believed in Him. Some will not approach Him because they are still enjoying their sins. 

Whatever may be the reason why you are not approaching God to make inquiries of Him, you are demonstrating your weakness when you do so. You are so weak because you have not helped yourself to embrace the truth about Him, His Word and His readiness to guide and instruct you. Only weak people run away from the truth!

You are strong when you seek knowledge or information from the almighty God because you will always come out with information that lifts your spirit and makes you do exploits. Weak people seek information from alternative sources!

I believe the facts above must have shattered what you think is the definition of strength and weakness. They should. I intended for them to do so. Weak people trust in their strength but strong people trust in the strength of God. 

Isaiah was inspired to write this beautiful revelation:

Isaiah 40:29-31

[29]He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.

[30]Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall,

[31]But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

God is the One who is able to give power to the faint. That is, you are only strong if you receive power from God. 

Proverbs 24: 5 says, “A man of knowledge increases strength. This implies that knowledge and understanding or light is one of the ways you can increase strength or be empowered.”

The revelation or light or inspired information you get from God gives you knowledge and strength or power. You will get all these when you learn to inquire of the Lord.


What powerful people know 

They know that God’s strength is the ultimate so they lay their weaknesses on the ground and allow the strength of God to take charge. When you come to God to ask Him questions and inquire of Him, you are telling Him that you don’t trust your strength and you are putting your weakness on the ground for His strength to come in.

God is happy about this and He responds positively to your inquiries. You get the revelation, act on it and you come out strong. So strong people are the ones who approach God to inquire of Him. Weak people run away from Him or trust in their own strength.

I believe that was what God told Paul when He told him that His grace is sufficient for him and His strength is perfected in his weakness.


Esau the weak man

Did you read how Esau demonstrated his weakness before Jacob, his brother because of ordinary food?

Outwardly, he had looked like a strong man but he was a weakling on the inside! He had not been taking God and His will seriously. He was Godless. This made him a weak person on the inside. 

His brother, Jacob, was a completely different person. He loved and cared about the things of God and that was why he wanted the blessings of the first born more than Esau.

Jacob had understood, probably through conversation with his parents, and had researched into the history of Israel or through inquiries from God. Esau was lackadaisical. 

Probably, he never made inquiries about this from God or asked his parents questions about the blessings of the first born. I am not surprised that he threw it away without any sweat!

So I am asking you again this important question: Are you a strong man or a weak man? 

With the new definition I have given to you of weakness and strength, you should be able to give a good answer to that question.

I am going back to this great couple again in the next chapter. Who are they? Please go to the next chapter to find out.


Chapter 5: How Isaac and Rebecca benefited from inquiring of the Lord

I have written so much about this story already in this book but it is a very important Bible story for this edition of the Bible Short Report, so I will be using it again. 

Isaac and Rebecca benefited immensely from the practice of inquiring of the Lord.

See what Isaac and Rebecca did:

Genesis 25:21-23

[21]Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

[22]But the children struggled together within her; and she said, “If all is well, why am I like this?” So she went to inquire of the Lord.

[23]And the Lord said to her: “Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger.”

Strong and wise people!

Let me break down this interesting story into three stages.

First stage: Isaac led the way

21]Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

His wife, Rebecca, was childless. This was a huge concern to Isaac. He has tried everything he could but Rebecca did not conceive. 

Isaac, being an example of a strong man, did what strong people usually do – he approached God and inquired of Him. He also interceded for his wife. 

You don’t know what you are missing if you don’t approach God to inquire of Him or ask for His help. You are missing a lot!

It is like someone who has been given an inheritance in cash that is worth millions of dollars but who has decided to ignore it and choose the path of poverty. 

Second stage: Rebecca followed

22]But the children struggled together within her; and she said, “If all is well, why am I like this?” So she went to inquire of the Lord.

Rebecca conceived because God, who always responds to inquiries and intercession of His children, granted her husband’s request. 

Now, after conceiving, a problem arose and Rebecca was confused just as her husband was before he approached God. Rebecca followed her husband’s example by approaching God to inquire of the Lord.

What Rebecca did here shows the simple and practical process of inquiring of the Lord. She said to herself, 

[22] “If all is well, why am I like this?” So she went to inquire of the Lord.”

She was confident God would answer her. After all, He was their Father and He answered her husband’s prayers. 

She did not use many words. She was persistent asking God the same thing. Let us look at the stage of analysis below:

Third stage: God answered her 

23]And the Lord said to her: “Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger.”

God, who will not deny His Word when He said we should ask and we shall receive, answered Rebecca and provided a mighty revelation that calmed Rebecca and shaped her conduct for many years after.

As you make an effort to learn about the benefits of inquiring of the Lord, the story of Rebecca and Issac provides you the opportunity to learn the basics and the benefits of inquiring of the Lord at all times. 

I am pressing the brake to put the vehicle of this book to a stop. I am going to the final chapter. Please jump to the final chapter immediately and let us see the benefits of inquiring of the Lord.


Chapter 6: Benefits of inquiring of the Lord:  a checklist

How to make inquiries of the Lord

As I write the final words in this book, let me share in a summary the immense benefits you get when you learn or embrace the practice of inquiring of the Lord. I will be using the lives of Issac, Rebecca, Jacob and Esau as the basis for this checklist. 


They were in control of their naughty problems

Approaching God gave them the opportunity to be in control of their problems. When you allow your problems to control you, you will act against God’s will for you.


They learned to approach God

They understood the necessity of approaching God for information or revelation that will end their problems.


Learned to pray based on revelation they received 

They had the opportunity to pray based on the revelation they knew about God. Isaac knew God always helps those who pray unto Him over a problem. Revelation-powered prayers will always produce answers from God. You get revelations when you inquire of the Lord.


They grew in confidence in God

Rebecca grew in confidence in her relationship with God because she received a direct answer from God about her problem (She wanted to know why the babies in her womb were struggling with each other). 


They got the solutions to their problems

To cap up the benefits you gained from inquiring of the Lord, this should excite you. Issac and Rebecca got solutions to their problems. When you approach God in prayers by faith, you will always get a reply or response or a solution.

The solution you get may not be according to what you think you should get but you should be rest assured that since it is from God, it is just the best for you for that moment.

Agreed, sometimes you get a silence from God over some issues. You should know that the silence of God over an issue is also a revelation. 

It can mean:

  • Wait, I am at work 
  • Begin to study my Word more consistently 
  • You need to consider the instructions I have given you in the past 
  • You need to confess and forsake your sins 


Chapter 7: Look for help from God

Are you still trying to find help where there is none? Have a rethink and go the way of Isaac and Rebecca as I have been helped to show you in this book. 

Please find our other Bible Short Report series editions at 


Are you born again?

If you are reading this book and you are yet to become a child of God or you are not saved or you are yet to give your life to Jesus Christ, you need to consider doing this immediately.

The principles and the revelation shared in this book will not be of use to you if you are not a child of God. The principles will not be of use to you if you don’t know the Principal. Jesus Christ, the Prophet of prophets is the Principal.

You don’t need to delay this action. You don’t need to feel shy or ashamed. I wonder why you should be ashamed. I wonder why you should be shy. After all, no one is there with you at this moment. God is there with you and He eagerly wants you to become His child by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Are you not tired of all the problems confronting you and limiting you? Don’t you think you need the help of God to overcome these problems that have been there for many years?

Even if you think you don’t have any problem at the moment, don’t you think it is safe to come under the banner of God as a child of God? Some countries in Europe are rushing to join NATO just because of the threat Russia and Putin posed to their security as a nation. With NATO, they believe they have the backing of other world powers to confront Russia in case she tries to overrun their countries the way she did to Ukraine.

Now, NATO is a world power and it has its limitations. But God’s power is divine and limitless and no devil is able to overcome it. You are safe if you run under the banner of God today.

You need to say this simple prayer immediately:

“Oh God, forgive me. I have been a sinner. I have been disobedient. I need your help. Forgive my sins. Use the blood of Jesus Christ to wash me clean from my sins. I believe in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for answering my prayers. I believe I am saved now in Jesus name. Amen.”

If you have said this prayer, please let me know via these contact mechanisms. I will send ebooks and online courses to you that will help your spiritual growth:  

WhatsApp: 08034300979


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Other Books by Sesan Oguntade

We have the great privilege to show you some of the books we have used to reach out with the message of the gospel and solve problems over the years. 

We have reached thousands of people online with these resources. I believe you want to see some of them. Check them out below. I included one or two reviews of the books and also the link on Amazon where you can read more about them. 

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Find other titles

 Gain access to all our books at these online platforms below: 


  • Biblical Angle to Think and Grow Rich 


For Christians just beginning their personal development journey

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 4, 2023

Mr. Oguntade has done a great job enforcing the lessons from the great secular personal development guru, Napoleon Hill and his book Think and Grow Rich, with scripture from the Bible so we Christians can feel more comfortable knowing the God wants use to be prosperous. 


  • The Prostitute (a Christian romance novel 


This is a painful personal love story. A story of what deep and true love can do when gross infidelity and contrary societal opinions hold sway in a relationship.


What readers said: 


“I just read the sample which is the chapter one and I must say it’s captivating. It tends to describe every event thereby carrying the reader along. I’m eager and can’t wait to read more and see how it ends.Thanks 



“Hmmmmm, this book is an eye opener for both singles and married. A book full of wisdom, solutions to real-life problems. Thank you sir for giving in to the inspiration to write this book” Adigun Morenike.


  • How to Launch Your Book as Christian


What an Amazon customer and reader said about the book, ‘How to Launch Your Business as a Christian: Even if you have no start-up money and with all the odds against you.’


Reviewed by Cecilia Duarte on October 24, 2021


Inspiring and Straight to the Point


“Mr. Oguntade has a gift for easy and direct writing, no spin and always gets to the point. I wish to highlight: the right key business ideas (considering my BBA, I can testify that his ideas are innovative and critic for anybody who wants to start a business) and how he connects them to the living word of God is wonderful. This book is a worthwhile investment.”


Gain access to all our books at these online platforms below: 


  •  How to maintain focus and concentration


Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on July 28, 2016

I was truly blessed and encouraged others to read this book. The advice,scriptures and testimonies has inspired me to push and look to God for my success.


  •  Unchangeable laws of success 


If you have struggled to effectively relate what you read in the bible to what you do daily, then the struggle can end after you have read and studied the practical revelations from this book. 


Do you want tested and practical principles you can begin to follow to live the God-life on this earth?


Have you ever wondered why you can’t use what you read in the bible practically in your workplace or business or even in resolving issues in your marriage or family?


  • 52 Bible secrets for your business success


Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 5, 2013


Being a Christian I was able to relate to the Biblical principles of operating a business. My business has increased 15% since reading and applying the techniques in this book. Great for Kindle owners.


  • How to publish your books on Amazon 


You can publish your book on Amazon. It’s free to do so but you may need to learn how to do it well to ensure visibility. You need to understand how to pick the right keywords, titles and subtitles and more. This book can be of help to authors who want to publish their books on Amazon. 


  • How I sell ebooks on Amazon KDP


A lot always depends on what you did right or wrong during publication. The choice of keywords, titles, subtitles, categories chosen, descriptions, cover. You should also understand that you may have to try out paid ads. 


This guide may be of use to you.  


  • How to worry less and pray more


What a reader said about the book, 


How to Worry Less and Pray More: What to do when you worry too much


“This book did not fall into my hands by chance.

I think I have everything described in the book! But, more than just describing to understand, this book contains a lot of help based on something that is accessible to everyone: prayer. I believe that regardless of your anxiety-related diagnosis or what state you are in (medicated or not), God’s Word is powerful and this book does well to remind us all that there is hope and peace in the midst of the storm.”


Read more about the book at 


Gain access to all our books at these online platforms below: 


  • How to interpret your dreams 


Don’t get confused and scared about that dream again. You can learn how to interpret it.  


  • Stress management for women and men


Stop stress before it stops you. This is a comprehensive guide and it also contains biblical truth and revelation. Please read more at


 Gain access to all our books at these online platforms below: 


  • How to get a miracle from God with your faith


If you want to learn how to walk effectively with God by faith, then this short ebook guide is for you.


Gain access to all our books at these online platforms below: 


Visionary Business Project 


Visionary Business Project is a Christian initiative with the vision of raising problem-solving, Godly CEOs and work-place professionals.


Despite the many ills in our world today and the many sins in the market places, individuals can still lean extensively on God and His principles to operate uniquely as God’s representatives.


How to live a fulfilled Christian life


Joseph, despite the harsh environment and the ungodliness on display in a foreign land like Egypt, still operated uniquely and fulfilled his God-given purpose. Daniel also used the principles of God to excel in an ungodly country.


You can also be a unique representative of God in the market place or in your workplace and wherever you find yourself.


We are using webinars/seminars/videos/books/online courses other programs and platforms to teach a series of practical Christian principles, strategies and methods that will improve your business, professional, financial and spiritual skills.


Over 100,000 books have been distributed online and offline under the Visionary Business Project as e-books and print books (find more details about the book ministry under the About Author section and at the end of this book).


Read more about the Visionary Business Project at 


Features of the school 


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  • Join our official Whatsapp group and newsletters.


Register for a home Bible Study Course today at 


Sarefat Vision Investment Ltd 


Sarefat Vision Investment Ltd is a trading and investment company where Sesan Oguntade is the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Strategist.


Sarefat Vision Investment Ltd is designed to birth and operate effective and economically viable ideal organizations that will add value to lives, solve problems and also be of great use to the cause of God for the earth.


Some of the ideal organizations under this company are:


  • Sarefat Vision Publishing (formerly Zarepath Publishing)


  • Sarefat Vision Multipurpose Cooperative Society


  • NowNowbooks store (an online bookstore)


  • Sarefat Vision Homes (a real estate platform)


  • Sarefat Vision Tech (provides various web development and tech solutions)


  • Sarefat Vision Foundation 


Sarefat Vision Publishing (formerly Zarepath Publishing)


Sarefat Vision Publishing exists to publish soul-lifting, problems-solving books, and information products that will add value to the people and society.


Sarefat Vision Publishing is God’s chosen platform to provide quality publications that will make our society a better place and also give glory to God.


Sarefat Vision Publishing is God’s chosen destination or platform to act as a solution to the diverse problems of the people and society. 


Sarefat Vision Publishing has undergone several book publishing projects online and offline for our ministry, other authors and publishers over the years.


Read more about Sarefat Vision Publishing at 


About Gate of Zion Films Production

This is the social ministry section of our ministry. Watch out for more information about this platform. Contact or call 08034300979 for more information.


About the Author


Sesan Oguntade is a Christian Personal Development expert and he is extremely passionate about finding out success principles from God’s Word. He also loves to follow it up by putting those discoveries into action and also to produce guides and create platforms that will teach others these discoveries.


He is passionate about shining the light and solving problems using principles from God’s Word. He believes there is a solution to any problem in the Word of God as we have it in the Bible


His book ministry has produced over 30 books that have blessed lots of people online and offline. He writes the Bible Short Report series at This book series is over 15 years old and it contains inspired and short biblical solutions to identified problems of the people and the society. All the book editions are free to download or read online at the website above. 


His book ministry has used extensively online platforms like,, Amazon, Lulu, Kobo to distribute books, promote the gospel of Jesus Christ and to deliver the message of the ministry. Check out the Amazon Author Central page at 


Over 15 of his books have been translated into different foreign languages and distributed worldwide using the platform.


Sesan Oguntade is also the founder of the Visionary Business Project, a platform with the vision of raising God-fearing and problem-solving business owners and workplace professionals. 


He is also the Proprietor of The Book Academy Technical School, a Bible School with the vision to raise God-fearing and problem-solving students not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;” (Romans 12:11).


He is the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Sarefat Vision Investment Ltd. A for-profit organization that is designed to birth ideal organizations that will add value to lives, solve problems and be of great use to the cause of God on this earth.


He runs the Publishing firm, Sarefat Publishing (formerly Zarepath Publishing) as the CEO. This firm has completed several online and offline publishing projects over the years. 


He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from the National Open University of Nigeria. A Masters in Business Administration (in view) from the National Open University of Nigeria. Higher National Diploma (HND) in Mechanical Engineering from The Polytechnic Ibadan.


He is an alumni of the Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI), Daystar Leadership Academy (DLA), Calvary Drama Ministers Technical School (DMTS), Success Attitude Development Center (SADC) Demystifying the Internet Bootcamp and the Purpose Driven Network.


He is married to Olutoke Success Oguntade and they are blessed with children (Abigael, Maranatha and Treasure).


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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