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How to react to night dreams

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If you want to know biblical ways on how to react to night dreams, this Bible Short Reports will show you how. Many have reacted the wrong way to night dreams and this has caused them lots of troubles.

The devil understands how these things work and he has used night dreams to put many people under his rule and bondage.

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How to React to Night Dreams

Sesan Ogunotade 

Published by Sesan Ogunotade at NowNowBooks 

Copyright 2019 Sesan Oguntade

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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the  New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Scripture quotations marked (TLB) and (MSG) are taken from The Living Bible and the Message Bible translations respectively.


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Book Text

“In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream, telling the main facts” (Daniel 7:1)

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Chapter 1: Introduction to how to react to night dreams 

Night dreams are God’s ways of revealing secrets or giving out important information to us, His creations. The book of Daniel shows in Daniel 2:19, “Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision”. This was a dream God showed him to reveal and explain Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of Daniel 2:1. Daniel, himself in Daniel 2:28 referred to God as Someone who reveals secrets. This was after he was ready to explain the dream he had to Nebuchadnezzar.

The secret to inform, instruct, warn and show you the future can be wrapped up in a dream! We saw lots of this in the old testament of the bible.

I have been shown secrets for different purposes through dreams by God and they have helped me to move forward in my relationship with God, in my business and in my ministry.

There is however an important fact to note about the relevance of dreams in the way God instructed or led His children in the New Testament after Jesus died and resurrected which I will write more about at the end of this report. This important fact is that dreams or night visions were not God’s preferred or ideal method of leading Christians in the New Testament especially during post-Jesus glorification era. Just like I said, I will write more on this at the end of this report. I don’t want to deviate very early from the major reason why the Spirit of God inspired me to write this report – to teach the different Godly ways you can begin to react to dreams when they come.


Chapter 2: Why God Still Ministers Through Night Dreams

The truth of the matter is that God still ministers to His children through dreams despite the fact that it is not His ideal method of leading us after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are so many reasons (I believe) why He does this. Let us look at some of them:

  • Young Christians or immature Christians who have not mastered the new testament method of hearing from God will surely not be left stranded or abandoned by an ever-caring and ever-helpful God.
  • God understands we are flesh and the bible says He pities us (Psalm 103:13-14). There are times, even for matured, Spirit-filled Christians, they are not able to receive signals from heaven due to the limitations of their flesh.
  • Sometimes, even Spirit-filled Christians get so busy with lots of other duties that the only way God can give them an instruction is when they are asleep.

There may be other reasons but whatever the reasons, Christians are not supposed to rely ONLY on dreams to receive instructions from God. We are to grow above this method of receiving instructions from God.

Dreams, sometimes, can come from a different source other than God! While it is true that other forms of hearing from God can be manipulated by the devil to confuse Christians, dreams are not the new-testament method of being led  by God for Spirit-filled Christians. The whole of the New Testament after the glorification of Jesus confirms this.

In the book of Joel 2:28, the bible says this about how different groups of Christians will be led  at the end times:

“And it shall come to pass afterward that i wll pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions” 

We can see from this bible passage that at least it is the old men that are required to dream dreams. The young men are to see visions. I believe you know that you are always a youth in the presence of God. When you are Spirit-filled, you will remain ever vibrant spiritually in the presence of God.


Why You Must Study This

If dreams can be manipulated and can come from other sources apart from God and if God still actually ministers to His children through it these days due to the reasons I wrote about earlier, then it is necessary for us to study this course, How to React to Dreams.

Many have been led astray by the devil through dreams. Many have been prepared by demons through dreams for a final attack on them by the devil. Many have embarked on needless fasting and prayer sessions as a result of a dream they had. Many have allowed fear in them causing untold hardships for them as a result of a dream they had.

You need to learn how to react to dreams when they come. Our book text above, (Daniel 7:1) shows how Daniel reacted to a dream he had. His reactions was positive devoid fear or anxiety. 


10 Ways To React to Night Dreams

I will be listing, by God’s grace, 10 ways you can begin to react to dreams under two sections – The primary reactions and the secondary reactions.


Chapter 3: Primary Reactions to Night Dreams 

Don’t go seeking for it: I believe this should be your first reaction. I have given a little information earlier why dreams are not God’s ideal method of sharing information with His children after the redemption work of Jesus (i will share more later). If it is not, then you need to stop seeking to have a dream from God. Let God gives you a dream when He feels like. I was, before i caught a revelation about this topic, always looking and seeking for a dream every night from God whenever i want to go to sleep. Whenever some days passed and i did not have a dream, i always felt something was wrong between me and God.

Let me also add that, most times, the devil had brought meaningless (yes, meaningless because they had no support from God’s word) dreams that have unsteadied or got me worried.

It is not new-testament compliant for you to pray this way: “Oh God i need instruction on this issue, speak to me in a dream”. If you pray this prayer, you can be sure that the devil, his demons or your mind will bring you a dream!

Try to recollect it: If you have a dream, you should try to recollect the dream you had when you wake up. You can pray in the spirit. If you cannot recollect it immediately, you should just forget it. I have observed that most dreams I have had that have been from God, I have recollected or remembered them almost immediately. There are however countless number of dreams that I have had but was unable to recollect them immediately or even later. If the dream is from God and it is an important information for you, you can be sure that even if you cannot recollect it immediately, the Spirit of God will still bring it into your mind later. 

This has happened to me on many occassions, I have received these types of flashes in my mind a day or two after I had the dreams.

Invest a thought: If you are able to recollect it, you should think over it to see where it belongs. Does it preaches fear, death, uncertainty, destruction or clearly against the written word of God. You must invest a thought. This is the reason why you must not toy with the study of the word of God and places where the word of God is preached and taught in truth.

This thinking process will allow you to place the content of the dream side by side with the word of God to see whether it is relevant to you or not. 

People who walked with God always carry out this practice, whether it is a dream, trance or a voice they heard. Joseph carried out this in Matthew 1:20-21. Even Peter invested a thought after he fell into a trance in Acts 10:19, the bible says, “While Peter thought about the vision…”.

Ask God for mercy: In Daniel 2:17-18, the bible shows us that Daniel and his friends sought God’s mercies concerning the secrets or dream they desire a meaning for. Sometimes asking God for mercy over an issue is not because you want God to forgive you for a sin you have committed but because you know and recognize that the help to solve a problem can only come from God. Pray to God for mercy to recollect the dream you had or to get a revelation or an explanation of the dream. 

I am not surprised Daniel got a revelation about the problem in Daniel 2:19, the bible says, “Then the secret was revealed to Daniel …”

Check your bible concordance: Sometimes you may need to use your bible concordance or dictionary to get a hint of what the dream you had meant. For example, if you see yourself giving out bread to groups of people in a dream, you can  check for the keyword, ‘bread’  in your concordance and study portions of the word of God where the word , ‘bread’ is mentioned. As you study, revelations may hit you concerning the dream you had. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you before your study.

Ask an elder: This may also be an option if you want to pick up meanings to a dream. Nebuchadnezzar and other kings were fond of consulting these types of elders whenever they had dreams. Agreed, these kings were not God-conscious people but even as Spirit-filled Christians we can still ask Spirit-filled elders for explanations on any dream we have. I once got an explanation on a dream i have had consistently about my home from an elder and a mentor. This revelation or explanation did a lot of good to my life as a family man. I had earlier struggled to pick a meaning to the dream.

I have just discussed some of the primary ways you can react to a dream. Now let us look at the secondary ways in the next section.


Chapter 4: Secondary Reactions to Night Dreams 

Accept it: You should accept a dream when you have found out that the information from it is Godly. Accept it and let it become your professions from then on. For example, if you receive information in a dream as an employee that you will be leading a big organization in the future, then you should accept it and let this begin to impact your confessions and actions and comportment thereafter. 

Joseph, in Genesis  37:5-7 received Godly information in a dream about his future and he accepted it immediately and began to confess it. Though he should have applied more wisdom in the way he confessed and acted on this information but the truth of the matter is that he loved and accepted what the Lord shared with him about his future. He had peace with it. 

Any information from God in a dream will not bring fear and anxiety, it will bring peace into your heart even if it is a warning from God.

The other Joseph in the New testament of the bible in Matthew 1:20-21, the ‘earthly father’ of Jesus also accepted Godly information from a dream he had about his espoused wife, Mary. Though, he had the intention of acting contrary to the information he received, he had peace with the message heaven passed across to him.


Write it to follow it: Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it”. When the information from the dream is a clear instruction from God on what you must do, you must immediately put it on paper. You can “flesh” out this information later with the Help of the Holy Spirit highlighting the steps you must take with respect to the information you just received.

The case of Joseph, the ‘earthly father’ of Jesus in another dream he had, showed clearly an instruction from God that must be acted upon. In Matthew 2:13, he was asked to take his wife and baby Jesus to Egypt  and he followed the instruction.

Let us look at another uncommon case in the new testament  where the wife of Pilate had a dream that clearly showed her and her husband what to do with respect to the case of Jesus that was brought to his husband for judgment. In Matthew 27:19, “While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, ‘Have nothing to do with that just man, for i have suffered many things today in a dream because of Him”.  She reacted positively towards this dream and contacted her husband who also followed the instructions from the dream. 

In Daniel 7:1, the bible says Daniel, “… wrote down the dream, telling the main facts”.

Pray against it: When a dream is clearly contrary to the written word of God, you must reject it! You will be rejecting a negative dream appropriately if you pray against it, rebuking it. Just like I wrote earlier, you will know that a dream is contrary to God’s word (even before you open the bible) if it does not bring peace to you or has an end result that is fatal or destructive.

The thought of God towards us is good and is not evil (3 John 2). He is a good God and He won’t put evil on His children. He is all good where will He find the evil that He will pass across to His children?

The source of all bad dreams is the devil! He brings bad dreams to deposit wrong information into your mind so that when you develop fear as a result of this information and you allow it to grow in your mind, you are opening up an avenue for him to attack you. Most times, the devil can’t attack you if you did not give him the chance to do so. You give him a chance when you dwell on bad dreams and fail to deal with them appropriately.

You can deal appropriately with a bad dream by finding a scripture that is contrary to the negative information you just received and confess and declare it many times to saturate the environment of your mind with it.

You can also go on the offensive after such dreams by cursing the demons who ministered such information to you. Curse them and pray against their works. You can also plead the blood of Jesus. You should ensure you carry out all of these without fear . You don’t have to fear because God is right there behind you. He says in Matthew 18:18, “…Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”.

NOTE: Let me also inform you that while the devil is the source of most bad dreams, your thoughts can also play a great role in giving you a bad dream. What is dominant in your thought over time can play out itself in a dream. If what you have as a dominant thought is negative, you can be sure to have negative dreams. In the Old testament, they sometimes refer to dreams as ‘visions of the head” (Daniel 7:1).

Ignore it: You can also choose to ignore a dream if you can’t recollect its information immediately or if it’s contrary to the word of God. Let me however point out that if you will have the capacity to ignore dreams, when they are contrary to the word of God, you must have been a person that is filled with the right truth. I have ignored so many of such dreams. If the devil ministers dreams of ill health to me, I will surely ignore such because I know and I am sure I am in a covenant relationship with God that ensures divine health. I understand what it means to share and live the resurrected life of Jesus (2 Corinthinas 5: 14-17).

If you work in an office that governs a community and you always have the latest (or the right) information about happenings in the community, you won’t even give a thought or bother about a contrary information from an outsider about the community. This is the same about your ability to ignore evil dreams.

If you are a ‘diligent insider’ in God’s word and outsiders like the devil and his demons minister contrary information to you, you can just go ahead and  ignore their messages.

Evil dreams, most times, come to minister wrong information to your mind preparing you for the attack of the enemy. You must be  a diligent student of the word of God.

Chapter 5: Grow Above Night Dreams

Now to the information I promised to share earlier about how dreams are not new-testament method of beign led by God.

Only two people were clearly instructed through dreams in the whole of the New Testament of the bible. Let us look at these people and the periods they had their dreams. The other case was what was described about Paul in the book of Acts 16:9-10 below;

“And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.”

Even some people will argue that was not a night dream but a clear vision that came to him in the night time. However, I believe it was one of the rare cases wjhere God minsitered to New Testament Christians througha dream considering the description of the vision. 


Joseph (the ‘earthly father’ of Jesus)

“But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:20)

“And now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, ‘arise, take the young child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there…” (Matthew 2: 13).

Joseph had information from God mainly through dreams. The information were perfect and from God. However, you  should note that these two periods shown above in the bible passages were when Jesus had not yet finished the work of redemption. Joseph or any other was permitted to rely mainly on night visions to hear from God.

Pilate’s wife

“While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, ‘Have nothing to do with that just man, for i have suffered many things today in a dream because of Him” Matthew 27:19   

This was another case. We all know that Jesus had also not finished the work of redemption here. You should also observe that Pilate’s wife was not a God-conscious person.  God is the God of all flesh and He can speak to anyone He chooses, therefore, You should not be surprised to read about Pilate’s wife, who was not a God-conscious person, hearing from God through a dream. Her case or dream presents the second case of an individual who was led in a dream by God in the new testament.

If you are Spirit-filled, you are to become matured and grow above hearing from God through dreams. After the redemption work, Paul, Peter and others never shared experiences where they were led or instructed by God through dreams (you can read from Acts 2:5 to Revelations). It was either they saw visions, fell into a trance, perceived, discern situations, heard God’s voice or were led through the scriptures.

Agreed, the devil could also manipulate any of these avenues of hearing from God but you must understand that God wants you to live above hearing from Him through dreams. He wants you to embrace the style of the Christians during the post-redemption work of Jesus. Out of the various methods, dreams were not really mentioned as God’s ideal way of leading His people.

I want to believe God did not (and do not) prefer this method because He knew dreams are the ones that are easily manipulated by the devil and because He knew that the sacrifice of Jesus has opened up unlimited access to Him and it will be old fashioned for His children  to rely on receiving information from Him only when they are asleep. God’s children can have access to information from God at any time of the day. This is the reason why He has placed His Spirit inside us in the Person of the Holy Spirit.


Chapter 6: Above All

Above all, the written word of God presents a sure avenue for you to hear from God and also to confirm every information you hear or see through any of these channels.  You will need a healthy and growing relationship with the Holy Spirit of God to hear from God through the scripture and also to confirm any information you receive through dreams.

Do you know that you cannot have God’s Spirit in you to start a healthy relationship with Him except you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If you are reading this and you are yet to ‘relocate’ from the camp’ of the devil’ to the camp of God’ through believing and confession of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you should go straight to the next section of this book (The Ultimate Decision) to say a simple prayer.



I hope you have enjoyed this report. I want you to take a decision to act on the content. Wisdom is not complete without determined and calculated actions on any useful knowledge you have acquired.

I am wishing you a wonderful time in Christ JESUS. Please let me read from you. 234-08034300979, 234-07066360364

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Chapter 7: The Ultimate Decision

“For with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10)Romans 10:10

If you have not known Jesus but you have enjoyed the success principles described in this e-book and you want to give your life to Jesus so that these principles can start working in your life, you can say the following in prayer:

“Father in heaven, forgive my sinful past. I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and His shed blood has wiped away my sins. I believe He is the Son of the Living God. I accept Him as my Lord and Savior. I want Him to begin to rule in my life as from now on. I believe I am saved. Thank you God for hearing my prayer”.

Congratulations! This is going to be the greatest decision you will ever take. Congratulations once again! Now begin to enjoy Christ unlimited and good success will never elude you again. Please let me read from you about your experience or how this book has helped you. You can contact me in either of these ways:


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Declare for Jesus Christ 

If you are reading this book and you are yet to become a child of God but you have enjoyed the workable principles shared in it, you should understand that the principles were delivered to me by God’s Spirit. 

You can also have the opportunity to enjoy this privilege if you become a child of God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. 

Moreover, you will be able to enlist the forces of heaven to help you in your business. Remember that spirituality is one of the main factors that determine the success of any venture on this earth. 

Say this simple prayer now:

“God, I am a sinner, forgive me my sins. Use the blood of Jesus Christ to watch me clean from my sins. I know Jesus Christ is the Son of God and I know He died for my sins shedding His blood for my sins. I accept Him as my Lord and Saviour today.  Thank you for answering my prayers, I know and believe that I am saved now. “

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About The Author

Sesan Oguntade is an insightful teacher of the Word, Bible Success Researcher, Success Motivator, Christian Personal Development Expert and Author of many books amongst which is the popular “Jesus and Your Success” (available free with over 25 other titles in the Bible Short Reports series at ). 

He believes that the solution to ANY problem lies in the WORD of GOD. His central message to the world is “without Jesus, you cannot succeed” (John 15:5b). 

He presides over Solutioners Christian Centre, headquartered in Ogun state, Nigeria, a Christian organization with the vision of raising problem solvers in the society

He is also the founder of The Success Laboratory International Seminars, a platform where pure Bible principles that solve practical societal and personal problems are taught. 

He is also the Proprietor of The Book Academy, a Christian personal development school with the vision of raising problem-solving students who will not lag in diligence but fervent in spirit serving the Lord (Romans 12:11). All the details of the school can be found at

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You can follow him on twitter, @SesanOguntade. 

You can watch video versions of his teachings and programmes at

He is married to Olutoke Success Oguntade and they are blessed with children (Abigael and Maranatha and Treasure).

When he is not spending time with his family and loved ones, he is writing, reading or selling books and information products. When he is not doing all these, he is taking a walk or watching football matches. 


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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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