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how to solve problems in life
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How to solve problems in life as a Christian

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You must learn how to solve problems in life as a Christian. It is important I start this post this way so that you can understand the relevance of today’s post to you and your Christian life.

I have met lots of Christians who have allowed the problems they face on a daily basis to get them grounded. This should not be so.

Proper scriptural knowledge of who you are will always be useful as you learn how to solve problems in life. It is even more useful when the issue is a lingering problem.

What is a lingering problem?

A lingering problem is a difficult issue, a situation that has just refused to go away despite all efforts from you to find a solution. Your efforts may even include prayers and the seeking of other Godly spiritual assistance.

Lingering problems won’t go away unless you have the required light or information that can help you to solve them.

I am using this blog post on how to solve problems in life to share one of these lights or information with you.

Related: 6 ways to monetize your problem-solving skills

You need to see the major solution to that lingering problem

I want you to look at the life of a lady in the Bible. Now before you go ahead to read the story, I want you to observe the following about this lady called Haggai:

  • She was not a Jew, She was an Egyptian
  • She was sent out and probably left for the dead by Abraham and Sarah
  • She had a baby in her hands who needed lots of care
  • She found herself in the wilderness with no means of survival
  • You will agree with me that those were very tough situations. She had a big problem on her hands.

Now, what did God do to her to solve her problem? Read the Bible passage below:

“And God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water, and she went and filled the bottle with water and caused the young to drink” Genesis 21:9

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How God helped her to solve the problem

Haggai had an empty bottle. Her son was thirsty. She was also thirsty. They were in the wilderness. It was like all things were against them.

Thank God, God was not against them. Her child was a child of Abraham who carried a covenant. The child cried and God heard and opened the eyes of the mother to see a well – a major solution to their problems.

Related: 7 Reasons love of God wants to solve your problems

God wants to help you solve problems

If it appears all things are against you in your business or workplace, God is not against you. Because you are in Christ, you are under a better covenant.

Go on your knees and pray to God to open your eyes to see a major solution to your problems. Let me tell you, the ‘well of water’ is always there but you need God to open your eyes to see it.

Go on your knees now.

Christian uniqueness

Visionary Business Project is raising God-conscious and problem-solving CEOs and work-place professionals.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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