If you want to start your organization even if you lack all the required resources at the moment, this new Bible Short Report is for you.
This Bible Short Report will show you Christian principles you can use to start your organization. If God has put an idea for a great organization, or business or company into your heart, then you have been set up to start with available resources around you.
This free ebook guide you are reading online will show you how to find those ‘hidden’ resources that you can start with and grow from there.
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How to Kick Start your Organisation
… Despite All the Odds Against You
Sesan Oguntade
NowNowBooks Edition
Copyright 2016 Sesan Oguntade
Discover other titles by Sesan Oguntade
52 Bible Secrets for Your Business Success
You Can Stop Masturbation
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version (NKJV). Scripture quotation marked (TLB), (NIV), (MSG), are taken from The Living Bible, The New International Version Bible, the Message Bible Versions respectively.
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Chapter 1: Introduction to start your organization
Thank you for your interest in this course, I hope it will serve you well. I am Sesan Ogunotade, the Presiding officer at Success Christian Home, a Christian organization that is devoted to the sharing of the goodness that is in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I started our organization at a time when all forms of obstacles and hindrances were hitting at me at every corner. Despite the presence of these obstacles, the Lord asked me to start this organization!
Well, I started and the rest, they say, is now history. You will listen to the details of how I started and how I forged ahead in the later part of this book.
The truth is that the organization I started at almost zero level on July 15, 2011 with a borrowed laptop, a single ebook and an abandoned website now has the following under her belt today:
- A Bible Short Reports book series. There are already over 35 books in this series teaching practical problem-solving contents You can access some of these books at https://sesanoguntade.com/category/Bible-short-reports-series
- The You Can Series. This is a motivational book series which is meant to motivate its readers to top performance and also help them to solve specific problems. There are over 7 book editions in this series already. You can access these books at https://sesanoguntade.com/buy-books-nigeria.
- Visionary Business Project: It has the divine mandate to raise Godly and problem-solving business owners and workplace professionals
Now it will interest you, just as I have mentioned earlier, to note that I kick started this organization which has produced all I listed above with zero cash in my pocket and bank account! Yet, these obstacles and the odds could not stop me from driving the organization, by God’s grace, to where it is today!
If I can do it, then you can do it too. You can kick start that idea, project and organisation even if everything around you shows you are not capable! God’s Word in Proverbs 24: 3 says: “Through wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established”. This passage shows that wisdom (and not money) is needed to build a house (start and take an organisation to great heights). This course will teach you how to consistently receive this important wisdom and also show you the wisdom I have used so far in our organization.
Thank you so much.
Sesan Ogunotade
Special Note:
You Can Start and Finish Great Projects
Do You Want to Start a Profitable Organization from a Simple Idea Even If at Present You Are Average, Uninspired, Less-privileged, Clueless, and Confused or Lack the Financial resources to go ahead?
You should order this interesting book, You Can Start and Finish Great Projects today. Order it at a discount price today. In this book, I, in this first-of-its-kind guide, merged biblical principles and beliefs with post-bible days or present-day strategies of successful companies and individuals. Biblical descriptions of project development, idea conception and execution, problem-solving skills development, practical project or business starting strategies, setting up of practical platforms and structures for growth in business, and more have been thoroughly described and taught in this interesting book.
You can send an email to infobooksng@gmail.com or WhatsApp/call 08934300979 for ordering information.
Chapter 2: Listen To The World’s Accomplished Achievers
Just before I go to the main part of this book, let me allow some of the world’s accomplished achievers to motivate you with their golden statements and experiences. Read and be motivated with these quotes.
- “God first tells us that the end of the matter is to be, and then backs up and begins the process of fulfilling that end. Just as the builder first delivers and idea and a blueprint and then starts building” – Myles Munroe in his book, Principles and Powers of Vision.
- “When times get tough or things don’t go your way, keep your confidence up when discouragement comes or when people tell you your dreams are never going to come to pass…boldly remind yourself who is at work in your life. God is turning things around in your favor. You may not see anything happening with your natural eyes, but you must believe that in the unseen world , God is at work on your behalf” – Joel Osteen, Your Best Life Now
- “The biggest problem in our world today, including the religious world, is that we are so pre-occupied with the phases that we cannot see the big picture…The most important thing in life is the big picture. Myles Munroe, Kingdom Principles
- “Everything is possible. once your mind is made up on anything and you step out in faith, the Higher Power takes over – arranging people, events and circumstances that would work with you to achieve the dream” Ayo Arowolo, a Nigerian Successful Entrepreneur
- “Carlos Slim Helu, the Mexican who is one of the richest men in the world started at a very young age buying adhesive -backed paper cards at a candy stand in downtown Mexico city, and then make a meticulous record of each trade in a ledger notebook, carefully evaluating whether he had come out on top in deals with his peers. At 12, he had started trading stocks and bonds”
- You have got to start with your gut, with something you are really passionate about for a good reason. You won’t get there by sitting in a closet and thinking, ‘Boy I know the world must want this’. The fact that I was out here and scrambling around as a little entrepreneur with no resources was fortuitous. I wasn’t encumbered with those old guys telling me what to do” – Charles Schwab, the American Billionaire Stock Broker.
Chapter 3: Start your organization: The House -Building Wisdom
I would like you to learn from what I call the house-building wisdom. It contains a vital truth which holds all other secrets in this book together. I will be using simple, everyday illustration to describe this vital truth.
I had an organization to kick start. This organisation, at that stage, was like a completed building plan that has been drawn on a paper by an architect. I had the ‘land’ and the idea all ready to build this ‘house’ but I ignorantly planned to start the construction from the roof top!
I wanted to start from the top and each time I tried, I crashed! (see the diagram above). I wanted to start in a big way just like the big players I have observed and read about over the years. I was getting frustrated, I began to bombard heaven with prayers and kept on asking God to supply the big resources to start the idea He inspired in my heart. The situation however remained the same! I felt strongly that there was something limiting me and stopping me. Then, the revelation of Proverbs 24: 3-4 was given to me by God’s Spirit while I was taking a walk. I want you to read the content of this bible passage. I am reading from the message translation of the bible: “It takes wisdom to build a house, and understanding to set it on a firm foundation; it takes knowledge to furnish its rooms with fine furniture and beautiful drapers”
When I read and understood this, the diagrams below came alive in my mind:
I want you to look at the analysis of the diagrams above.
Stage 1: I must kick start any building project from the bottom up, that is, from the foundation. I must use the available resources with me at that moment to start. I don’t have to possess the big resources that are required to finish the whole building before I kick start and grow with my project! This was a big a relief to me.
Stage 2: I must then begin to build from the foundation up to the roofing stage.
Stage 3: I must then roof the building when I get to this stage and then put other finishing touches to the building.
While I was rejoicing over this wisdom from God, I remembered how Jesus started His ministry – He used Peter’s boat! Read the bible passage which describes this scene: “…He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, and saw two boats standing by the Lake…then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s” (Luke 5:1-3).
Chapter 4: Start your organization: The Mystery of Starting Small
I want you to understand this: There is something you have that is relevant to kick start that idea, organisation that has been inspired in your heart! You must believe this!
What you have is first on the inside of you. The idea in you is the most potent and most powerful resources that you have got. I have seen and read about people who, only armed with their idea, have kick started it and grew it to multibillion dollar organizations. You must also believe this. It is this motivational mentality that will carry you all through the whole journey. A man with a multi-million dollar idea is a man that is worth multi million dollars in his bank account.
God will not put ideas in your heart and in your hands to kick start its execution if He did not see you are capable and you have the resources around you to start. Most times, we have always overlooked the usefulness of these ‘hidden’ resources. I told you about my experience earlier on. I failed to see the usefulness of the borrowed laptop, the abandoned website, the single ebook, my website design skills, knowledge of the internet, sales skills and the opportunity to use the social media for promotion without paying a dime!
You need to prayerfully look at these ‘hidden’ resources. They are there, let God help you find them out. You also need to look at your contacts and relationships, your work experience, your previous work places. I once read the story of someone who honorably resigned from a work place to start his own product-distribution company and got his first distribution contract from a customer he knew at his former work place! After days of prayer and meditation, he took a decision to call this person to inform him about his new vocation. This customer friend introduced him to a friend who he could do business with.
I want you to listen to the following three examples in the bible where the starting-small mystery were applied.
- Jesus and Peter’s boat in Luke 5:1-3: “…He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, and saw two boats standing by the Lake…then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s”. The available resources He started with: – His inside power – the people around Him who He preached to – Peter’s boat.
- Jesus fed a multitude in Luke 9:16: “Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven; He blesses and broke them, and gave them to be disciples to set before the multitude. So they all ate and were filled …” The available resources He started with: – His inside power – the five loaves and two fishes. Note: His disciples never saw the relevance of those resources.
iii. Elijah and the widow of Zarepath: “o she said, ‘As the Lord your God lives, I do not have bread , only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a jar…”. The available resources Elijah used: – his inside power – the widows’ last meal. Note: The widow never saw the relevance of those resources, Note: The multiplication miracle only start after you must have started using what you have.
Chapter 5: Start Small and Grow Big
The biggest information for you from the pictures above is: starting small is not bad but staying small is bad! Mr. A and Mr. B started small but Mr. B grew bigger while Mr. A stayed small!
Your first set of reactions when it is time to kick start an organization is
- Believe in yourself and the vision you have received.
- Write and expand it on paper listing the step by step actions you must begin to take.
iii. Prayerfully find out the least relevant resources you have to commence the first step activities on your list. Fix your eyes on these and leave the ones you don’t have now. The problem is not the resources you don’t have but the effective use of the ones you have.
- Begin to use these resources when you have identified them immediately. Jesus began to work with the 5 loaves of bread and two fish He got from the boy in the gathering.
- Grow from there and consolidate. Have a growth mentality. Believe you have to grow and that your organisation must grow too. Read books, attend relevant seminars, workshops and conferences. Remember that it is bad if you stay small. God’s Word in Genesis 1:28 shows the growth stages we must pass through with any idea or organisation: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it…”. Work with what you have but let your eyes be on the big picture. This future picture motivates you to forge ahead and crush every obstacle on your path.
Agents of this big picture are God’s Word, God’s Spirit, your paper plans and goals for the future. You should be a good friend of the Spirit of God; He can help you at this stage and at every stage of the building process. If you don’t have a relationship with God yet as a son, you can’t have this invaluable relationship with the Holy Spirit of God. You should say this simple prayer to start a relationship with God as a son through Jesus Christ:
“God forgive my sins. I believe Jesus died on the cross and rose on the third day because of my sins. Use His blood to wash my sins away. Thank you for answering my prayers, I believe I am saved now”.
On final note in this book, I want you to know that Jesus started with a borrowed boat but His organisation grew. They had a treasurer. They gave of their substance to the needy. They were travelling in their own boats at the later stages in His ministry. Don’t let the odds and the obstacles stop you, you can give the world an enduring organisation that will make our world a better place.
Note: I would like you to visit the e-store where you purchase this book to leave a review for it. Thanks and God bless you.
Special Note:
You Can Start and Finish Great Projects
Do You Want to Start a Profitable Organization from a Simple Idea Even If at Present You Are Average, Uninspired, Less-privileged, Clueless, and Confused or Lack the Financial resources to go ahead?
You should order this interesting book, You Can Start and Finish Great Projects today. Order it at a discount price today. In this book, I, in this first-of-its-kind guide, merged biblical principles and beliefs with post-bible days or present-day strategies of successful companies and individuals. Biblical descriptions of project development, idea conception and execution, problem-solving skills development, practical project or business starting strategies, setting up of practical platforms and structures for growth in business, and more have been thoroughly described and taught in this interesting book.
You can send an email to infobooksng@gmail.com or WhatsApp/call 08934300979 for ordering information.
About Premium Short Reports (PSR)
PSR are problem-solving, short reports or ebooks that have been developed for the main purpose of providing simple, practical, short solutions to identified or researched problems of the people and the society.
PSR editions will always be between 10 to 25 pages containing short, simple solutions the readers can obtain and assimilate within 10 to 20 minutes. Contents like graphs, tables, charts, stories, surveys, case studies, diagrams etc. will be used to produce PSR editions.
I want readers of our PSR, who are likely to be very busy people and who desire quick solution tips to a problem they want to solve, to have access to these solutions within the shortest possible time. They will be able to apply these solution tips and have their problems solved in a record time!
PSR series, unlike the older and bigger Bible Short Reports (BSR) series which titles are created based on revelations and inspirations from God’s Spirit, will be produced based on our physical researches and findings through the internet and offline sources, the problem the people and the society are facing per time. When a problem is discovered, we go into action to produce a PSR edition to solve the problem. Sometimes, a PSR edition will be produced based on the popularity of a BSR edition on the online stores.
As with all other book series and products on our stable at Success Christian Home and InfoBooks Resources, I will be using majorly biblical truth to solve this problem. I will also be extracting solution tips from my experience, the experience of others, interviews, observations, and so on which are not contrary to God’s Word to present solution tips in all the PSR editions.
I want you to note that, if you desire a bigger book solution to any problem a PSR edition solved, you can check out our online store to see if there are other book titles in our bigger book series that have solved a similar problem. There will always be a recommendation at the end of any PSR edition anyway.
Thank you and God bless.
Sesan Oguntade
Are You Rapture Compatible?
Are you sure you will be rapturable today if the trumpet of the end comes suddenly? If you are not sure, you need to settle issues with God in prayer. The greatest prayer you can say if you are not a child of God through Jesus Christ is the one I have for you in the content under The Ultimate Decision below. Please say the prayer and let me read from you.
The Ultimate Decision
“For with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10)
If you have not known Jesus but you have enjoyed the success principles described in this book and you want to give your life to Jesus Christ so that these principles can start working in your life, you can say the following in prayer:
“Father in heaven, forgive my sinful past. I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and His shed blood has wiped away my sins. I believe He is the Son of the Living God. I accept Him as my Lord and Saviour. I want Him to begin to rule in my life as from now on. I believe I am saved. Thank you God for hearing my prayer”.
Congratulations! This is going to be the greatest decision you will ever take. Congratulations once again! Now begin to enjoy Christ unlimited and good success will never elude you again. Please let me read from you about your experience or how this book has helped you. You can contact me in either of these ways: Send your comments to: contact@infobookscash.com
234-08034300979, 234-07066360364
About The Author
Sesan Ogunotade is an insightful teacher of the Word, Bible Success Researcher, Success Motivator, Christian Personal Development Expert and Author of many books amongst which is the popular “Jesus and Your Success” (available free at http://www.sesanoguntade.com ). He believes that the solution to ANY problem lies in the WORD of GOD. His central message to the world is “without Jesus, you cannot succeed” (John 15:5b). He presides over Success Christian Home, headquartered in Ogun state, Nigeria, a Christian organization with the vision of raising problem solvers in the society. He is also the founder of The Success Laboratory International Seminars, a platform where pure Bible principles that solve practical societal and personal problems are taught. You can add him on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/successebooks http://www.facebook.com/successchristianhome. You can follow him on twitter, @SesanOguntade. He is married to Olutoke Success Ogunotade and they are blessed with children.
Special Note:
You Can Start and Finish Great Projects
Do You Want to Start a Profitable Organisation from a Simple Idea Even If at Present You Are Average, Uninspired, Less-privileged, Clueless, and Confused or Lack the Financial resources to go ahead?
You should order this interesting book, You Can Start and Finish Great Projects today. Order it at a discount price today. In this book, I, in this first-of-its-kind guide, merged biblical principles and beliefs with post-bible days or present-day strategies of successful companies and individuals. Biblical descriptions of project development, idea conception and execution, problem-solving skills development, practical project or business starting strategies, setting up of practical platforms and structures for growth in business, and more have been thoroughly described and taught in this interesting book.
You can send an email to infobooksng@gmail.com or WhatsApp/call 08934300979 for ordering information.