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Jesus raised him from the dead: Story of a Nollywood actor
Bible Short Reports series

Jesus raised him from the dead: Story of a Nollywood actor

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Yes, Jesus raised him from the dead. You read that right. This interesting Christian faith testimony of  (Frankson Ehiozenomwan Osazenomwan) will surely excite you, encourage you and lift up your spirit.

We were checking through one of the old comments on our blog for last year and we stumbled upon this interesting comment:

“Good day Sir, God bless you richly. Please I have a testimony I’ll love you to help share. Thank you richly.””

This comment was posted around April last year. We never heard from this person again. So we decided to shoot him an email asking for his testimony.

He replied:

“Thank you Sir, this is my story.”

This was the email we sent to him below:

Hello Frank,

We were going through the old comments Section on our blog for last year and we came across your comment below:

“Good day Sir, God bless you richly. Please I have a testimony I’ll love you to help share. Thank you richly.”

Can we read the testimony. Please send it to us. We want it to bless other lives.

Looking forward to it.

Thank you and God bless you.

Sesan Oguntade

Visionary Business Project

Then we received his reply containing the faith testimony. You need to read it below (unedited) and please share this with others. Let the good news spread and trend on social media.


Nollywood Actor Who Died and Jesus Woke from the Dead

Jesus raised him from the dead

“My name is Frankson Ehiozenomwan Osazenomwan Evbayowieru, popularly known as Frankson Montana -F.M. I was born at Iguobazuwa ,Edo State. The names of my parents are Frank and Magdalene Evbayowieru Ogbomo, and I’m the last Child of the family.

I started smoking cigarette at a very tender age of 11,when I was in my Junior Secondary School 2 (J.S.S. 2), at Travis Christian College, Benin City. I was not a serious student, but my natural intelligence made me attain that Class at such young age.

I was influenced by my friends, and very soon my passion for smoking grew from Cigarette to cannabis (marijuana) in my final year.
After some time, I gained admission into the Federal Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State . where I added alcohol . I became a chain smoker and alcoholic.

The number of sticks I smoke daily could not be resolved. I joined secret Cult ( though I didn’t function with the activities).

I was a pretender at home, and my family members didn’t know I smoke or was an alcoholic. This lifestyle lingered for many years,and through my university days where I studied theatre arts. After my graduation, I moved down to Lagos in 2017 .
to further my career in Music and Acting

In October 2020 after my Birthday, I started hearing voices in my head that I will die before the end of the year. The voice become bold anytime I take alcohol. So in October 2020 , I traveled to Benin City, my Home town, and I was able to stop drinking and smoking for the first time after over 20 years. With this I was able to make it to the end of the year.

I began to thank God as a natural and sinful man. Who commits all manners of sin.I thanked God because the voices I heard was proven wrong.

By January 2021, I met a white Lady from Switzerland on Facebook. We started as lovers, and suddenly she stopped the lover thing and started telling me about Jesus Christ of Nazareth. By the I had started smoking again, but a little of alcohol.

She told me that if I don’t stop sin, that sin will stop me. And I’ll be sorry for what will become of my life. She also said she often see my late Mom in her dreams, begging her to talk to me to quite my radical lifestyle. She kept telling me this, until one day,she said it will be her last time talking to me.

She said she has finished her mission with me.I thought she was stupid or joking I didn’t believe in all what she was saying. She later blocked me and I didn’t care about her actions anyway.

After a while i started feeling so weak,and when I see a crowd , it seems like I was going to collapse. I started hearing the voice again and by the end of January 2021 my condition became too serious. My heart beat increasingly and on 31st January, my spirit left my body.

I started calling on the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to forgive me that I needed a second chance. I remember saying “I SHALL NOT DIE BUT LIVE AND DECLARE THE WORKS AND GLORY OF GOD”..this was how Jesus saved me and forgave me. He sent me back to my body to tell mankind about His Wonders , and love He has for us.

As soon as I got my consciousness, I looked for the nearest Church to my House and went to formally give my Life to Christ. I was told at the hospital all sorts of heartbreaking news, but Jesus assured me of life.

I met with the pastor there, Pastor Olushola Daniels of the living faith Church, Ipotoba ,Ikorodu, Lagos. He advised me to keep faith in God, that nothing is impossible with God. I never missed Church for the whole of February 2021, and I kept engaging my faith in God through Christ Jesus; hearing God’s word and songs via various platforms from like Television, internet, the Church and MP3 Bluetooth devices.

Gradually I got my strength back,and every symptoms of ailments stopped and Jesus asked me to tell the whole world how He saved my life. And to tell everyone who’s yet to believe and accept Him to do so now. Because the opportunity may not be there at the point of death. And there’s no repentance in the grave.

Please repent your sins! It only leads to destruction. Thank you for your time.”


Jesus raised him from the dead: He wants your soul

Jesu raised him from the dead. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. He wants to raise you too. Yours may not be physical death; it may be spiritual death.

He wants your soul. He wants you to repent of your sins and accept Him as your Lord and Savior so that His shed blood can wash your sins away. Ask God to forgive your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Don’t watse time as tomorrow may be too late. If you want to say the salvation prayer, you should do so here

Please let me read from you if you have said the prayers on that page. I will send some important materials to you. Please contact us here

Please find more Christian faith testimonies

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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