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List of churches in Nigeria
Solution for Nigeria

List of churches in Nigeria

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This list of churches in Nigeria will be updated from time to time. As a result of the different inquiries we have received over the years by foreign readers of this Christian blog, I asked my editorial team to put together a post about list of indegenious churches in Nigeria.

If you don’t find any of your favorites churches in thisnlist of Churches in Nigeria, you can contact us here. We will be glad to include it if we find it worthy.


List of churches in Nigeria: About indegenious Churches

This list of churches in Nigeria is all about indegenious churches in Nigeria. I need to mention that very early so that you will understand the main foucsyof this post.

We will do a list that comprises non indegenious churches in Nigeria in the future.

Related: 10 Christian Ministries in Nigeria


What are indegenious churches?

Indegenious churches are churches or Christian ministries that are founded in Nigeria. Yes, some churches were founded outside Nigeria. But they were brought to Nigeria and have spread in Nigeria over the years.

Good examples of no indegenious churches are Catholic church, Baptist church, African church etc. We have quite a number of them in Nigeria.


List of churches in Nigeria

The list of churches in Nigeria are as follows:

Redeemed Christian Church of God

Indigenous churches in Nigeria

Te Redeemed Christian Church of God is arguably the fasted growing church in the world. It was founded in …by Pastor Josiah Akindayomi of blessed memory.

The founder and some dedicated worshipers started it all from a small fellowship where they gather to pray. The founder went on to be with the Lord in 1981.

After he slept in the Lord, the mantle of leadership was transferred to Pastor Enoch Adeboye. The present General Overseer has been used by God to take the church to great heights.

You can find more information about this Nigerian church here.


Living Faith church Worldwide

List of churches in Nigeria

The Living Faith church Worldwide a.k.a Winners chapel is another church in Nigeria that has been in the forefront of Christian activities in Nigeria. The Presiding Bishop of the church, Bishop David Oyedepo is well known for his teaching of faith and financial prosperity.

The annual program of the church, christiened, Shiloh, always have thousands of people gathering both online and offline. A these programs, diverse miracles and deliverances usually happens.

This Christian mission’s 50000 capacity auditorium was once named as the largest auditorium in the world. You can read more about this Nigerian church here.

Related: 10 Christian Ministries in Nigeria


Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministry

The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministry is one of the fatest growing churches in Nigeria. The set  man is Dr. D.K Olukoya.

This Christian ministry in Nigeria is well known for his teachings on deliverance. The major mode of activity is, ‘Do-it-yourself’ . The Christian mission is known for teaching members of the mission how to pray on their own to obtain victory over forces of darkness and to get delivered from various attacks from the devil and his agents.

Though, there had been some criticisms from some Christians about the mode of operations of this Church, but there is no denying the fact that God has used this ministry in several ways to help people overcome the evil from the camo of the devil.

I want you to read more about this ministry here.


Deeper Christian Life Church

List of churches in Nigeria

The set man in this Christian church in Nigeria, Deeper Christian Life Church, Dr. Kumuyi, is one of the foremost Christian elder and Pastor in Nigeria. His teachings in holiness is well known and we’ll appreciated by many in Nigeria and outside Nigeria.

The Deeper Christian Life Church has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. The church holds innhigh esteem the teachings of their senior pastor.

The Deeper Christian Life Church started out with very strong teachings on salvation, holiness and righteous living. Faithfuls had to do away with so many ‘object of sin’ like television etc. to pass across a strong message of their decision to avoid sin and live holy.

Though, some of these rules are being relaxed but it has not taken anything away from the message and the mission of this great Christian church in Nigeria.

Please read more about the Deeper Christian Life Church.


Daystar Christian center

Daystar Christian center was founded by Pastor Sam Adeyemi and the church has a mission to raise role models in the society. Pastor Sam Adeyemi pastors this Church with his lovely wife, Pastor Nike Adeyemi.

This indigenous church in Nigeria has a very strong Bible training school which has four levels. Members are encouraged to pass through these schools.

There is also the Daystar Leadership Academy (DLA), another Christian training institute of this ministry where students are taught the principles of personal transformation, project development, success habits, financial success and more. This school has graduated thousands of students sinsce it started.

The set man, Pastor Sam Adeyemi teaches profound leadership lessons. He has a personal vision to see Africa’s leadership structure change for the best. He is also the President of Success Power, an organization that’s in the forefront of teaching practical success principles that people can use to achieve success.

Read more about Daystar Christian center.


Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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