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love of God
Christian faith principles

Love of God: Why you must not take it for granted

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It’s very important that you learn not to take the love of God for granted. This is the topic I’m discussing today. I have seen many Christians who do everything to defend their sins. They say: “Though I am still doing this and that I know God loves me and I will always enjoy His grace”
The truth is that God loves you and He will always do. The truth is that His mercy also endures forever. But another truth is that God does not love your sin. He does not love the way you defend your sins. He does not love the way you’re not approaching Him to help you to overcome your sins.

What is the love of God according to the Bible?

The love of God according to the Bible is clearly expressed in the popular Bible passage of John 3:16:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
  • God wanted to save man permanently from sin and He offered Himself for the sacrifice because no one was qualified to do the job.
  • This sacrifice was done at no cost to man – it was free!
  • God gave every man the opportunity to enjoy this saving hand by just believing in Jesus Christ.
  • God even extended the package to eternity, if you believe, you can have the opportunity to reign with Him forever.

What a way to show His love – He gave all He had to save man and to help ma.

Why then do we take the love of God for granted?

This is because many people, especially Christians are ignorant of what the terms are. The devil has blinded their understanding in this aspect. Christians enjoy their sins all because they know they have and serve a living God.
Paul said Romans 6:1,
Should we continue in sin so that grace may increase?

The truth you must know today

These are the basic truth you must know about the love of God:
  • The truth is that it is written of Jesus that He has come for the rise and fall of many (Luke 2:34).
  • The truth is that God is a merciful God and also a consuming fire.
  • The truth is that there is a heaven and a hell.
  • The truth is that there is a devil who works tirelessly to drag anyone (whether Christians or non-Christians) to hell. In fact, he enjoys it when those who go to hell are Christians.
  • The truth is that there’s a Holy Spirit who is ever ready to help you if you’re struggling with any sin. His job is not to make you do the miracles alone; He has a duty to help you overcome your sinful habits. This is the beauty of Christianity.

Sin is a messenger to us now

Jesus died and rose from the dead nailing sin to His Cross so sin has become a messenger to us. We have been empowered to be masters over sin. But we have to be ready and we have to stop defending our sins. Holy Spirit of God, most times, only help willing and ready hearts.
What would be your reaction if you arrive at a company and you see the messenger on the M.D seat issuing out instructions to the M.D.? It’s the same way when you allow what Jesus has turned into our messenger (sin) to issue instructions to you (the M.D).
You need to rise to resist that sinful habit. You can do it with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Israelites took the love of God for granted

Finally, can you look at an example of people who took the love of God for granted:
1 Corinthians 10:1,4-6
[1]Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea,
[4]and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.
[5]But with most of them, God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.
[6]Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted.

Pray against that sinful habit

Tell that sinful habit today that enough is enough and ask the Holy Spirit to help. Immerse yourself into the Word of God by studying diligently. Find and study love of God verses. Listen to good love of God sermons.
Now if you are yet to become saved through Jesus Christ, you will struggle with sin. If it appears you are on top of situations today, you are deceiving yourself, the devil will come when you least expected. And when he does, there will be no Spirit of God or power of God to help you.
I want you to ask God to forgive your sins. Ask Jesus to become your Lord and Savior today. Ask God to wash you clean with the blood of Jesus Christ.
If you have said this prayer from your heart, you’re saved; you are born again and you have become a child of God.
Please write to me here and request for my short ebook, Letter to Newly Born Again Christians.
Visionary Business Project Whatsapp/ Phone 08034300979.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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