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Bible Short Reports series

Money is good

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School of BUSINESS

Money is good. It’s only the love of money that is the root of all evil. Money will always hold a prime place in our lives and even in the body of Christ.

Most Christians have not allowed God and His will to help them handle issues around money effectively. This has come with lots of consequences.

Related: How do you inquire of the Lord?

Why money is good

Money is good and it’s very good for everyone including Christians. Come to think of it, you will need money to buy the good things that are necessary for your survival in life.

Since money is a means of exchange for goods and services, it will always be relevant and useful.

Some rigid Christians should understand this truth. There is no marketplace in any country that has been created for Christians alone where they can pick up goods and services without paying cash.

Related: Jesus raised him from the dead: Story of a Nollywood actor

How to relate with money

I am using this post and the ebook gift on this page to show you how you can begin to relate with money effectively and still maintain your cordial relationship with God.

I want you to look at these scenarios:

  • Mr. A became rich on the earth but ended up not making heaven – he went to hell.
  • Mr. B was poor on the earth but ended up making heaven.
  • Mr. C was rich on the earth and ended up making heaven.

Now, I want you to be sincere with your choice. Which of the three examples would you love to emulate and be like?

Well, your guess is as good as mine – Mr. C.

More analysis of the money is good illustration

Let us look at more analysis of the money illustration done above:

Mr. A was foolish – He did not know God but followed the right principles to become rich. He handled money carelessly and foolishly and reaped the consequences.

Mr. B was not foolish because he knew and hallowed God and made heaven but he could not handle money wisely and was poor all through his life.

Mr. C loved God, used the right principles and strategies to handle money effectively, and made heaven.

What Mr. C did to record his outstanding achievements are within your reach. Please request for my best-selling Christian novel, Wealth Codes.

You will learn Godly and very practical principles and strategies that will help you to handle money the way it should.

Become one of the early beneficiaries of this gift ebook to register for this. 

Details about the ebook gift

Wealth Codes: a Christian African novel on wealth creation and financial principles.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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