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Bible Short Reports series

New Christian drama: why you should be a part of it

This new Christian drama project is about taking off. I am using this post to show you why you should be a part of it in any capacity that suits you.

Have you read The Prostitute novel? Check out how to get a copy free


New Christian drama: The Prostitute novel

This new Christian drama will continue the good works the novel version started about two and half years ago. The Prostitute novel, a story of extreme fury, love and jealousy, shows what happened when a morally-upright company executive to a wierd decision to marry a long-term notorious prostitute.

What became of the relationship? Did they survive the many forces that came up to year the marriage apart?

If you have not read this Christian romance fiction, please do so now


More information about it new Christian film project

I want you to find more information about this new Christian film project below. You will also fin information about how you can be a part of this new Christian drama project.

Isharef the information below with our newsletter subscribers recently.

I started an email series some days ago about The Prostitute novel film project. I want to thank those who have reached out to me after reading the last email I sent on this film project.

Well, in case you did not read my last email, The Prostitute novel film project is all about God asking us to turn the bestselling novel that has helped lots of people online and offline into a film.

I also informed you that God’s Spirit inspired this novel idea in me while I was studying the book of Hosea in the Bible. God asked Prophet Hosea to marry a Prostitute! That was a strange instruction from God.

Why must God ask Prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute?

This Bible book supplied the answer: God wanted to use his life, marriage and ministry to demonstrate His pains, disappointments, jealousy, and anger whenever the children of Israel (His own adopted children and ‘wives’) go on spiritual prostitution when they sin by serving other gods despite strict warnings from God to them severally and despite the many great things He had done for them.

God did not just want to show His anger and disappointments. Most importantly, He wanted to show His deep love for them. He wanted to help them out of their prostitution. He desired a permanent solution to their ugly prostitution and adultery.

How did this birth the interesting story in my bestselling Christian romance novel, The Prostitute?

First, if you have not read this novel, please do so at

I want you to be a part of this film project. Why and how?

First on why you should be a part of this.

  • We can reach more people with the message of this novel.
  • We can make more people become aware of the ever present love of God for them.
  • We can help more marriages that are on the verge of breaking up to have hope again.

Secondly, how can you be a part of this project? Read the full details at

I believe strongly that the Lord will surely reward you for this. As long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest shall not cease (Genesis 8:22).

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In case you want to find this book in all formats on Amazon, please get more information here

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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