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violent anger
Bible Short Reports series

Violent Anger: How I Overcame Violent Anger

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God helped me to win the battle over violent anger and also to learn how to enjoy my marriage at the early stage of getting married.

My book, How I Overcame Violent Anger and 6 Mistakes I made as a husband has helped others and they will surely help you too.


My thoughts about violent anger

I am of the school of thought that believes hot anger must not be tolerated by Christians and even anyone. Violent anger is a destroyer of good things.

if you are the type who don’t agree with this, then you need to read my interesting experience with violent anger.

As usual, as it is customary with this blog, my Christian teachings, and also many Christian books, I have used story illustrations all through the guide on stopping violent anger.

You will enjoy reading this guide and you will even pass it across to others.


Control anger biblically: Use of scripture

Of course, the scriptures and the Spirit of God helped me immensely over violent anger. they will be available to help you too if you give them the chance.

If you want to stop your angry reactions to issues, if you want to end hot anger, if you want to put an end to hot temperament, this post is just for you.

Enrol in the online course training I did on Anger Management for Christians, please do here

That online course has helped lots of students who have enrolled via the Udemy platform over the years. It will help you too. Enrol today.


What is violent anger?

Violent anger is the hot emotional reaction or attitude you put up from time to time. It involves expressing your anger and aggression in an obvious way.

It can involve breaking things, shouting and cursing. I have just provided a simple definition here.


Christian Guide on Stopping Violent Anger

I want you to read the description of the Christian Guide on ending violent anger below. you should take a step to obtain a copy and leave your review on the estore where you will obtain it. This will help the spread of the message of this guide.


Description of the guide

“Getting violently angry has always been part of me and I was really not doing anything about it until I got married. My angry reactions to issues sometimes become extremely violent and after displaying the act for a few minutes,

I usually began to wonder what got over me and most times I don’t always feel good about myself. When I noticed how destructive this act can become, I wanted a solution that I got following a simple guide which I have shown in this do-it-yourself short Christian guide.

I learned to tame these sinful angry reactions to issues and I believe you too can learn to do this. Violent or sinful anger can destroy what you have painstakingly built over the years and smashed them to the floor in a few minutes.

You need to read this guide. It contains short stories, simple diagrams and simple steps I dedicatedly began to carry out until I began to record regular victories over it. Obtain this Christian guide today.”

Get this book on Amazon today 


New: Enrol for My new Course: Anger Management for Christians

Christian video courses online

This online course teaches you how to handle anger in a Godly way. It’s filled with the practical stories of how I had to fight the good fight of faith against violent anger. Please enrol at Anger Management Online Course

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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