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Money and finances of a Christian

Oyedepo and kingdom wealth

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What is Oyedepo and kingdom wealth all about? You will find out in this post.

I produced this post on Bishop David Oyedepo and his God-given wealth from my response to a comment by someone in our social media pages.

So much has been said about the kingdom wealth of Dr. David Oyedepo and Living Faith Church Worldwide popularly called Winners Chapel. This post is giving a clarification based on what I have been helped to know by the Holy Spirit as someone who has devoted time to study and carry out researches into the life and ministry of Bishop David Oyedepo.


Who is David Oyedepo?

David Oyedepo is a Nigerian pastor. He is the founder and President of Living Faith Church Worldwide popularly called Winners Chapel. The church and ministry has its headquarters in Ota, Nigeria.

Bishop David Oyedepo is a best-selling multiple author. His books have blessed mots of lives in Nigeria and abroad. His ministry or the church has achieved, to the glory of God, significant thing in ministry through the help of God.

You may need to read top 10 Christian ministries in Nigeria 


Oyedepo and kingdom wealth: Is David Oyedepo wealthy?

David Oyedepo is reputed to be the wealthiest pastor in the world. How the press got to that conclusion, I can’t really explain here but the actual fact is that Dr. David Oyedepo is very wealthy.

Many of his books and sermons have shared the secrets of his kingdom wealth. He has followed biblical principles to build his wealth over the years.

One of such biblical principles is the one in Matthew 6:33, “Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you.”

Sons of the prophet

Have you read the Sons of the Prophet book? It is a detailed guide on Godly spiritual mentoring. How Bishop David Oyedepo relates profitably with His mentors and mentees.

The secrets in this book can go a long way to speed up results in your life business or career or ministry.

Please get a copy of the Sons of the Prophet book today here


Some notes about Bishop Oyedepo and kingdom wealth

Please find some notes about Bishop Oyedepo and kingdom wealth in the remaining parts of this post.

Just as I mentioned above, this part is my unedited response to the malicious or ignorant comments of someone on one of our social media pages. I will try as much as possible to break it up into sections to aid the comprehension of the messages in the contents.


God does not want us to be poor

The person accused Bishop Oyedepo of having a wealthy mindset.

My response:

And what is your own goal – to be poor. It’s written, I wish above all things that you prosper… Can you find that in the Bible? If it’s there among many other promises of God on financial prosperity, why is it a sin if a Christian has that as one of his goals? .

What does he do with his God-given wealth? Can you carry out researches and let us have the results. The problem is not about being wealthy, it’s about what you do with the wealth.

Kingdom wealth is one of the ways God will distinguish His own in this end times. Just as He did with Abraham and Job.

Let’s stop this poverty induced religion. Let us stop crucifying those who are operating under open heavens and kingdom wealth.

The one you are crucifying has won many souls to Christ more than people who crucify them. He is still going on Personal evangelism today to win souls. His books and teachings are always based on christians having a covenant relationship with God..

Worshipers at winners are always interested in going after souls through personal evangelism. I can go on and on.

This personal hatred should stop in the body of Christ.

If anyone wants to be poor let him be poor and make heaven. If anyone wants to be rich and make heaven let him be rich and make heaven. Or is poverty the certificate to make heaven.

It’s your choice – to be a poor Lazarus or a wealthy Abraham. Remember that both made heaven!!!

Abiola Odetayo I must confess you lack proper information about David Oyedepo. I see that in your comment. Before you reach a conclusion about anything, you need to investigate the person thoroughly.

The secrets of Oyedepo wealth is what he discovered in Deuteronomy 8:18. It’s there in the public domain. A covenant relationship with God. Untill you do your part God is not committed to doing His part. You should read his testimony in that.

Another is Matthew 6:33. Seek first the kingdom of God… I hope you have that in your Bible.

Is it a sin if a Christian minister noticed Christians and churches were as poor as church rats in those days and he went on a search to find a way out. He got it. And stood by it. The results is what we see today..

Those days churches were going cap in hand abroad to ask for financial aids. He chose not to do that.

My friend, you need to take your time to find out more about him and his ministry instead reaching conclusions that are not right.

Well I’m case you want to see more please check out this

I am sorry to write this but I think you are mistaking for running down fellow men of God on your page.

1. You mentioned his proclamations but you always talk about the truth in those proclamations. I believe your hatred for the man is the problem here.

2. Born to reign. Is this a sin. Jesus is reigning and we should also be reigning too. Jesus said as He is so we are. Reigning can mean lots of things depending on the encounters you have with Christ through His word. What is important is which process are you following to reign. I am happy you never mentioned Oyedepo as an occultist. I am happy about that.

3. Oyedepo is wealthy. Adeboye is wealthy. Why should that surprise anyone. I ll be surprised if they are not. People who have been on the scene for many years sowing into the kingdom of God should be poor? I think you need to check the gospel you’re reading and preaching.

4. We should blame God and His Word for celebrating the wealth of Abraham then. And that of Job and others. We should blame Him for boasting that gold and silver are His. Why should anyone have problems when a man of God who is not into occultism is wealthy. Hatred is the reason.

5. Check your statement about his innocent son. It’s bad when you speak that way about a young man who is preaching the gospel and leading others to Christ.

6. So when his children in the Lord decided to give him a birthday present he should reject it? Common let us stop dividing ourselves. It’s a big error.

7. There are ministers of God I don’t like their doctrines but I ll never come to a public platform to run them down. That’s immaturity. What makes you feel you are the one that’s right. Are you God?

8. My city shall spread abroad through prosperity. You can hate wealth. You can love poverty in the church but it doesn’t stop the will of God.

9. Finally, can you please take your research to investigate what Oyedepo and winners do with the wealth it has. You should do this. You should find out how many people are on the payroll of this church. You should find out how many people are on scholarship on Oyedepo. You should find out how many roads the church is repairing in its community. You should do these researches and let us read that on your page. At least we should be concerned about what a wealthy uses his wealth to do.

7. You should also see how his preachings are tied to Jesus and a covenant relationship with God. You carry out researches on this and let us know.

Sir, paddle your canoe. If you think a minister you know God has called is in error, your duty is to hold the person in prayer and not to run them down on the social media pulpit. Not to talk of the fact that you’re not even against kingdom wealth. You know it is there in the Bible. It’s just that you just want to show you hate the minister and to show yourself as the one who is right.


Sir, I saw you asking for assistance to publish your big book on your page. If Oyedepo does that you will criticize him. Some ministers of God will not do that. It’s also not s sin that you did that too. So different ministers with different revelation and mission but all must lead to one direction. There are some ministers that God is using to show His wealth on this earth. Some are designed for other purpose. Let us face our individual calling squarely



Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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