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Payment of tithe should not be an issue

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Should payment of tithe be an issue for Christians? This was the question I addressed in one of my comments to a discussion on social media some months ago.

I believe this comment on tithe payment will be of good use to you. This is the reason why I am reproducing it here on our Christian personal development blog.

Related: 12 truth about tithe


What is the payment of tithe?

Payment of tithe is an instruction or a commandment from the bible from God that Christians should pay 10% of their income to the house of God (in this case, the church).

This is the simplest definition I will give it. Payment of tithe is a commandment in the bible. This is where lots of people have problems today. Some believe it’s no longer a commandment for New Testament Christians. They believe this commandment was only expressly given in the Old Testament for the Jews.

Well, I completely have a different view of this group of people above. Payment of tithe is a commandment from God that’s spread throughout the length and breadth of the bible.

I wrote a whole book on this topic and you can read more about this book here.

Now, if you want more of my views on tithe payment in the church, you should check the related links above. Let me just launch you into my comment of tithe on the social media below.


Paying tithe in churches: my views

This is a very sensitive topic especially if we have to look at it critically. Not paying tithe will surely not bring anyone under any curse.

But deciding to pay it has lots of advantages. I believe the problem is not about tithe payment per se. It’s about how it’s being preached today.

Sometimes, I wonder why Christians get furious about giving ordinary ten percent of their income to the church. I wonder.

We have Muslims who pay tithe to some Christian ministers they like and respect their callings.

My take: Pay it if you want to pay it. Don’t pay if you don’t want to pay. At the end of the day, it all boils down to how you put your life and resources on the ground for the work of God.

Jesus talks about the all-percent not even 10%. He said, love the Lord your God with all your heart (and with all you have got).

The disciples in the book of Acts sold lands and properties and gave all. But it’s a shame that we argue and curse just because of the ordinary 10%. It’s a shame indeed!

Anyway, I did this video some time ago about this topic. You may just watch it now to see why it’s not a big deal to pay an ordinary 10% of your income to the church.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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