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Peter Obi and the church vigils podcast

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Have you heard the Peter Obi and the church vigils podcast? Well, this is trending online at the moment.

Many members of the church community are disappointed with his negative utterances about turning Church vigils into night shifts.

Well, we got involved in the discussion on the social media. As usual and as I do with some of our comments on social media on this blog, I am presenting our various comments on the issue of the Peter Obi and the Church vigils podcast.

First and foremost, please read what we think in a summary about his talks about turning night vigils into night shifts before you go into the comments on social media.

Related: Church and philanthropic works in Nigeria


What we think about Peter Obi and the church vigils podcast

What we think about the Peter Obi and the Church vigils podcast at the Visionary Business Project is this:

Church vigils and Church programs are not our problems in Nigeria. Our fathers in the faith and their churches have been running the best systems in Nigeria over the years even with their many Church vigils and programs.

  • They run the best schools
  • They run the best cities
  • They employed lots of workers without owning their workers
  • They have 24/7 electricity in their various cities
  • They get roads in their communities repaired without the help of the government
  • They are the biggest philanthropic organizations in the country

So how is night vigils and Church programs the problems of Nigeria?

Mr. Peter Obi erred with his negative and unguided and unfortunate utterances in his podcast.

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First Comment on social media about Peter Obi and the Church vigils podcast

Hmmm. I am not surprised by what Obi has said. He is just that!!! The truth is coming out very clearly now.

I am surprised that some church communities fell for his antics before the election. We were just angry about the Muslim Muslim ticket and APC and Bola Ahmed Tinubu candidacy and we fell for the antics and incompetencies of Peter Obi.


What was Peter Obi’s Christian contribution as a governor?

The truth is that:

1. As a governor of Anambra state, what significant thing did Obi did for the Christian community? While not advocating for BAT, at least BAT returned schools to original church owners.

We also know Pastors who will do anything to support him because of how he has helped them in the past. A Muslim who has his wife and some of his children as strong Christians.

2. As a governor, what did Obi do for the Anambra people and the state.

3. As a governor what did Obi do for Anambra state?

4. Is Obi truly a Christian?

Then, what made our Christian leaders and communities fall for his antics?

Little achievement. Little or no investment into the economy of the country as an individual. Little foresight. His talks are always off point most times.


Why did we fall for the antics of Peter Obi?

Did we think he will ever do anything for the cause of Christianity?

No, he won’t because he is not really a Christian in the real sense of it. By his fruits we should have known that.


Expect his apologies soon

What’s next? He will come out to try to correct his errors in the podcast. Watch out for that.

As 2027 draws near, he will still try to come around the Christian leaders and the church communities again.

His agenda is to use the church to win the presidency.

Really, though I am not completely impressed by BAT performance but I prefer someone who stands for something without changing despite many obstacles and challenges.

If Peter Obi can say all these within some months after the election, then we need to look well.

If BAT must be taken out definitely it’s not for us to support an Obi.

My submission.


2nd comment on social media about Peter Obi and the Church vigils podcast

The truth is that we (Christian community) erred when we threw our support for him. I did not anyway. The question is:

  • Is he truly a Christian
  • What are his Christian fruits
  • What did he do for Christianity when he was governor that is noteworthy?
  • Who is Mr Peter Obi?
  • Why did we think he would turn around to be Mr good for Christianity if he becomes a president?


We missed it

We hated Muslim Muslim ticket and APC and BAT (not out of place though) but we supported the wrong person to beat this opposition.

Peter Obi wants to be president and is ready to use the Christian body and the youth to achieve his aims. He was everywhere in church programs before the election. Have you seen him in these programs after the election.

Was he an active person in these programs before the election?

These are questions we should have asked ourselves in the first place.


President Tinubu (BAT) has Christian connection

At least the BAT we hated has his wife and some of his children as active members of the church. BAT even returned the missionary schools during his tenure as governor of Lagos state.

We erred. If we need someone to defeat APC and BAT in the year 2027, it’s definitely not someone we cannot trust to stand behind a single cause for a long time.


Peter Obi showed his true color

What he said is not a slip of tongue. That’s who he is. Definitely not someone who can take us to the promised land. And not someone who will favor the righteous cause of Christianity.

I am sorry if I have rumbled the head of his supporters especially the igbos but I had to just expressed my mind.


3rd comment about Peter Obi and the Church vigils podcast

The simple truth is that our problem is not night vigils. Our problem is not the Church.

With our night vigils, Churches are still running the best systems in Nigeria. Helping politicians out in many ways. With vigils and programs Winners chapel and Baba Oyedepo are doing far better than many governors.

With vigils and programs Baba Adeboye and rccg are doing better than many governors and even the presidency. The records are there.

So night vigils is not our problem.


Misguided and unfortunate statement from Peter Obi

Why should someone who calls himself a Christian say that? It shows he does not even understand the real problem of this country.

If America is not doing vigils we know how some of them are running down to Nigeria for spiritual pilgrimage. We know how their schools are not safe again.

We know how they have legalized same sex marriage and abortion in some states. We have friends in these places who are sick and tired of the spiritual state of these states.

If we have the spiritual here we only need to become more responsible as leaders of the people and more accountable.

It’s completely wrong to cut off our spirituality and connection to God. Our problem is not the vigils and the programs.

Peter Obi should know that. But anytime Obi wants to satisfy some people he comes out to do and say anything in order to achieve his ambition.


President Tinubu will never utter such

BAT will never say such even as a Muslim. Have you seen him say anything against the fathers of faith?

He won’t. These are people who stand for something and they stick to it. Though he is getting some policies wrong at the moment, yet he is bold to stand strong.

Muslim Muslim ticket, he was bold to stand strong. Emefile money issues before election he was bold declare against the APC presidency.

Even his ’emilokan’ declaration was a show of boldness.

He may be getting things wrong at the moment but you can’t fault his boldness and tenacity which Mr Obi lacks.

He wants the north to support him. So he had to make some terrible statements. But he missed it, the north will never support him fully.

I rest my case.

Note: These views are my personal views. At least, even as a Christian, I have the right to have my personal political views. My personal views about politics will always support anything that will support the cause of Christianity.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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