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popular nigerian gospel films
Popular Christian Movies

Popular Nigerian Gospel films

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These popular Nigerian gospel films will greatly help your faith and your walk with God. I have been blessed by Christian films and drama. Usually, I receive a great boost in my ‘spiritual adrenalin’ anytime I watch a gospel film.

How can gospel films help you?

Gospel films can help you in the following ways:

  • Boost your faith in God
  • Improve your walk with God
  • Help to reveal basic truths about the Christian faith
  • Strengthen your prayer life
  • Gives you the opportunity to know and understand that you are not the only one running the Christian race

Related: Read about 10 Christian ministries in Nigeria

Examples of popular Nigerian gospel films

The following are examples of Nigerian gospel films that can teach you lots of values and help your faith walk with God.


The Prostitute: A Christian romance movie

What they said about The Prostitute film

“Great movie” Chinonso Aguzie
“So inspiring” Reuben Mabur

“Filled with suspense from the beginning.Judge turned into accuser and vice versa, full of lessons and…” Pastor Sunday Apata

What happened to a strict and morally upright man, Steve Davies, who suddenly fell in love with a notorious prostitute, Serena? This is the film version of my best-selling Christian novel, The Prostitute

Click the poster to watch the film today



This is a love story of Felix and Sharon who were planning to get married when Felix discovered HE WAS TESTED POSITIVE TO HIV which led to the unfolding of his darkest secret the day he met his fiancee’s chief bridesmaid Cynthia. Please watch here


Not too late is a Nigerian movie written by Evangelist Matthew Bamidele. This film will bless your life as you watch and encourage you in your Christian Journey. Please watch below.


This movie teaches that the devil can use anybody, including parents and pastors. No one is exempted. Unless we keep our feet deeply rooted in God’s Word, we can all fall prey to the devil’s tricks. Also, this gospel film teaches you how you should never compromise the standards of God. Please watch here


In this popular Nigerian gospel film, God exposes why He has a destiny map out for you before He made you. This Christian drama will keep you grounded scripturally, not lacking in anything. Please watch below:

It’s a great practice to watch gospel films or Christian drama. There are many more out there. You can find a film for any Christian topic online. Please let me read from after you have watched these films. You can also let me know from your comments about the Nigerian Gospel films that have been of great benefit to you.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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