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Relevance of structure in ministry

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We can’t underestimate the relevance of structure in ministry and in our church organization if we truly want to undergo the necessary growth and plan of God for us in this end times.


How God helped me to understand the need for structures

Some years ago, God said to me this interesting statement: “How do I bring growth when there are no structure on ground?”

That was God’s response to the hot desire and the hot prayers I had offered to God before then.  I believe that made God to confront me with my foolishness with that interesting question.

When God asks you a question like that, He is trying to get your attention on some thing and also to possibly confront you with your foolishness.

Well, I caught the message. I sprung into action and tried to put some forms of structure into what we were doing at that time. After I carried out the first set of changes, I saw some movement and growth. I have not stopped putting and refining these structures since then.


Catholic church and structures

Over the years, I have seen orthodox churches put lots of emphasis on putting structures in place in their ministries and churches

The Catholic Church is about 1800 years old. The reason why it has existed for so long in spite of its challenges is because they build institutions, and do not build the church around strong personalities.

After the pope dies, another pope is selected from the council of bishops and the church continues.

African Churches have not lasted for 150 years. Their ministries are built around the personality and abilities of one charismatic figure whom they venerate and call their papa. They don’t build institutions that will outlive them.
After their papa and founder dies, their churches struggle to survive, and many of them shut down.

And we wonder why the Catholic Church will outlive African churches.


Relevance of structure in ministry: Pentecostal churches built to fail

Pentecostal churches are built to fail. Why? They are built around one gifted, eloquent, charismatic man or woman.

Such churches hardly survive the demise of their founders. Churches that have survived for 100’s of years have solid structure, are built around a system designed to last for generations. Pentecostal churches have hype, razzmatazz, glitz but dependent on one individual therefore designed to fail in the long term.


Secrets of survival of Catholic church

The catholic church has system/structure therefore has survived for 100’s of years in spite of the problems that have plagued it.


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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