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A basic role of Christian parents over their children

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What you are reading from me today will show you a basic role of Christian parents over their children. You will agree with me that the times we are in today present the opportunity for parents to reevaluate their parenting duties using God’s Word as the basis of reevaluation.

Related: The practice of meditating on the Word of Godword


What does God say about parenting?

God’s view about parenting is so clear and it’s shown all through the bible in the way God related with His chosen servants and prophets. The case of Eli, the Israel’s priest, who lost his priesthood office due to his careless parenting activities.

God wants parents to teach their children His Word. He commanded different generations of Israel to tell stories of His mighty acts to their children.


Role of Christian parents: Read this

Dear parent, please read this interesting passage from God’s Word below:


Psalm 78:9-10 “The children of Ephraim were armed and carrying bows, yet they turned back in the day of battle. They kept not the covenant of God and refused to walk according to His law”

That was an account of the children of Ephraim. The arms and bows could not save or help these children in the day of battle because they were not taught the Word of God by their parents.

Parents who do not teach their children the Word of God are exposing them to a future danger. That bible passage showed just that.


Christian parenting: Academic education is not enough

Children with only academic education and no Christian or Spiritual education will not be able to stand in the days of battle. The days of battles will always come. Parents have a responsibility and a basic role to teach their children the Word of God.

We can build big businesses and big houses. But what’s the use of a business we build and the wealth we grow if our children are not lovers of God almighty? What’s the use if our children, with all the big certificates, are not able to stand in the days of battles?

God will keep our children safe and He will give us the grace to teach them the Word of God. Our children will be terrors to the kingdom of darkeness in Jesus name.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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