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christian romance novel
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The Christian romance novel is now fully live on Amazon

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Yes, my Christian romance novel, The Prostitute finally got released on Amazon last Monday and I am excited about it.

I believe you should too. Well, if you want to know why I believe you should be excited, I want you to read on.

Been so Busy with the Romance Novel

I have been extremely busy with the final launch of this novel for the past one month or so. The preorder was set some months ago and myself and my team really did a great job to get it ready before the deadline set by Amazon.

The Romance Novel Got Some Sales

The preorder sales produced some sales and the first running of Kindle free days also got some downloads on Amazon. But we are not resting on our oars as we believe this is a book lots of people must read especially if you are having problems with your marriage or you are struggling with life and you want to give up.

Some Interesting Reactions for The Prostitute on Facebook

We got some interesting reactions when we ran Facebook ads for the launch to give out the free sample locally. The comments were insightful and helpful.

We are now about publishing the print edition on Amazon Kdp print.

You can still get it free on Amazon at anytime. Well, that is for those who are paying subscribers of Amazon’s Kindle lending library and Kindle unlimited.

Giving Out 1000 Copies of The Prostitute Out to Nigerians

For Nigerians reading this, we are planning giving out 1000 copies of the book in PDF format away soon. If you want to know when we start that, go straight away to

and fill the simple form to claim the freebies there. It will take you only 2 minutes to get that done. After your free subscription, you will be notified when we start to give the free PDF copies out.

I want you to do that now and the link again is

If you also want to be part of the public introduction of this romance novel at an event in Lagos, you should also subscribe at that link.

Thank you so much for reading this piece. Please let me read your comments. You can also go ahead to share this post with your friends on the social media.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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