How to achieve greatness in life and business
Secrets of supernatural provisions
Visionary Business Project

Secrets of supernatural provisions

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School of BUSINESS

I revealed the secrets of supernatural provisions in this Visionary Business Project video in one of our training programs. As Christians, we should understand that supernatural provisions are real and available to us but there conditions and responsibilities we have to fulfill to have these supernatural provisions from God.


What are supernatural provisions?

I should be able to explain this in as very simple and practical way using the story of how God supplied the needs of Prophet Elijah when Israel experienced famine as pronounced by the Prophet himself.

At the brook of cherith, God used a raven to provide food for Elijah in the morning and in the evening. At Zarepath, God used a widow to provide for his needs through a miracle.

Simply put, supernatural provisions are God’s way of making available to us all we need for our sustainance at every period or situation.  Every father wants to provide for his children, God is our big Father, He always want us to be provided for supernaturally.


Our responsibilities for supernatural provisions

We have our responsibilities if we have to constantly receive supernatural provisions or if we have to continually receive increased supernatural provisions at every level and on a yearly basis.

In this video of supernatural provisions from the Visionary Business Project, I have used a title that will get most people interested in the video. I have used the stories of faith giants in my country as illustrations (Pastor Adeboye and Dr. David Oyedepo).


Christian Business Power (Video): Why Pastor Adeboye and Dr. David Oyedepo attract more provisions than you

Watch video now and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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