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Spiritual support for Business Success
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Spiritual Help for Business Success

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School of BUSINESS

You can get spiritual help for business success as a Christian. Jesus said to us that we are not of this world and that we are from above. Moses said also that we shall above only and not beneath. The Bible also recorded that we are seated in Christi Jesus, far above principalities and powers.

All these show that we have an ‘above nationality’. Now if this is the case, then we should naturally understand that we have access to all the resources and power that are President above with God, our Father.

Related: How to Connect with God to develop adequately


Spiritual help for your business success is your birthright

You can receive help from above. You can have God’s strong backing for your business on this earth. This is the edge you have over non-Christians. You should take advantage of this. This short book on spiritual help for business success was prepared to open your eyes to what you need to know to enjoy God’s backing for your business on this earth.

Please download this book today


God wants to help your business

God wants to help you and your business. He is interested in doing that for you; His Word if full of many promises on this. I enjoy His help and backing for the business and organization I run. You can too.


About the book on Spiritual help for business success

Do you want to learn how to leverage your Christian spirituality to establish or put your business on the path of growth and development?

Christian entrepreneurs and Christian small business owners are now realizing the usefulness of their Christianity to their business success. You don’t need to be left out of this present revolution or be in the dark over this positive development.

You can rely strongly on your Christian spirituality to start and run successful businesses.
Every wealthy men and kings I have met and investigated all allude to the fact that wealth is spiritual. That is a basic truth about this topic and the earth where we dwell as human beings.

If wealth is spiritual then business, which is a major platform that produces wealth, is also spiritual.
In fact, everything is spiritual and the spiritual controls the physical. Those who have found a way to manipulate or use spiritual resources to their advantage have really gained maximum benefits and edge over others who have stayed neutral.

The question is,” How do you take advantage of spiritual resources to ensure you run a successful business in our world that is extremely spiritual and where spirituality goes a long way to determine the winners?” This short book shows you in simple language.

Please download this book today

And recommend it to every Christian business people you know.


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

Join the discussion

  1. Rosemary A.

    Very inspiring insight sir. As a Christian it comes again as a reminder that it takes that great backup from the Almighty God to have any impart that will at the end glorify God. My soul and faith to going ahead and serve God and mankind through Christian business project is quickened again.
    Thank you sir.

    • Personal Development Admin

      Thank you Rosemary for your comment. I am glad the book helped you. I am also glad you are ready to continue to use your business to honor God. God will bless you and your business in Jesus name. Amen.

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