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Stop devil's tricks: an online ebook guide
Bible Short Reports series

Stop devil’s tricks: an online ebook guide

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You Can Stop the Devil’s Tricks

Sesan Oguntade

Published by Sesan Oguntade at Smashwords

Copyright 2013 Sesan Oguntade

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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the  New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Scripture quotations marked (TLB) and (MSG) are taken from The Living Bible and the Message Bible translations respectively.


Chapter 1: Introduction

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

What I have quoted above came by inspiration from Peter, a prominent apostle of Jesus Christ. He was made to see into the spirit realm the busy nature of the devil. According to him, the devil walks about – he is not at rest. He desires greatly all the time to cause one harm or the other to Christians and even non-Christians.

Peter described the devil’s mode of business – he moves about like a roaring lion! He is not a lion, he only moves like a roaring lion. Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and we (Christians) are His children – we are the real lions because the Bible says that the righteous will be as bold as lions (Proverbs 28:1). You may need to watch a documentary on television to see how lions move about in  the jungle looking for their preys. If you have watched this before, then you will understand how desperate the devil is to cause harm to unsuspecting people of the world.

The truth of the matter is that lots of people of the world have intentionally allowed him to either use them to cause harm to others or allowed him to cause them harm. However, there are people (Christians) who have voiced their dislikes for the devil and all he stands for but who have unintentionally  allowed him to cause them harm. This report is written for these types of people.

The devil is a trickster of the highest order. He understood that lots of Christians are now discovering lots of important information about him and his dirty operations, he has continued to devise more tricks to get at innocent souls. This trick of his has been in operation even right from the creation days in the book of Genesis. He tricked Eve to disobey God’s instructions. Eve would not have desired to intentionally disobey God but she fell for the devil’s tricks. How many of today’s Christians are still falling for his tricks. This report, by God’s grace will educate you on this important topic.

This report will be identifying 7 simple cases from the Bible where the devil was at work causing lots of harm to unsuspecting people. I will also be showing under each case how he still make use of those tricks today to cause harm to Christians and any other.

I want to give the Holy Spirit all the glory for this work. Now let us start.


Chapter 2: Run Away from His Camp

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new” 2 Corinthians 5:17

I was once inspired to understand that a non-Christian is still dwelling in the camp of the devil. He or she therefore needs to take its leave from the camp of the devil to the camp of God. Every  human being born into this world is born into the camp of the devil. This is as a result of the unfortunate actions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). They obeyed the devil to disobey God. The person you obey is your master. Adam, who has mankind as the meaning of his name had all of unborn mankind in his body at the time he sinned against God. He therefore brought the whole of mankind into this pitiful state (Romans 5:18). Man therefore became a citizen of the camp of the devil.

“For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous” Roman 5:19”

Through Adam, man became a citizen of the camp of the enemy but through the Jesus sacrifice, man changed nationality (he left the devil’s camp and came back into God’s camp).

If you must stop the devil’s tricks on you or have the power to stop attracting him, then you must change camps – you must become born again. If you are not a Christian reading this you need to say the salvation prayer below:

“Father in heaven, forgive my sinful past. I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and His shed blood has wiped away my sins. I believe He is the Son of the Living God. I accept Him as my Lord and Saviour. I want Him to begin to rule in my life as from now on. I believe I am saved. Thank you God for hearing my prayer”.

Congratulations! This is going to be the greatest decision you will ever take. Congratulations once again! Now begin to enjoy Christ unlimited and good success will never elude you again.

The Holy spirit of God is the One ruling on this earth in the camp of God. You can’t effectively stop the devil’s advances if you are not under the leadership of the Holy Spirit in His camp. So say the salvation prayer and change camp immediately if you have not done so.


Chapter 3: Watch What You Say

Stop devil's tricks

“For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” Romans 10:10

On so many occasions, I have wondered why an event that is so great as salvation which made God to come to the earth as Jesus to suffer and be killed by sinful men (His creatures) will be obtained by just believing in our hearts and CONFESSING with our mouths.

I once posted on our Christian blog ( an article titled, The Two Parts to Salvation where I showed why the salvation prayer is not complete if you only believed in your heart without confessing with your mouth in prayer to God.

Confession is indeed an important activity in the Christian world.

Now I hope you can also remember God’s series of confessions when He created heaven and the earth. Whenever He faced different tasks at the different stages of the creation process requiring a new creation, He always spoke them out. If confession is this important to God and also a major activity we must carry out before we can become God’s children, then we must begin to use this tool very well.

I was really guilty of this in my early days as a Christian. I got angry easily and I voiced out this anger from my mouth against anything and anybody. I learnt my lessons in a big way as God really helped me to understand my errors.

I was made to understand that I was attracting the devil and his demons with my ignorant actions! With a single negative confessions about yourself, your future, about anything or anybody, you take yourself back lots of years in the spiritual realm. When the spiritual environment over your head is disturbed, things can’t happen around you in the physical realm because the happenings in the spiritual  realm controls the ones in the physical realm.

They Murmured and Confessed Wrongly

“And all the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron, and the whole congregation said to them…why has the Lord God brought us to this land to fall by the sword…” Numbers 14:2 -3

I am sure you are familiar with the story above. My negative confessions (which I mentioned earlier) started with anger, theirs started from murmuring against God. They murmured and began to make the wrong confessions about God and His servant, Moses.

Well, Moses, the great intercessor pleaded  with God on their behalf  and God actually heard him and forgave them (Numbers 14:20).  However, they had already attracted the devil into their situation as  a result of their confessions.  God says, “Even though My servant, Moses had pleaded unto me on your behalf and I have indeed forgiven you but your confession has sold you out” (Numbers 14:28) (paraphrased).

God pronounced that people of the age of twenty and above will not reach the promised land. He did exempted some people from this pronouncement. Do you know those He exempted? Those who did not get involved in the negative confessions – Joshua, Caleb and those within the age below twenty!

Get contented with what you have and continually give God quality thanks every time. God made me to understand that I don’t have to worry about the resources I don’t have to accomplish my dreams but I should find out the ones I have (no matter how small and insignificant they appear) and get my project started with them giving Him quality thanks along the way. The resources that I don’t have will eventually be attracted to me to complete my project. I believed the Spirit of God had to minister this to me so that I won’t get myself so worried to the extent of murmuring and then confessing wrongly against Him just like the children of Israel did in the wilderness.

What you say is important in this fight of keeping the devil away from you. Yes, as Christians, we have God’s full, unchangeable promise to watch over us but we will be getting ourselves out of God’s protection arena if we are not careful with our confessions. The children of Israel did just that in the wilderness!


Chapter 4: Self Centeredness

“Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops? So he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater , and there I will store all my crops and goods. And I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; and eat, drink, and be merry” Luke 12: 16-19

Sometimes ago, I read a book of my mentor and after going through the contents of the book and the accompanying scriptures, I rose to declare that God should not bestow on me  physical blessings unless I begin to add values to people’s lives. I got so convinced from what I learnt that no one is permitted to receive God’s blessings unless he or she solve a problem or add values to lives.

Whatever you have been given is not meant for your use alone; you are to share with others solving their problems along the way. I once told my wife that it is devilish to spend all of a pay-packet on ourselves alone. Even after we must have paid our tithes, we must not spend everything remaining on ourselves.

Self-centred or selfish people don’t know they are attracting the devil to themselves with their actions. Selfishness is against God’s ways and He has not woven the earth together with such attitude. Jesus dropped His life for us. Many of the prophets and apostles in the Bible also left their professions, family (some did not even get married) to be used of God to bless us today.

The story of the rich fool above (Luke 12:16-20) is just an interesting case of a highly selfish human being. He made a good effort to plan the next years of his existence but he centred all his plans on himself alone! There was no place for others and GOD! God detested his actions and attitude and allowed him to face the music.

“…And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said, ‘What is it Lord? So he said to him, ‘You prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God” Acts 10:4.

Cornelius in the story above got the attention of heaven as a result of his prayers and giving. I love this story and it has helped me greatly in the area of giving. A non-Christian gave to an extent that heaven got so interested in his case and sent an angel unto him. Peter, a commissioned apostle to the Jews was even dragged to minister to this non Jew! Christians should learn from this.

In our ministry, our vision is to raise people who will be problem solvers in the society. If we have been commanded to do this, then we must love the practice of adding values to others and solving problems very dearly. This practice is however, not meant only for us in our ministry alone; it is meant for all Christians. Remember that we are all the light of the world (Matthew 5:14) – light-shinning is all about problem-solving.

You will never really enjoy life if all you do is to live for yourself alone. Life is interesting when you live it putting smiles on the face of others.

The devil loves it when you become selfish. He knew you will not have the opportunity to attract the necessary light from God to ward off his advancement against on you. So pray against self-centredness – you need to do this with all you have got!


Chapter 5: Impure Thoughts and Habits

“Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened” Romans 1:21

Paul wrote the book of Romans to a Roman audience that were predominantly  Jews. Right from verse 18 of chapter 1, Paul tried to show his audience why some of them were not getting the best of God. He wanted to make them see why they have attracted the devil with their negative actions. Thereafter he went on to show the many abominable acts of this set of people (verses 22-32).

An important reason for their evil actions was as a result of the contents of Romans 1:21 (quoted above). They became futile in their THOUGHTS and their foolish HEARTS were darkened!

I want you to understand that this letter was a letter to those people who knew God (the passage above reads “Because, although they knew God…). Therefore we can conclude that Paul was actually referring to Christians in Rome at that time. This fact should make you and I understand that the evil effect of allowing impure thoughts in our lives as Christians can be very dangerous.

They took the decision not to think about God and all He stands for but began to think and dwell on what the devil stands for. The results was that they began to act out their dirty thoughts. God allowed them to act out their thoughts! (Romans 1:24).

The Bible says, “as a man think in his heart so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). The mind of man is the platform for the transformation of man. It must be renewed continually with positive, Godly information (Romans 12:2). All thanks to God that you have become a Christian. All thanks to God that people call you a Christian. All thanks to God that your spirit is born again. All thanks to God that you now have a redeemed soul (mind); you have the mind of Christ

(1 Corinthians 2:16). However, your mind which I call a sack of storing information must be renewed continually with the right information every now and then.

The surest source of quality information is contained in the word of God as we have it in the Bible. You are not expected to stay away from studying God’s word regularly. You don’t just study it, you should also find time to meditate (think deeply) on God’s word every now and then. I am telling you, it is a great exercise that can help you against these impure thoughts.

Learn to Discard Them

Now I am aware that sometimes you will not be able to stop some wrong and evil information from gaining entrance into your mind. Just like you may not be able to stop a bird from flying over your head, you will not be able to stop some impure information from gaining entrance into your mind.  However, you can learn to discard them immediately. They will hold you bound and attract the devil in your direction if you dwell on them. If the bird flying over you perches on your head, you can always chase it away immediately it lands over your head.

When an information begins to take its hold over my mind, I have always made myself to take note of it and to give it the right attention. I want to see whether the information is Godly or not (some information will appear as if they are Godly especially if it represents the popular opinion of the public). If it has no root from God’s word, I have “chased” it away immediately – I take my mind away from it. Sometimes, I have said a simple prayer under my breath – “I bind every foul ministration into my mind on … (I mention the topic)”.

I have also tried to remember or find the right information from God’s word on the topic so that I can make my mind feed on it.

This is the reason why you must be a good student of the word. If you are not studying the word, you won’t be able to recognise an evil information immediately.

Be Careful of Your Night Dreams

I have observed that the devil has used the platforms of dreams to pass across evil information unto Christians. Yes, God speaks to His children through dreams especially when they are still immature or young Christians but the truth of the matter is that the devil also ministers through dreams. The devil has copied almost all the forms by which God speaks to His children (he is a condemned copycats). The platform of dream has been a major avenue he gets children of God confused.

If you look through the scriptures especially the new testament, you will find out that God did not really use dreams to direct His children. There were the cases of Joseph, Jesus’ caretaker father on this earth (Matthew 1:20) and also the instruction of an angel to the shepherds in Matthew 2:12. These cases were before Jesus finished the salvation work on the cross. It is not recorded any where after then that the likes of peter, John, Andrew, Stephen, Paul and the others were directed through dreams.

I have mentioned this so that you can realise that you should never become born again and remain at the level of hearing from God only through dreams. God speaks sometimes to some Christians through dreams because they have refused to grow as Christians! The devil has taken advantage of this and has communicated lies and impure information to Christians through night dreams.

Our primary platform to know the mind of God is through His written word as contained in the Bible. If any dream information is contrary to God’s word as contained in the Bible, please discard it immediately!

When you study God’s word regularly, other methods of hearing from God will become easier to you.

Dwelling on impure thoughts will eventually take you further away from God  and will constantly attract the devil to you.


Chapter 6: Don’t Make God Number Two In Your Life

 “…and satan entered him” (John 13:27)

I have taken my time to look into the scriptures with the help of the Holy spirit to understand why Judas allowed himself to be used by the devil to betray Jesus. I observed that almost all the disciples came to Jesus having great hopes in the fact that Jesus will eventually return the glory and the rule that has been usurped or overtaken by the Romans unto Israel. To them, Jesus will get them armed and recruit more people to fight the Romans in order for the Jews to regain their lost glory.

This fact above necessitated the various “anti kingdom” actions of Peter towards the vision of Jesus Christ (John 13:36-38). It was also the reason why people like John wanted Jesus to allow them to call fire from Heaven to destroy those who refused their sermon. In the book of Acts, the disciples also asked a final question from Jesus about when the kingdom will come back to Israel (Acts 1:6).

They all wanted a change and they all detested the style of Jesus which was contrary to the war style used by their forefathers in the old testament!

However, all of them except Judas allowed Jesus explanation, views or authority to suppress their own selfish ambitions. They did not really love His style but they had no option but to submit to his directives and rule – they made Him number one. Even if they can’t fully understand His methods, they will still bow to his methods. We can see this from the many encounters of Jesus with

Peter. Peter always kept quiet to obey the final order from His Master even though he does not always love His master’s methods.

Judas was an exception. He was the treasurer but he had issues with money on many occasions. Despite Jesus’ sermon about why they must not worship God and Mammon (Matthew 6:24).  He also, probably because of his selfish ambition (Bible scholars records that he was a violent Jewish nationalist who had followed Jesus in hope that through Him his ambition might be realized)   had to conspire with the elders of Israel to betray His Master.

I want you to note that the Bible did not really show that he betrayed Jesus because of money. According to Mark 14: 11, “and when they (Chief priests)

heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him(Judas) money”. The promise to give him money came originally from the Pharisees. His motive for carrying out this action was bigger than money acquisition. His love for money may be one of his many negatives but his betraying action against Jesus had lots of bigger undertones.

One of these bigger undertones, I believe, was the fact he never allowed the Lordship of Jesus to overrule his personal ambition! He consistently made God number two in his live and affairs all the time!

It is dangerous if we allow these attitude in our lives. God should be number one in every of our dealings, decisions and ambitions. Many people don’t look in the direction of God when it is time to take a major decision concerning their lives. Some would not even discuss with their pastor because they know that their pastor would give a contrary advise to their decisions.

Jesus allowed God, His Father, to come first in all His dealings on the earth. This was clear when he declared, “…your will be done” in the garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:42). Oh! all thanks to God that Jesus allowed the Father’s will to overrule the will of His flesh in this Garden. This would have been another Garden tragedy (remember the tragedy in the Garden of Eden when Adam sinned). What would have been our lots today if Jesus had not gone to the cross! I don’t even want to think of the possibilities!

God is our Creator, we must fall in love with asking Him for directions any time we have to take decisions on major issues in our lives. I have allowed Him to help me in every decision I take. I read and study His word daily to receive these directions daily. You too should begin to do this.

If we relegate God to the second position in our lives we are attracting the devil to us.

Submit To Those In Authority

God has always been in the business of installing kings and leaders and I believe He will always be in this business. He owns the earth and I believe strongly in the fact that whatever happens on this earth will always bring the earth closer to the vision of God for the earth. This is the reason why no king, leader or president will be installed without God allowing it. Even if it seems that the leader was installed on fraudulent means, God knows about it and He has allowed it to fulfil His own purpose. God installs and He dethrones at His own discretions.

Now, if I have asked you to make God and His word number one in your lives and affairs, then I am telling you that you have to take it up to another level of submitting to those in authority over you as the Bible instructs in 1 Timothy 6:1-2. Whoever is a leader over you is representing God! Rebellion against those in authority is not godly.

Let all your “rebellion” happen in your prayer closet especially when there is a serious issue arising from the actions of those in authority that will make it difficult for the people to worship the true God.. You can offer constructive advice to a bad government or bad office leaders and distance yourself from their operations but it is not Biblical if you take up arms against them.

Wives, Submit to Your Husband

“Wives submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord” Ephesians 5:22

This is another clear instruction from the scriptures where human beings (women) in this case must submit to an authority in a family government. When a wife submits to the husband, she is honouring God in his life. God is a God of order, He knew there must be orderliness in a marriage and He has placed man as the head.

A woman can however, engage the power of prayers to a great advantage in the family. “Prayer protest” will give more honour to a woman in a marriage than physical and combative protest. The man also should understand that he must also submit to the authority of heaven as he deals with wife. Ephesians 5:25 says a man must love his wife as Christ love the church.

God should be number one in everything we do. Any attempt to relegate Him to the second place will prevent us from getting the best of Him and this action may just get the devil attracted to us.


Chapter 7: Beware of Praise Singers

“Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died” Acts 12:23

Praise singers are those who praise you to an extent of making you equal or greater than God. They make you appear as if your strength has given you the results they are praising you for. I have looked through the Bible(also from personal experience) and have observed that man is not capable of getting anything done if God did not enable him. God is the enabler.

Sometimes ago, as a young Christian, I set out to work for God not knowing I was trusting in my strength. The Spirit of God cautioned me with an interesting revelation that I will never forget in my life. I shared this vision in one of the articles of Our Success Laboratory Experiments – a platform on our ministry where we share practical, real life stories to describe success principles in the Bible. Let me reproduce this article below:


It is Not By Power

A man (a sports man I believe) found himself all alone on a field in a very big stadium. The stadium was filled to capacity. The eyes of all the people in the stadium were glued to this performer on the field.

This athlete knew the whole stadium was looking at him and routing for him and laboured to get his task done on the field. However, all his efforts yielded no result!

The athlete tried more in order to not to disappoint the audience but all to no avail!

As he tried out, a Man appeared behind him, tapped him on his shoulders and said, “It’s not by power nor by might but by my Spirit”.

Comment: Zechariah 4:6 states clearly the statement from this Man in the vision above. The Holy Spirit of God is the One that will make any Christian do exploits in this world. Our own power and might won’t do it. We need to relate deeply with Him waiting upon Him for instructions. Our success lies in obeying His instructions.

This vision taught me deep lessons about Christian success aspirations in the vineyard of God when I saw it. I searched everywhere in the Bible and in book stores to read more about the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

You can read more success experiments from The Success Laboratory at

I learnt  a great deal from this and I rushed to the book store to obtain books on the Holy spirit and His ministry.

Jesus says in John 15:5b, “…without Me you can do nothing”. No human being can get things done without God. Forget the fact that some people brag about their achievement despite the fact that they have not acknowledged the existence of God. I have seen such achievement hunt them at the later end of their lives just like it did to Herod in our Bible passage above.

Beware of praise singers. When they come with their praises, throw it back to God and give Him all the glory for your achievement. If you and I can’t get anything done outside God, then we must learn how to throw  all the glory for our success back at God. God is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5). He wants all the glory to be ascribed to Him only!

Any attempt to bring the glory to yourself will get the devil’s attention or attract him to you. Learn from the case of Herod and beware!


Chapter 8:.Don’t Ever Worship a Fake God

I once informed a stubborn non-believer in God to go a step further to put an image in his room and bow down to it every morning and evening. I made him to understand that, this action will show him very quickly that there is God who is the creator of the earth and who every creature of His must worship.

God is a jealous God and if there is something He detested as it is documented severally in the Bible (Numbers 14:34), He frowns and get furious when His creatures bow down to worship graven images. He had to deal with His children – Israel on so many occasions because of this issue. They were always getting themselves contaminated with the worship of their neighbour’s gods. I want you to carefully read the contents of Romans 1:23 and Romans 1:25.

You will be making God’s anger to well up any time you bow down before any other god apart from Him. When His anger wells up, He relaxes His hand of protection so that you can know that He is the God of gods who you and I must worship. When His hand of protection is relaxed, the devil gets interested and is attracted to you.

Other gods You May Be Serving

Let me inform you that there are other gods you are likely serving without your full knowledge. So many people have claimed that they will never serve the devil or other gods but have served money, ambition, position, fame and so on as gods.

“…you cannot serve God and mammon” Matthew 6:24

In the above passage, Jesus did not say, “do not serve God and the devil”, He says, “do not serve God and mammon (god of money). The devil has tricked many Christians into these forms of service without their knowledge. Judas Iscariot served the gods of money and ambition until he received his rewards.

The rule of not allowing anything come first before God stands here. If you have to go into a business deal, you can go to God to see if it is in accordance with His will. There is no harm in asking the Holy Spirit in the place of prayer even if it is going to be a five-minute prayer and to have hope in Him to direct you.

When I was single, I had a major prayer point concerning the one I will get married to and that is, “Oh God, don’t let me get married to somebody who will not be your will for my life”. I was deliberately saying this in prayer because I wanted God to be number one  in my life even when I get married and for the rest of my life. A wrong choice of a marriage partner will go a long way to dash this lofty ambition.

I believe strongly that every open door may not be a Godly passage for God’s children to have a breakthrough. Human beings can be very limited in capacity to differentiate a Godly opportunity from an ungodly one, this is the reason why we need the help of God’s Spirit who has been given to us and who lives in us (Romans 5:5). He should come first in all our dealings. This way, we will not be attracting the devil to us and our situation.


I hope you have enjoyed this Report. We can live the type of life God has destined us to live on this earth as Christians if we go by God’s rules as contained in His word. With the word in us, the devil will always be on the run!


Chapter 9: The Ultimate Decision

I hope this information product has blessed you. Masturbation is a “weapon” used by the devil to steal or destroy your mind. Don’t allow it and don’t listen to those who say it is a Godly act. It is not and it will never be! Please go over the contents of this package again and try to make every information simmer into your psyche. I want to wish you all the best in your fight against the “disease”.

“For with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10)

If you have not known Jesus but you have enjoyed the success principles described in this book and you want to give your life to Jesus so that these principles can start working in your life, you can say the following in prayer:

“Father in heaven, forgive my sinful past. I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and His shed blood has wiped away my sins. I believe He is the Son of the Living God. I accept

Him as my Lord and Saviour. I want Him to begin to rule in my life as from now on. I believe I am saved. Thank you God for hearing my prayer”.

Congratulations! This is going to be the greatest decision you will ever take. Congratulations once again! Now begin to enjoy Christ unlimited and good success will never elude you again.

Please let me read from you about your experience or how this book has helped you. You can contact me in either of these ways:


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About The Author

Sesan Oguntade is an insightful teacher of the word, bible success researcher and author of many books amongst which is the popular “Jesus and Your Success” (available free at ). He believes that the solution to ANY problem lies in the WORD of GOD. His central message to the world is  “without Jesus, you cannot succeed” (John 15:5b). He presides over Success Christian Home, headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria, a Christian organisation with the vision of raising problem solvers in the society. He is also the founder of The Success laboratory International Seminars, a platform where pure bible principles that solve practical societal problems are taught. You can add him on facebook: You can follow him on twitter, @SesanOguntade. He is married to Olutoke Success Oguntade and they are blessed with children.

…teaching practical success principles from the Bible

This online platform was set up to share with the whole world on a regular basis, success principles I have discovered through the help of the Holy Spirit from the Bible. On this  website, I share practical Bible success principles in these categories:

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About The ‘You Can’ Series

I was about a year-old in Christ and  was studying the bible one day when I stumbled upon the interesting bible passage of John 15:5b which reads, “…for without Me, you can do nothing”. The Spirit of God threw a great light on this bible passage that drew an unusual interest from me. Since I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I had stayed very close to God’s word reading and studying through many bible passages but the light that shown very brightly on this particular bible passage was great and just like I said, it drew an unusual interest from me!

Let me show you some of the problems I had before I gave my life to Jesus Christ that made the light from John 15:5b to capture my attention:

1.Myself and my siblings had grew under extreme poverty and when I struggled to find a good job after graduation from the higher institution, I got tensed up and I seriously needed help from any quarter to salvage the situation.

2.As a result of my predicament, I also desired a set of success principles that I can follow in my lifetime that will solve all the problems that I and my family had and which will not destroy me at the end. I have seen and read stories of people who have embraced principles from other sources which have destroyed them at the end. I don’t want any of these, I wanted a SURE set of success principles.

3.We (myself and my family) have been roundly disappointed on many occasions by friends, relatives and others that I have grown wary of ever finding help from any man.

Therefore, when Jesus spoke to me from John 15:5b that He is all I needed to be successful, I reacted to His statement the following ways:

1.I was, at first, excited that someone is promising me the much needed set of success principles if only I can stay connected to Him.

2.On the other hand, I was surprised that a Man could be so confident to declare that no man can succeed outside Him. Men have disappointed me on many occasions in the past, therefore, listening to a Man declaring with all confidence that I CAN only succeed or achieve worthy goals in life if only I am connected to Him drew some resentments from me – yes, I questioned His ability to throw this statement at me!

Well, thank God for the light the Spirit of God shined on this great bible passage then. From that period and now, the Spirit of God has done a great job to show me why Jesus was right when he made that statement – He has helped me to discover more truth behind this great statement.

The Message of My Ministry

Exactly 7 years after this experience, I have been inspired to understand that the content of John15:5b is actually the message God has handed over to me speak to the world. I have been divinely inspired to write articles on this, spoke about it on platforms and have sang it as songs in gatherings. With Jesus (or connected to Jesus), anyone CAN succeed!

The You Can series is a collection of books and resources that will teach inspired principles from God’s word which will show how the people CAN become successful or solve problems in Christ Jesus based on the revelations of John 15:5b.

You CAN become whatever God designed you to be; live the life God wants you to live; solve your problems; solve the  problems of the people and the society; fulfil purpose if only you can get connected and stay connected to Jesus.

You CAN succeed! 

Titles Already Under The ‘You Can’ Series

1.You Can Stop Masturbation

  1. You Can Succeed
  2. You Can End An Addiction
  3. You Can Become a Successful Husband

5.You Can Become a Great School Teacher

  1. You Can Start and Succeed in Business

7.You Can Avoid Sex Sins  

8.You Can Stop The Devil’s Tricks

9.You Can Begin To Crush Obstacles

You can

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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