How to achieve greatness in life and business
problem-solving business
Bible Short Reports series

The problem-solving business

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We are glad to be in the problem-solving business for the Lord. This post will show you a full account of our 10 years of adding values, solving problems, and shining the light. I’m assuring you that this report will inspire you to embrace the business of solving problems.

I’m so glad to write this report. I’m extremely excited. You will see the reason for my excitement after you must have gone through this report. The Lord handed over to me, a problem-solving mandate and I’m grateful to Him for keeping me in Him and putting strength into me and my team to walk, work and run with this mission for close to 10 years now. God is indeed so good and faithful.

Related: Read about me and our organization here

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Starting our problem-solving business

The following are the platforms we have used to solve problems over the past 10 years with our Christian organization. It all started in the year 2011. Though I have started using platforms to shine the light before then but officially, the business started officially on the 15th of July 2011.

Well, in case you want to know, it all started in my living room. A year before the year 2011, I had asked God in several prayer sessions about when He wanted me to start out in the ministry He had committed into my hands. In January 2011, the Lord finally asked me to start on July 15, 2011.

Now, after I got wind of that golden date, I eagerly anticipated that. I thought the Lord would have provided all the giant resources that I needed to start the organization in a very big way. I must confess I was roundly disappointed when after waiting patiently for the date, sometimes in prayer and fasting on some days, I found myself in my living room alone on that day with none of those giant resources in sight.


My disappointment did not last

However, my disappointment and depressed mood were short-lived as the Spirit of God used the opportunity to reveal an interesting principle to me on how I have to start out at that level I was to start with the little resources I can find around me. I learned that I needed to look around me to find those hidden and small resources.

The Lord spoke to me from the feeding project of Jesus in  Matthew 14:13-21 and Mark6:30 when He fed over 5000 people in a solitary place. Jesus had to look around Himself to find the hidden 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. He thanked God and began to use these little resources and multiplication began to happen.

That encounter with God really helped me at that time and I actually searched and found those little resources I had around me to start.  I have written so much about this experience in some of my books, videos, online courses, and blog.


Our problem-solving platforms

Now, let me show you the platforms we have used in the past 10 years to solve problems and shine the light:

  • Book publication and distribution on
  • Book publication and distribution on all stores online through Smashwords
  • Book publication and distribution on
  • Book publication and distribution on
  • Book publication and distribution in foreign languages on
  • Production of online courses and distribution on and other online courses retailers
  • Christian Business School Newsletter distribution using and Mailchimp
  • Christian Business DevotionalNewsltter distribution using and
  • Faith, Business and Money Newsletter distribution through
  • Publication of the Bible Short Reports series
  • Publication of the Faith-Based Book series
  • Production and publication and distribution of Visionary Business Project videos on
  • Production and publication and distribution of Christian Business Devotional through SoundCloud and Anchor

We give God all the glory for these platforms and we thank God for helping people through these platforms over the years. To God alone be all the glory.

Now in the next section of this book, I will be showing all that has been achieved through these different platforms over the years.

Section 2: Achivenement Via These platforms

Book publication and distribution on

The Data below is from 2015 to November 2020 on the Amazon platform.

  • Paid Unit Sold (ebook) = 287
  • Free Units Sold (eBook) = 11500
  • Net Units Sold (Paperback) = 320
  • KENP Read+ 5800




Book publication and distribution on all stores online through Smashwords


The all-time book sold or on is shown below: (all-time): 234

I will be showing details of books distributed for individual years on the various retailers’ store through the platform.

Books Sold 2020 (as of December 2020)

  • Apple 289
  • Barnes & Noble 204
  • cloudLibrary 1
  • Kobo 1
  • Scribd 23


Books Sold 2019


  • Apple 477
  • Baker & Taylor’s Axis 360 1
  • Barnes & Noble 219
  • Kobo 1
  • Scribd 21
  • Tolino 7


Books Sold 2018


  • Apple 480
  • Barnes & Noble 246
  • Kobo 5
  • Scribd 9
  • Tolino 2
  • Books Sold 2017


Books Sold in 2017


  • Apple 434
  • Baker & Taylor’s Axis 360 1
  • Barnes & Noble 163
  • Inktera (formerly Page Foundry) 1
  • OverDrive 1
  • Scribd 2
  • Tolino 3

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Books Sold 2016


  • Apple 568
  • Baker & Taylor’s Axis 360 2
  • Barnes & Noble 241
  • Inktera (formerly Page Foundry) 12
  • Scribd 2


Books Sold 2015


  • Apple 972
  • Baker & Taylor’s Axis 360 5
  • Barnes & Noble 263
  • Flipkart 6
  • Inktera (formerly Page Foundry) 14
  • Oyster 2
  • Scribd 5
  • txtr 1


Books Sold 2014


  • Apple 1,224
  • Baker & Taylor’s Axis 360 3
  • Barnes & Noble 686
  • Flipkart 2
  • Inktera (formerly Page Foundry) 49
  • Kobo 1
  • Oyster 3
  • Scribd 1
  • Sony 63
  • txtr 1


Books Sold 2013


  • Apple 996
  • Baker & Taylor’s Axis 360 1
  • Barnes & Noble 1,058
  • Inktera (formerly Page Foundry) 69
  • Sony 156

Book publication and distribution on

On the platform, 44 books have been distributed so far.

Book publication and distribution on

The Bambooks platform works like the Amazon Kindle Select and Kindle Unlimited program, where authors upload their books to the platform so that paid subscribers of Bambooks can have access free of charge.

Authors are paid quarterly by Bambooks for the number of pages read by their paid subscribers.

According to the information on the platform, we have uploaded 16 books to the platform and we have about 17206 total pages read by readers on that platform.


Book publication and distribution in foreign languages on

We use the platform to distribute our books in other foreign languages apart from English. Babelcube brings authors and translators together in a working relationship where authors’ books are translated into different languages.

Babelcube distributes these translated books worldwide through different retailers online.  Babelcube does not provide data about the total number of books that are distributed through their partner online retailers.


Production of online courses and distribution on  and other online courses retailers


On, we have 19683 students who have enrolled in our courses. There are over 100 reviews already. This platform gives us the opportunity to spread the message through online teaching and classes that students can have access to even in their various homes.

The reviews for these courses have been very encouraging. See some of the reviews here

Christian Business School  Newsletter Distribution Using and mailchimp

We have also used the following platforms to distribute a newsletter for some years now:

  • Christian Business DevotionalNewsltter distribution using and
  • Faith, Business and Money Newsletter distribution through

Publication of the Bible Short Reports series


We started out publishing the Bible Short Reports series. There are now so many books under this problem-solving book series. The Bible Short Reports book series contains inspired information products that solve practical problems of the people and society.

They are usually short ebooks, videos, and podcasts that teach inspired solutions to practical problems of the people and society.

Read about the Bible Short Reports series here


Publication of the Faith-Based Business Book series

God has also given us the grace and the opportunity to be an influence in the business circle and the corporate world. We have used books, online courses, seminars, and their likes to carry out God’s instructions to this group.

There are over 12 ebooks and many videos that have been produced for this group. There have lots of written testimonies to the efficacy of these materials. The Visionary Business Project was set up to raise problem-solving business owners and work-place professionals who will carry out their activities according to the rules and regulations of God.

Read more about the faith-based business book series here.


Production and publication and distribution of Visionary Business Project videos on

problem-solving business

We have also produced problem-solving videos that have helped the viewers over the years. You can also see some of the videos here.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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