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The Prostitute Online

The Prostitute Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: The Making of the Novel, The Prostitute


How it all started

God’s Spirit puts the idea for this book into my heart when I was studying the book of Hosea. The prophet Hosea was commanded by God to get married to a prostitute. Now you will agree with me that it was a very strange commandment from God.

Why must God ask him to marry a prostitute?

This Bible book supplied the answer: God wanted to use his life, marriage and ministry to demonstrate His pains, disappointments, jealousy, and anger whenever the children of Israel (His own adopted children and ‘wives’) go on spiritual prostitution when they sin by serving other gods despite strict warnings from God to them severally and despite the many great things He had done for them”

God did not just want to show His anger and disappointments. Most importantly, He wanted to show His deep love for them. He wanted to help them out of their prostitution. He desired a permanent solution to their ugly prostitution and adultery.

The solution in Jesus Christ

God puts forward that solution in Jesus Christ. Anyone who is not able to put his or her prostitution away should look and find Jesus Christ. His blood will wash them away from their sins and prostitution and He will plant His Spirit into their hearts (Ezekiel 36:24-28). They will become new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17) and will have the power to say to no to sin and prostitution.

Jesus also declared openly and very plainly during His ministry on this earth that He is the Vine and we are the branches and that we will only be able to produce fruits if we dwell in Him and He dwells in us. He also said we won’t be able to achieve anything without Him (John 15: 5) (paraphrased).

No one can put away sinful habits, prostitution (whether physical or spiritual), or get anything done worthwhile that will please God except they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I hope you will accept this truth if you don’t have Him already as your Lord and Savior today.

The players in the Novel

Steve Davies

The main player was Steve Davies. He was the one who offered his home, his life, his reputation, and his unadulterated love to save Serena from prostitution.

His patience, his anger, his disappointments, his home, his understanding, his teachings and most importantly his love all helped Serena. She grew to become a woman who was feeling truly sorry for her sins and who was ready to confess all of them.

It took so long to achieve but the waiting was worth it as Steve did not only saved a soul, he also saved his home, marriage and had his wife all to him alone. He won the war over prostitution over his home and wife.

God wants to have the whole of you and me to Him alone; you need to accept His offer of love today through Jesus Christ.

You can also win the war that is increasingly raging on the earth today if you allow Jesus to become your Lord and Savior today. You can also go ahead to help others too just like Steve helped his wife and Bobby Tamor.


She was the person who got into prostitution due to circumstances she could not control. The blood of prostitution was not in her originally just as God never created human beings to be spiritual whores or prostitutes. He never created us to worship other gods. But we began to do that when we got to the earth due to the circumstances we met here on the earth.

However, the life, the home, the anger, the correction and the patience of Steve helped Serena just like the life and the love and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross at Cavalry is available to help you out today if you are deep into spiritual prostitution.

I hope you will make the choice to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior today.

Read Chapter 17 here

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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