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Action Power Devotional

Walking in the Spirit of God

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There are already many sermons on walking in the Spirit of God. This Action Power Devotional will show you the meaning of walking in the Spirit and the relevance of it to your spiritual life and every other aspect of your life.

Read other Action Power Devotionals here

Walking in the Spirit of God scripture

The walking in the Spirit of God scripture was inspired from the heart of Paul, the Apostle. Apostle Paul offered a golden Action Power advice or instruction to the Galatian Christians (and us). He said in ‘Galatians 5:25

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

That was a simple and straight-forward advice to the Galatians (and to us) by the Apostle of God.

It means if you are born again or you are a child of God and you are expected to live in the Spirit, then you should know you must walk in the Spirit of God. You can’t effectively live in the Spirit of God if you are not walking in the Spirit of God.

Walking in the Spirit and the lust of the flesh

You have seen the simple meaning and illustration of the walk in the Spirit scripture or advice from Apostle Paul above.

Now, let us look at the simple importance of walking in the Spirit of God.

Related: Watch this video in how to bear good fruits.


You will not satisfy the lust of the flesh

It’s of no use if you are born again and you’re not walking in the Spirit. It’s only when you walk in the Spirit that you will not satisfy the lust of the flesh.

You exist in the flesh and the flesh is always a formidable enemy trying always to make up you go against the will of God or sin against God. So with the walking in the Spirit sermon by Apostle Paul, he just gave you and I a great spiritual solution to defeat consistently the formidable ‘push’ of the flesh to make you and I sin against God.


Action Power for Today: Live and walk in the Spirit

The Action Power for you today: Live in the Spirit and Walk in the Spirit. You will not give in to the dangerous lure of the flesh to make you sin against God.

More Action Power at Online Bible School  and https://sesanoguntade.comChristian personal development books

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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