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What is possibility mentality?

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Just what is possibility mentality? You will find out the biblical meaning of possibility mentality in this post.

Scriptural revelation are provided in this post to explain what possibility mentality is all about. Please read on and share this post with your friends.


What is possibility mentality? A definitive guide

Possibility mentality is a state of mind that you must desire to have after you have become a born-again Christian. I have given you that definition based on the content and the theme of this post.

You should understand that being a Christian does not automatically guarantee you will have a possibility mentality. Likewise, sometimes, activities do not show you have a possibility mentality.

You can kick-start a project and begin to work on it without having this required mentality! 

Are you surprised to read that? Oh, please don’t be surprised. It’s a simple truth! Read on.

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What happens when you don’t have a possibility mentality

Those who start a project without this mentality usually get tired at a stage in the execution of their project when the going gets tough. These types of people usually abandon their projects for other things. 

It is so sad that lots of people have abandoned their sweet visions because they have no possibility mentality. So sad indeed!


King David never knew he was king

From the Bible story of David, he (David), had been involved in many activities before the period when suddenly he perceived he was a king. The truth is that David became a king when the oil came upon his head in 1 Samuel 16:13. 

David believed God’s judgment and decision to make him king but he fell short of seeing himself as the king God called him. He couldn’t see how God would dethrone the “mighty” king Saul and put him on the throne.

Nevertheless, he kept on moving forward in his journey but finally came to see how he could rule as a king over Israel.


Abraham and possibility mentality

Another good case is the story of Abraham in the book of Genesis. From Genesis 12 to Genesis 15, Abraham obeyed God and kept on moving but the reality of God fulfilling His promise for his life only dawned on him in Genesis 15. The Bible says,

“And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness (Genesis 15:6).


What is possibility mentality? Summary

From this short post and with the biblical stories and illustrations given, you should observe that you can be a Christian and still does not have a possibility mentality. You can be ever present in church and still does not walk and work with a possibility mentality.

How then do you walk and work with a possibility mentality? I will be writing on that in another post.


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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