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Why God does not always answer your prayers

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Have you ever wondered why God does not always answer your prayers? Well, this article will show you some of the hindrances to prayers.

Related: Answers to prayers: How to get them  


Does God answer prayers?

Yes, God answers prayers. We read lots of instances in the Bible that invite us to pray unto Him. A good case is the one in Matthew 7: 7.

Jesus, during His ministry on the earth, was always praying to the Father in heaven. Now Jesus’ actions and teachings are the perfect examples for us to follow on this earth. If He was always praying, then it means the Father answers prayers and Jesus wants us to pray too.

Now, if the fact above is true, you want to ask, why God does not always answer your prayers. Let us look at some of the biblical reasons below.

Related: Why fervent prayers are important  

Why God does not always answer your prayers: 5 reasons

Why God does not always answer your prayers, check out these 5 reasons below:

God’s interesting declaration about unanswered prayers

Look at how God declared He would not answer prayers. I believe we should start from there:

Proverbs 1:28

[28]“Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me.


1st reason why God does not always answer your prayers

God said,

Proverbs 1:24
[24]Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded,

God reached out to you severally but you always ignore Him. Interestingly, a man’s Maker would reach out to him and he would ignore his Maker.

God will also ignore you, when you begin to call on Him in the place of prayer because you, first of all, ignored Him. If God has been warning you of an ungodly habit or a sin in your life and you have ignored Him, it’s time you listen to Him and make amends.


2nd reason why God will not answer your prayers

The second reason why God does not always answer your prayers is:

Proverbs 1:29
[29]Because they hated knowledge And did not choose the fear of the Lord,

It’s because you hate knowledge. You don’t seek knowledge. That’s the right and godly knowledge. Even when you encounter one, you don’t take it seriously.

God is not happy when you hate knowledge. He uses godly knowledge to grow you and to direct your steps. Some people will stop being your friends the moment you begin to share godly knowledge with them. They hate knowledge.


3rd reason why God does not always answer your prayers

The third reason why God does not answer your prayers is:

Proverbs 1:29
[29]Because they hated knowledge And did not choose the fear of the Lord,

You have not chosen the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This is closely related to the second reason.

You want to run away from bad associations because of the fear of the Lord. You don’t want to kill or cheat to have because of the fear of the Lord.

You want to always come into His presence to enjoy His goodness because of the fear of the Lord.


The fourth reason why God will not answer your prayers

The fourth reason why God will not answer your prayers is:

Proverbs 1:30
[30]They would have none of my counsel And despised my every rebuke.

You don’t want to take any of His counsel. God’s Spirit usually offers these types of counsel to us from time to time. Sometimes, we get them from others who are more mature spiritually than us.

The truth is that God wants to see how you take His counsel. He wants to see how you change your decision or the course of your life because of His counsel.

Related: Enrol in my best-selling online course on the Christian faith 


The fifth reason why God does not always answer your prayers

The fifth reason why God does not always answer your prayers is:

Proverbs 1:30
[30]They would have none of my counsel And despised my every rebuke.

You always despise His rebuke. When God rebukes you, He wants you to become better. If you despise this, you are not giving Him the necessary cooperation to achieve His aims over your life.

So, you should turn to the Lord’s rebuke and make amends. You should be happy when Gid rebukes you.

I hope you loved this. Now let us look at the summary below.

Related: 12 steps to get answers to prayers on a tough problem  


Why God does not always answer your prayers: Summary of 5 reasons

These are the 5 reasons why God does not always answer your prayers in a summary:

  • Because God had reached out to you but you did not accept His call
  • Because you hate knowledge
  • Because you have refused to choose the fear of the Lord
  • Because you have decided not to take His counsel
  • Because you have despised His reproof


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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  1. Emmanuel Adedeji

    that message is so refreshing. The sky is your starting point continue to soar high and shine brighter till we get to that side of heaven in Jesus name

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