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Visionary Business Project

10 things the church should do during this pandemic

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Some days ago, after reading the minds of several important people and prominent church leaders online, I came up with 10 things the church should do during this pandemic. I believe this write up will help to correct one or two things in the ways some Christians are reacting negatively to the Covid-19 situation today.

Related: How does the church influence the world today


Why should the church be careful about her actions?

The reason is straightforward. The church that Jesus Christ purchased with His blood and set up on this earth has been postioned to do the following:

  • Influence the world positively for God
  • Solve problems for the world using the principles in the Word of God
  • Be an agent to promote and establish the cause of God for the earth


10 things the church should do

During this pandemic, the church of Christ should be responsible and should be careful with her conduct and speeches. I will share my thoughts on the 10 things the church should do during this pandemic in a series of ‘I wished’ statements.

How I wished:

  1. Church leaders will not heat up the already tensed environment and begin to make unnecessary noise about the closure of churches.
  2. Church leaders and Christians can understand that we are not the only occupants of the society and as a result we have to be obedient to rules and regulations of our individual countries. If others are obeying the rules, we should do more.
  3. Church leaders and Christians can understand that the government is not persecuting the church.
  4. Church leaders and Christians can use the opportunity to encourage church activities and strong fellowship and devotion at the family level.
  5. Christians can use this period to use more of technology. Technology, the internet and social media have taken over almost every activity in our world today. The church should use more technology.
  6. The Church can encourage individual church members to do more of personal evangelism reaching out to individuals especially now that lockdown in most countries of the world is been eased.
  7. The Church can understand the fact that the Church of Christ cannot be closed. When the disciples in the book of Acts were prevented from the temple and persecuted, they devised other strategies for fellowship.
  8. The church does not politicise this sorry situation we have found ourselves.
  9. The church can understand that God understands and knows about this present situation all over the world. He kept it away from all the spiritual giants of this world so that He can have His way to do what He desires.
  10. The church can be more concerned about the other needs of the people in vulnerable parts of our world apart from their spirituality. The economy is terrible in most of these countries and the leaders are bad and selfish. The church can do more to help the needs of the people. Some are doing it but we need to do more.

Related: Download free Christian ebooks

I pray we get it right in this end time. Please let me read your comment on this interesting topic of the things the church can do during this pandemic. And don’t forget to share this with your friends on social media.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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