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Biblical answers to life's problems
Bible Short Reports series

Biblical answers to life’s problems

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Are there Biblical answers to life’s problems? You can bet there are. God’s Word is filled with solutions to problems that already exist or that will ever exist.

Related: Watch this video on how to solve one of life’s problems in business by attracting important people to your business

What are biblical answers to life’s problems?

Biblical answers to life’s problems are the solutions that can be found in the Word of God as we have it in the Bible about any issue or problems in life. The Word of God is a sure platform for solution Nuggets. We should thank God for giving us the Bible.

Related: 7 reasons the Word of God wants to solve your problems- a definitive guide


Why do we need biblical answers to life’s problems?

The following represent the reasons why we need biblical answers to life’s problems:

  • Because it’s the surest solution to any life’s problem
  • Because the content of the Bible is the only solution that does not have fatal consequences
  • Because it’s the most potent solution to all kinds of problems
  • Because God has already anointed or empowered His Word to solve any form of problem
  • Because Jesus’ death and resurrection has made it available to anyone who will be interested in it
  • Because the earth is at this moment structured to be problem-prone (see Isaiah 60) and a solution platform like the Bible is needed to help us.


How do you get a solution to life’s problems in the Bible?

You should do the following to obtain solutions to your problems in the Bible:

  1. You must be born again. You must be a child of God. If you’re not one already, you should say a simple prayer asking Jesus to become your Lord and Savior.
  2. You should ensure you pray to God to baptize you with His Spirit. You need the Holy Spirit indwelling to see solutions in the Bible.
  3. You must be a good student of the Word of God. If you’re studying the Word of God, you will not be able to see solutions to your problems from it. Holy Spirit inspires you with ideas and solutions while you are studying the Word of God
  4. You must also be a doer of the Word of God too. If you don’t have respect for the Word of God, it will be difficult for the Holy Spirit to show you solutions from it.
  5. Learn to set aside time to search the Word of God whenever you have a problem to solve. You can set aside three or more days to pray, fast, and study the Word of God. You can use a Bible dictionary to check relevant keywords or phrases in the Bible that are related to your problem.
  6. Learn to pray the Word solution you discover. Put it to work immediately so that more revelations can come from the Holy Spirit
  7. You can also look out for Christian Books from Spirit-filled authors on the topic of your problem. A Word solution can jump at you while reading such books. I have been blessed immensely through this process.

God is ever ready to solve your problems

An Amazon reader wrote this about my book, 7 Reasons Why God Wants To Solve Your Problems: Christian Secrets to a Happy Life

“I am having health problems that are leading to anxiety problems and this book was a real straight to my heart kinda book. I truly believe God brought me to this book because I found it without even “wanting” to. On my way to a better way. Truly.”

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Amazon reader’s review

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Visionary Business Project is raising God-conscious CEOs and work-place professionals. For more information, please call or Whatsapp Sunday akanni moshood 08185021024 or sesan 08034300979.

Related: You can also watch this post as a video below:

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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