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can god solve your problems
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Can God solve your problems?

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Can God solve your problems? Is God interested in solving your problems? These are important questions I have had to answer from lots of people at one time or the other.

Related: Get my guide on our 10 years of being involved in the problem-solving business

Solving problems is my expertise

My Christian expertise and gifting have so much to do with applying the principles from God’s Word to solve problems and also to add value to people. I love this so much – this is what my life is all about.

Now, some months ago, I began to carry out some studies on why God is so much interested in solving our problems. I was able to think in this direction: If He has given me the gift to solve problems using principles from His Word, then He should be interested in solving our problems.


Can God solve your problems – a guide was born

I carried out a simple study and found seven reasons why God will ever be interested in solving our problems. When I read through this short ebook guide, I was thrilled that the content will go a long way to reassure those who are going through one problem or the other and those who need God to come in to help them.

If they know that God is very much interested in solving their problems, then they can be confident to approach Him for help and solutions to their problems. Confidence is important when you relate with God to draw upon His mighty hand to your situation.

This short ebook guide went live on Amazon and other stores online.


Can God solve your problems? What they said about the ebook guide

Please read what a user on Amazon said:

“Very good book, short & to the point and backed with Scripture.
Def will come back to read again when I’m feeling stuck.
This book brings hope and understanding and best of all,
the focus remains on God.”

And another said:

“I am having health problems that are leading to anxiety problems
and this book was a real straight to my heart kinda book. I truly
believe God brought me to this book because i found it without
even “wanting” to. On my way to a better way. Truly.”

The reviews really gladdened my heart. The guide also has about 13 star ratings of average 4.4.

I believe you want to read more about this short ebook guide. If you want to do so,

kindly read more here I would like to read from you.

Please share this post with your friends on social media who are low on confidence about whether God wants to solve their problems or not.


Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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