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Peace of God: How God gives it

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Peace of God is available for you over your business, finances, family or any aspect of your life. Why am I so sure of this? It’s because of what I have discovered practically from the Word of God.


Peace of God bible passage

This peace of God bible passage is one of the many the Word of God that have strengthened my belief in the fact that God will give you peace in every aspect of your life. Read the bible passage on the peace of God below:

Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.(2 Thessalonians 3:16)


God is committed to giving you peace

God will not send an angel. He will not send any heavenly being. He HIMSELF, will give you His peace by ALL MEANS.

I believe that’s a sweet message to hear. Let us take it further.


Peace of God: He will give you His peace

Remember also that He is going to give you His own peace and NOT the world’s peace. Jesus said my peace I give unto you not as the world gives.

So if you are troubled or worried today over your business, finances or any other aspect of your life, you should know that God Himself is extremely committed to give you His own PEACE.

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Having the peace of God: The part you must play

God’s Word is settled and He is eternally committed to His Word because His Word is Him and He is His Word. The problem has always being on our parts. We have a part to play to enjoy the full benefits of the promises of God.

Let’s look at the part you have to play

  • Never circumstances shift your focus away from God and His Word
  • Don’t allow worry and anxiety over troubled issues
  • Instead pray over any issue. Paul advised us not to be anxious over anything but for us to pray over it.
  • When you pray, wait for instructions of what you have to do.
  • Usually, peace of God floods your heart after your prayer of faith
  • Act on the instructions, you will be able to get the full promises of peace from God when you act on instructions given to you by God

If you ever want to enjoy God’s peace in every aspect of your life, don’t seek solutions to problems from alternative sources or do things that are contrary to the Word of God.


Become a child of God

You can’t be a candidate of this gift if you’re not a child of God. You should ask God to forgive your sins and ask Jesus to become your Lord and Savior today.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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