How to achieve greatness in life and business
Christian Business Power
Faith Based Resources and Notices

Christian faith business is our theme for February 2022

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School of BUSINESS

Christian Faith Business is our main topic for this month. We have sent out a newsletter about this information towards the end of last month. If you’re on our email list, you should have received the information.

As usual, I will be sending you resources like ebooks, online courses, videos, and other materials on Christian faith business. I believe you will love every bit of it this month.

What is Christian Faith Business?

Christian Faith Business is all about starting and running your business following strictly the rules and regulations of God that are found in the Word of God.  There are a lot of people running faith-based businesses today. We do that at our end here.

It’s great when you allow God to help you run your business. It’s good when you allow His instructions and the help of the Holy Spirit to help you run your business and control issues around your finances.

Related: Subscribe to our newsletter to get a copy of the Christian Entrepreneur ebook

Why Christian faith business?

The following are the reasons why should you run a Christian faith business or faith-based business:

  • You run businesses according to the rules of God
  • You will be able to avoid what I call, sins in the marketplace
  • You can use resources in your kingdom to promote the cause of God on the earth
  • You will be sure you are running your business and still maintain your cordial relationship with God

Content of our newsletter if Christian faith business

Please find below the content of the newsletter we sent out on Christian faith business:

January is coming to an end. We spent so much time sending resources of different types to you on Christian success principles, which is our teaching theme for this month.

You got the following:

  1. An ebook, Jesus and Your Success. An interesting book that shared extensively who Jesus is and how relevant He is to your success aspirations on this earth. I hope you were able to download it.
  2. We also did a pillar blog post, 10 Success Secrets of Jesus Christ. We sent the blog article link to you.
  3. . We did some videos and posted them on our YouTube page.
  4. We also posted several articles on our blog for your use.

Our theme for next month is Christian Faith Business. We will be giving different resources on this theme.

The central focus of this theme is how you can use God’s Word and principles and strategies to run successful businesses.

It will also show you how to improve your finances using principles from God’s Word. You will be learning how to use your business and money to reverence God on this earth.

Please watch out.

Note: In case you did not receive any of the resources listed above that we shared this month, you can just shoot me an email and I will get them across to you.

God bless you. Have a wonderful end of the month.

Sesan Oguntade

Visionary Business Project

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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