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What is a faith-based company?

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What is a faith-based company? should naturally be the first major post from me this month since we have a general theme, ‘Christian faith and business’ guiding our activities this month. In this article, you will learn what is a faith-based company, how to start a faith-based business, and some YouTube videos on faith-based businesses will be shared with you.


What is a faith-based company? – a definitive explanation

A faith-based company is a company that is run based on the faith of the owner (owners) of the company. In this case and for this blog post, we will only be considering the Christian faith as an example of the faith we are talking about here.

A faith-based company runs on the rules and regulations of God. Owners of the company, usually start this company obeying and following the instructions from God and His Word. They also maintain this by using principles from God’s Word to run the company.

Related: Videos of Sam Adeyemi

Are there faith-based companies?

There are now so many faith-based companies today. A lot of Christians can now see the necessity to use God’s instructions to run their businesses. They now want to use their businesses and activities to honor God and promote God’s kingdom on the earth.

Many faith-based businesses are now springing up all over the world. I am confident we will see more before the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Related: How to start a faith-based business


Our convictions about faith-based businesses

In our organization, we have very deep convictions about the relevance of faith-based businesses or companies. Apart from the fact we have a calling of the Lord in this regard (you can see that from the many resources we have produced over the years), we also believe good percentages of the profits of businesses and organizations should be channeled towards the promotion of the Kingdom of God on this earth.

This is only possible if owners of businesses run faith-based companies. We always encourage Christians to run their businesses this way.


Benefits of running faith-based companies

The following are some of the benefits of running faith-based companies:

  • You get exposed to revelations and principles that can grow your business from the Holy Spirit of God
  • You position yourself and your business in positions that fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus
  • You will be able to use your resources and money and profits for the advancement of God’s kingdom on this earth
  • You will be able to put yourself and your business deep into the heart of God
  • You will be able to make our world better with quality products and services
  • You will be able to fulfill a ministry through your business activities


Championing the faith-based companies crusade

We would like you to join us in championing this faith-based companies crusade. Agreed, there are now lots of faith-based businesses around the world but we can add more publicity to encourage more business owners to join this unique form of evangelism.

I want you to fill out this form to show your interest

You can also learn more about starting a faith-based business here


YouTube videos on Christian faith and business

I want you to check out some of these YouTube videos on Christian faith and business:

Is your business struggling for survival?

Is your business struggling for survival? This may just be the reason. Find out in this video from the Visionary Business Project training program. Watch the video now at

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How to achieve incredible results as a Christian following the faith process

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. If you want to have God’s help to solve that problem, you need to learn this faith process as taught in this Visionary Business Project training program.

Christians should achieve incredible Christian results on the earth. Salvation has set us up to do so. But this is impossible without a walk by faith. This is is the reason why you must learn the biblical process from this teaching.

Watch the video now at.

Why do Pastor Adeboye and Dr. David Oyedepo attract more provisions than you? Watch the video now and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel. Watch video at

Please find more YouTube videos on Christian business success

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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