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Christian Faith Principles Course (Text format)

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Course Title: Christian Faith Principles
Course Subtitle: How to get miracles from God and achieve success in your business or workplaces with your faith.


This Christian Faith Principles course is filled with lots of practical stories and illustrations. It is also filled with lots of Christian principles of faith that can help you to start walking effectively by your faith in God. It is short but contains powerful principles that can help your Christian faith.

Events in our world today has left Christians with no other options but to start flying with their faith. Only flying faithers will get Godly achievements in business or at their workplaces.

Test Questions: You will be able to take the test questions for this course at the end of the lectures.

Note: If you will rather prefer to take this course in video format, you should click here

Lecture 1: Why You Need a Flying Faith

“How can you tell me I can’t succeed or survive without you?” That was my interesting response to the content of John 15:5b as a young Christian.  Jesus said in John 15:5b that no one can succeed without Him (rephrased).

“You’ve just read the simple truth”, God’s Spirit responded to my reaction to the bible passage. “No one,” He continued,” has really succeeded on this earth without Him”. “Okay”, I reacted, “If this is the truth, I would have to find out more information about the relevance of this statement to me”

Note: God has used everything to show me the truth of this statement for over 14 years now. If He’s important and relevant to my success and your success on this earth, then we have to understand how the Christian faith works because we can’t please Him except we walk by faith (Hebrews 11:6).

“3 friends (Collins, John and Tom) got set to go on a journey to Ethiopia in Africa from the United States of America. Collins took a decision to undertake his journey by trekking to Ethiopia; John planned to undertake his journey by running to Ethiopia while Tom planned to fly to Ethiopia from America.

Note: It’s so clear and easy to understand that Tom will get to Ethiopia before the other two friends of his. The same way a flying faith will always help you to get great godly success or results on this earth than a ‘trekking’ or ‘running’ faith. Our world today needs flying faithers. The devilish temptations are many, only flying faithers will endure to the end and overcome all temptations and fulfill purpose.

This course will teach you how to fly with your faith.


Lecture 2: My Humble Experience

“After four years of marriage, I and my wife were childless. My wife found it difficult to get pregnant. We tried every Godly solution that was available but nothing happened. We prayed every prayer possible and quoted every bible passages possible but all to no avail. The only results we were getting were God’s promises that we don’t have any problem and that he would give us children. We took the decision to take our faith walk to another level by purchasing baby materials and one of it was placed in our prayer room where we kept anointing it every now and then confessing the arrival of our baby in the process. This also brought no results. Now I never knew that God was waiting for the time we will make our faith fly so that we can learn one of the most profound lessons about faith in our Christian journey so far.

On a fateful day, I was taking a walk and I spiritually sensed a message from the Holy Spirit which directs me to instruct our neighbors, friends, and relatives to call my wife by the name of the child that she wants to give birth to. I knew this message was from the Holy Spirit because I was not really thinking about that topic at that hour. Most importantly, I had never given a thought to such an idea before.

Well, all thanks to God for His grace, I passed the message across to my wife and we called together the children in the neighborhood and instructed them to call my wife by the name of the child she wants to give birth to since the bible says that out of the mouth of babes and suckling shall perfect praise come (Psalm 8:2 and Matthew 21:16). One of the children, an 11-year-old asked my wife where the child was and I responded that the name is for the child my wife will give birth to very soon.

Trust children, they did a good job to promote this divine idea in the neighborhood and some of the adults joined to saturate our “spiritual environment” with this faith action. Three months after this episode, my wife conceived and safely delivered our first child 9 months after! This was a great testimony to me and to others who were close to us. It was also a big lesson for me on the topic of faith. I understood why the bible says in Hebrews 11:3 “…so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible”.

As Christians, our miracles, successes, and the likes rest in the spiritual, unseen to our physical eyes. The bible says that God has “blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3). It is only our flying faith that can bring these blessings down from the spiritual to the physical. Now your crawling, walking, and running faith may be able to get you by and get some things done but you will be safe operating on the realm of flying faith to get very stubborn issues resolved on this earth.

Note: A flying faith destroyed childlessness in my family! This same flying faith has put an end to many other problems and obstacles on our path. It can do the same for you.


Lecture 3: Believe – Faith Chart

“Kelvin, you have to get ready to oversee affairs in one of my companies in Asia”. Kelvin’s father informed his only son on the day of his graduation from college.

“Okay Dad, I’ll get myself prepared for a life in China running your company”. Kelvin replied without giving a second thought to this directive from his father and its relevance to his own personal goals.

After six months in China overseeing affairs in his father’s company, Kelvin lost interest and was making some silly errors. “Kelvin, what is happening? You look sad and from reports, you’re making some Silly mistakes. Is there a problem?” Kevin’s Dad inquired from Kelvin. “Dad”. Kelvin looking sad responded, “I’m not really comfortable here. I can’t really see the reasons why you asked me to come here and how it can lead to the fulfillment of my personal goals and also enhance the corporate worth of the family. You could have asked one of your capable associates to come here. They will do a better job than me”.

“Okay”, his Dad replied. “I can see where the problem lies now, I want you to come with me for launch today and I will show you the reason why you have to be in China and how it can lead to the fulfillment of your purpose and my purpose for you and the company”

Note: Kelvin’s Dad, at launch, showed him practically the reason why he asked him to come to China. After the lengthy discussion, Kelvin truly believed in the vision of his Dad. This new state helped him to start running affairs in the company with minimal errors. Kelvin obeyed his Dad’s directive earlier but did not really believe in the vision and plans of his Dad. He puts all foot wrong in the process. Abraham was like that in the bible. He obeyed God and left his native land in Genesis 12 but only truly believed in God’s vision in Genesis15:6. The bible says, “And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness”.

Until there is a believing reaction to God’s instruction or word or directives over an issue, a faith walk is impossible over that issue! The chart below shows this:

Christian faithA flying faith starts with a strong belief in God’s Word over any issue.


Lecture 4: Examples of Flying Faithers

I want you to read the stories of people I call Flying faithers in the bible. You will enjoy their stories and I believe you would also want to be like them in your faith walk with God.

  1. They believed and broke the roof to get to Jesus. They got the miracle they desperately wanted for their friend (they succeeded). Read their story below in the book of Luke 5:17 -20:

“Now it happened on a certain day, as He was teaching …Then behold, men brought on a bed a man who was paralyzed, whom they sought to bring in and lay before Him. And when they could not find how they might bring Him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him don with his bed through the tiling into the midst before Jesus. When He saw their faith, He said to him, man, your sins are forgiven you”.

  1. She believed and went for His cloth. She succeeded. She got the miracle she wanted. Read her story in the book of Luke 8: 43 -44:

“Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped”.

  1. He believed, gave an analogy and even stunned Jesus. He succeeded. He got his miracles. He got what he wanted. Please read his story below in the book of Luke 76-9:

“Lord, do not trouble yourself; for I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. Therefore, I did not even think myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it”. When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him …”


Lecture 5: Requirements to Fly With Your Faith (Part 1) 

Some years ago, I watched an interesting drama in front of a bank very early in the morning. All the bank officials and customers stood outside the gate of the bank because the two big security dogs have been let loose and walking freely inside the bank premises. The security officer who kept the dogs was nowhere to be found. The dogs failed to listen to the voice or command of anyone to return to their cages.

However, when the security officer finally arrived, he gave the normal instruction to the dogs and they obeyed and went into their cages and were locked up.

Note: You can’t recognize and act on God’s Word if you are not His child. His voice will be strange to you. When this is so, a flying faith will be impossible for you to practice.  You should say this simple prayer to become a child of God:

“God forgive my sins. I believe Jesus died on the cross and rose on the third day because of my sins. Use His blood to wash my sins away. Thank you for answering my prayers, I believe I am saved now”

How to Make Your Faith Fly: His Spirit Must Lead You

“Dan, I ‘m not trying to impose my will on you, I ‘ m only trying to tell you that you will always need my help and advice if you want to succeed in this industry”. Ken Anderson informed his son patting him on the back.

“Dad”, Dan replied. “I know you’re trying to help me but I can now get things done myself. I ‘m no longer that boy you used to know. I can find my way around in the industry now. Dad, I want my independence”.

Note: The conversation above is just like how some Christians reject the leadership and lordship of the Spirit of God over them. Becoming a child of God qualifies you to have His Spirit in you to lead you on a daily basis. You can’t fly with your faith to record outstanding success on this earth without God’s leadership. The true children of God, that is, the true faith flyers are the ones that are led by God’s Spirit as Paul puts it in Romans 8:14.

Action Point: Ask Jesus to baptize you with His Spirit. Pray this vigorously.

How to Make Your Faith Fly: What is Your Faith Standing On?

“It’s sad”, Melinda, mother of Tara laments. “We lost Tara to the cold hands of death. The terminal disease she contracted took her life. But I warned her, I asked her severally to give her life to Jesus but she refused my advice on many occasions. She kept on confessing she would survive the sickness. Her confessions were based on an empty foundation”.

Note: A flying faith stands on God’s Word. This is the sure foundation for any God-kind of faith that brings miracles and success. Tara’s confessions were standing on a fake or empty foundation – she did not survive the sickness. If you want to fly with your faith, you must love to study the Word of God, believe the Word of God, and cherish the Word of God and act on the Word of God.

Action Points:

  1. Read Romans 10:7 “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”
  2. Pray that God should put the love for His Word into your heart.

How to Make Your Faith Fly: Pray Consistently

“Have you ever observed that husbands and wives who have been married for many years usually look alike in attitude, behaviors and even physical looks?

Note: Spouses with long years of marriage have had the opportunity of communicating with each other, sharing ideas, problems, and feelings for many years. All these help in making them look alike in behaviors attitude and physical l looks. If you cultivate the habit and develop the attitude of praying consistently to God sharing your problems, thanking Him, receiving ideas from Him, you will begin to look like Him in attitude and behaviors. The God-kind of faith will become an easy journey for you to embark upon consistently.

Action Points:

  1. Read Mathew 17:21: “…This kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting”.
  2. Pray to God to give you the spirit and strength to pray.


Lecture 6: Requirements to Fly With Your Faith (Part 1)

“When God asked me to start the organization He planted into my heart, I listed step by step, the things I had to do as He had revealed to me over the years. I then began to act on the ones I can act upon immediately. The least I could do then was to start typing the books I have written, turned them PDF, upload them to my website, and share them on social media. This faith walk led me to more levels of the faith walk.

Note: Faith flyers act immediately on God’s instructions. They take action on the least thing they can do. If you want to be a faith flyer, you must learn to put yourself regularly in the faith action zone by taking ‘baby’ faith steps.

Action Point: Read this: Habakkuk 2: 2-3

How to Make Your Faith Fly: Don’t Mind obstacles

“John Harold Johnson, the late Publisher of Ebony Magazine, the world’s most popular black magazine never gave obstacles any chance when he started out selling ads for his magazine. He was black, a minority and was trying to fish in the waters where only whites were the dominant operators. He did not allow low self-esteem, self-doubt, rejections, discriminations from the while majority population to stop him. He believed in his vision and his ability to solve problems of anyone just as anyone would have done it”

Note: You should understand that the presence and the magnitude of obstacles that come against you and your visions usually show the height at which your faith must reach during its fight. It also shows the magnitude of joy you will have when you must have solved the problem. Obstacles will always come to stop your faith flight; don’t allow them! Don’t be scared of them; they can’t stop you if you have to take the decision to fly by faith to solve the problem and if you have taken the first step of faith.

Bathlomeu the blind man in the bible was a classic example of a man who did not allow obstacles to stop him. Look at the magnitude of obstacles that confronted him:

  • He was blind
  • Jesus’ very own disciples asked him to stop his faith walk!

The bible says he shouted the more! He got his miracle. You can read the full story at Mark 10: 40-42.

Action Point: Pray that God should empower you to overcome obstacles of whatever kind.

How to Make Your Faith Fly: Avoid Faithless Environment

I want you to look at a classic faithless environment from this bible story: “When Jesus came into the ruler’s house and saw the flute players and the noisy crowd wailing. He said to them, ‘Make room for the girl is not dead but sleeping’. And they ridiculed Him. But when the crowd was put outside, He went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose. And the report of this went out into all that land”.

Note: The crowd ridiculed Jesus when He made a faith statement that the child was not dead but sleeping. That is what a faithless environment does to your faith walk – they ridicule you and your faith actions. If you stay for a long time in such an environment, it will affect your faith walk negatively. Flying faithers avoid faithless environments. Jesus asked that the crowd should be put outside. He raised the child from the dead.

Action Point: Pray that the Holy Spirit of God will supply you the wisdom to stay away from faithless environments.

Test Questions for Christian Faith Principles course

Test Questions

  1. In one sentence, what do you understand as the theme or purpose for this course?
  2. “3 friends (Collins, John, and Tom) got set to go on a journey to Ethiopia in Africa from the United States of America. Collins took a decision to undertake his journey by trekking to Ethiopia; John planned to undertake his journey by running to Ethiopia while Tom planned to fly to Ethiopia from America. In one or two short sentences, why do you think Tom will get to Ethiopia before the other two friends?
  3. In one sentence, who are flying faithers?

Lecture 2

  1. In two to three sentences, can you describe what you understood from the story of my humble experience with the faith walk with my wife?

Lecture 3

  1. List the contents of each of the boxes of the Believe-Faith chart.
  2. Until there is a believing reaction to God’s instruction or word or directives over an issue, a faith walk is impossible over that issue! True or False
  3. In one sentence, what is the role of the ‘Action’ box in your quest to fly with your faith?

Lecture 4

  1. Mention the faith flyers discussed under this lecture.
  2. In two sentences, how can you describe the interesting analogy used by the Centurion when he approached Jesus Christ for a miracle for his servant.

Lecture 5 and 6

  1. What are the requirements to fly with your faith?
  2. In one sentence, what is the role of the Spirit of God in your desire to fly with your faith?
  3. What is the foundational platform your faith must stand upon to fly?
  4. With a life full of prayers, the God-kind of faith will become an easy journey for you to embark upon consistently. True or False.
  5. In one short sentence, why is it necessary to write down the revelations or instructions you receive from God to fly with your faith?
  6. In one short sentence, how can staying in a faithless environment be a barrier to your quest to fly with your faith?


Thank you for going through this course. Please submit your answer in contact us here. You can also send your answers to us via our Whatsapp platform 08034300979.

Upon the receipt of your answers to the test, we will evaluate you and send your e-certificate to you via email.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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