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Christians, Stop Dancing to the Dangerous Drum Beats of Nigerian Politicians

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Nigerian politicians have become so good at the act of beating the dangerous drum beats for the Nigerian citizens to enjoy and put up a dance. It used to be the military men when we were under the military regime for many years.


The likes of Ibrahim Babangida and the late Sani Abacha beat these dangerous drums severally and the Nigerian citizens really enjoyed the drum beats.

Now politicians have taken over the scene and they have mastered the acts so well that the sound coming from their drums makes the military drum beaters look like amateurs.

This Article is for the Average Nigerian Citizens

Well I have not written this piece because of the military or even because of the politicians. I have written this because of the average Nigerian citizens and most especially my fellow Christians.

Lately, Christians in Nigeria have shown to everyone that they have fallen for the tricks of evil politicians in Nigeria. Christians in Nigeria have shown the world how good they are on the dancing floor enjoying the evil and dangerous drum beats of politicians.

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We have allowed our foolishness to cause disunity among us. We have allowed our shameless activities on the dance floor to turn us into political stooges. We have become extremely partisan and we even blow the trumpet of our shameless partisanship everywhere.

We have employed town criers to carry our irresponsible messages and acts to the nooks and crannies of the Nigerian nation.

Christians Should Influence Politics and Politicians

We have stopped becoming Christians who the Holy Spirit wants to use to influence politics and politicians in this country; we have become comedians that politicians gather to watch on the stage whenever they like.

They know our weaknesses already and are ready to do whatever they will to put more professionalism into the drums they beat so that we can continue to enjoy ourselves on the dancing floor.

Nigerian Citizens and Christians Must Unite

If we don’t unite as Christians and stand up in prayers we would have failed in our God -assigned duties to help this nation. Enough of someone said this and someone did not say this, it won’t help. Under Goodluck Jonathan, three states were under Boko haram and the shout then was that General Buhari was the sponsor.

He came on board as the President of Nigeria and has been fighting Boko haram since then but we have forgotten we once said he was the sponsor. Before the 2019 general election, a section of the community foolishly believed the Jubrin of Sudan lies. We even used the pulpit to publicize these lies that emanated as a result of the evil drum beats of selfish politicians in Nigeria.

When are we going to stop dancing to the drum beats of evil politicians? We should be influencing politics and politicians not the other way round – it is a shame.

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The Food of Insecurity

You see the food of insecurity today has been prepared now for many years because we are a nation of irresponsible people. Our leaders over the years (including the present one) have demonstrated gross insincerity and ineffectiveness in taking this nation to the Promised Land.

If President Muhammad Buhari leaves today it won’t stop the problem of insecurity especially if we continue to face issues with our selfish and biased minds.

[click_to_tweet tweet=” Nigerian politicians have become so good at the act of beating the dangerous drum beats for the Nigerian citizens to enjoy and put up a dance. It used to be the military men when we were under the military regime for many years.” quote=” Nigerian politicians have become so good at the act of beating the dangerous drum beats for the Nigerian citizens to enjoy and put up a dance. It used to be the military men when we were under the military regime for many years.”]

Every Season Now Comes With Its Own Problems

Under Olusegun Obasanjo, it was political sharia. Under Goodluck Jonathan, it was Book haram. Now under President Muhammad Buhari, it is killer herdsmen.  If the best President that has ruled the United States of America should become the President of Nigeria, we will have another evil scheme on our hands.

Politicians are usually the reasons for these evil schemes because of their selfish interest. Yet, Christians in Nigeria have chosen to dance to their evil drum beats.

The Bible makes us to understand that no king will be crowned if God does allow it. My Bible also makes me to understand that even a devilish king can be used by God to fulfill His own cause.

Even if President Muhammad Buhari is evil, can’t our God use him to fulfill His own purpose? Was God sleeping when he won the election in 2015 and 2019? Definitely not! Our God does not sleep nor slumber (Psalm 121:4).

Christians, where is our united prayers? We are confused!

Our Fathers-in-the Lord Have Taken Sides

The Christianity God wants us to practice is the one that face issues the way they are. Most of our fathers-in-the Lord have decided to take sides and become partial judges due to one reason or the other. But the followers or the led should show that they are not Zombies or Dummies.

It is not compulsory that we should do and say everything our fathers-in-the-Lord say or do. They are human beings. What about if they are wrong, should we also follow their wrongs? They are not the Word of God and they are not the Holy Spirit. This is the reason why God did not give us the mind of our fathers-in –the Lord but the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).

While it is not the intention of this article to damage the image of these great men of God, but I believe the average Christian should begin to understand the need for them to allow the Holy Spirit become the major guide for their decisions and their utterances and actions. We can crave for the anointing upon our fathers-in-the-Lord but we are not to copy their mistakes. Their mistakes should teach us lessons.

The Revolution Drum Beat

Politician Yele Sowore brought up his own drum of revolution of late and we have started falling for that again. He is preparing the ground for 2023. He contested election and got only about 30000 votes. I believe he should do his homework to find out the reason why voters are always voting for only mainstream parties. He should find out the reason why he failed woefully at the election. It is not the unrealistic revolution he decided to embark upon.

I don’t think we need a revolution to find out why people only vote for the two main parties and the same old faces in Nigeria.  I don’t think we need a revolution to understand why Nigerian is at the mercies of few evil politicians who have decided to turn Nigeria into their private businesses.

We did not need a revolution to stop RUGA. We don’t need the unrealistic revolution; Omoyele Sowore wants us to embark upon.

Any responsible government will definitely not sit down, fold its arms and allow the statement credited to him about his planned revolution. You don’t unseat a government voted into power by a revolution- the government will definitely put up a resistance.

As I end this article, my main concern again is that Christians and Christian leaders will begin to dance to his drum beat again.  Are you already dancing to it or are you preparing to start the dance soon?

Christians today in Nigeria need to get closer to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. I pray God will help us.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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