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church of Christ in Nigeria
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Church of Christ in Nigeria and God’s end time agenda

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I have always believed that the church of Christ in Nigeria has a big role to play in God’s end-time agenda for the world. This end-time agenda is gradually unfolding and I am writing this series of posts to prepare you.


Related: Watch this post as a video below


Church of Christ in Nigeria and her achievements

Over the past few years, the church of Christ in Nigeria has created some good records that has made the attention of the world to come upon it. The first 50000 auditorium was commissioned in Nigeria and it went into the Guinness book of records. With this achievement by the Living Faith Church worldwide, with Bishop David Oyedepo as the Senior Pastor, it means, over 50000 worshipers will be gathering in the auditorium for a single service. The church now runs multiple services on Sunday.

In 1998, the world converged at a program organized by the Redeemed Christian Church of God at Lekki beach, Nigeria. People gathered in their millions to worship the almighty God at this program tagged, Lekki 98. This Christian mission presently organizes two major events in a year where thousands of people also gather to worship God from around the world.

Churches of Christ in Nigeria have virtually turned Nigeria into the Spiritual ‘Jerusalem’ of the world. We can only get better.


God’s end-time agenda and the role of the Church of Christ in Nigeria

With the covid-19 pandemic, I strongly believe that the Lord has allowed this to usher the world, especially, the body of Christ into a new level of operation that will go a long way to further His course and plans for the world. Lots of people have likened the covid-19 pandemic as a form of world war and it’s believed that usually, something new come on board in our world after every world war.

I believe the situation today is not going to be different. Christians in Nigeria, Christians all over the world, the church of Christ in Nigeria, the church of Christ all over the world must be ready and must be sensitive to what God wants to do after covid-19 has become history.


How the church of Christ in Nigeria can be relevant

Most especially, I believe there is going to be a new and unique way affairs are going to be conducted in our world in the following areas of our existence:

  • How businesses are conducted
    How Christian ministries conduct affairs in their ministries
  • How Christian ministries carry out evangelism outreaches
  • How and what we do with our financial seeds as Christians
  • What we say on the prayer platform
  • How Christians conduct affairs with their lives and their businesses in their various industries
  • How Christians demonstrate and put on display Jesus Christ outside the temple or the church
  • How Christians and churches use technology to advance the kingdom of God

I am using this series of posts and this blog to share my inspired views with you. I hope you will share the post with your friends on social media. Church missions in Nigeria and all over the world must be ready for this change in our world.


The prophetic declaration from a man of God in Nigeria

In 2012, on the second to the last day of the annual gathering of worshipers at Living Faith Church worldwide, tagged ‘Shiloh’ under the Presidency of Dr. David Oyedepo, there was a rush of more interesting information on this topic. I was privileged, as usual, to be part of this annual gathering and on the final day as Dr. David Oyedepo ministered; there were more explosions of revelation information concerning this end-time agenda of God to save the world.

It started when this great man of God prophetically declared, “There is coming to an economic holocaust on the earth… they will need the Elisha’s and the prophets to help out… churches will become nations. You will find ministries creating jobs, establishing hospitals… these small children are nations in persons. Our security is a covenant walk; people will be walking with God like Abraham. He further declared, “God is going to economically teach this world lessons”.


The prophetic thoughts I had about this end-time agenda of God

This prophetic declaration from this man of God in Nigeria sparked off prophetic thoughts in me and I quickly put my thoughts on paper this way:

  • “The day is here when the church will be ringing the bell and the world will run to it.”
  • “The day is here when the church will be beating the drum and the world will dance to it.”
  • “Jesus is turning the attention of the world to the church and He’s asking you and me to be relevant in the scheme of things.”
  • “God’s act of miracles will be happening in the industries and factories.”

The church of Christ in Nigeria and the world at large should be ready to embrace these new plans of God for this end time. We need to embrace it at an individual level, business level, professional level and as Christian missions. This way, we will be truly fulfilling the will of God for us for this end time.

Please watch this space for more revelations about this topic and please let me read your comment and don’t forget to share this post with your friends on social media.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

Join the discussion

  1. Oguntade olutoke

    This is truth we need to know about this pandemic period ,may God help us all to make good use of it .

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