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Get Connected to God Videos For Your Christian Self Development

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Get connected to God videos in our Christian Book Academy will help your Christian walk and improve your personal development experience. You can trust my word for that. Many people have testified of the usefulness of the contents of these videos.

Now I’m not asking you to rely on the comments of others. Instead, I want you to enjoy the get connected to God videos and learn important Christian personal development from them. At the end of the day, your Christian walk and aspirations will be the better for it.

Related: You can access all the ebooks and videos courses in our Bible Short Reports series at no cost by filling any of the forms on this page or visit I want All The Christian Personal Development Short Reports


List of the Get connected to God videos

Below you will a list of the get connected to God videos in our Bible training school. I want you to enjoy them and let me read your comments.


1. How to prepare for Examinations video (Christian Students Success Seminar

Having taught Mathematics for many years in high school and has written books and carried out researches in the industry on how students can begin to perform excellently well in the subject, I used this video to show Christian tips on how students can begin to prepare adequately for examinations.

It is a great video. I want you to click the link below to watch it.

How to prepare for Examinations video (Christian Students Success Seminar


2. Success videos: How to Multiply Your Resources

I was helped by God to understand a principle at the early stage of starting our Christian organization. God’s Spirit helped me to discover an interesting principle that has stayed with me since then.

I struggled to look for resources to kick start projects in a big way at the beginning of the organization. I was surprised God had not sent the big resources along my path to start the organization in a big way.

The Holy Spirit of God helped me to understand how I’m expected to start with the resources I have around me no matter how small they are.

Then, that was a big deliverance for me.

When the truth from this message sunk into me, I began to see the relevant resources that would be necessary to start the organization. I was surprised there were many around me that I did not see due to my wrong attitude of starting a new organization in a big way and with the big resources.

The get connected to God from this Christian Youtube video below is the result of this experience. Please watch it at

Success videos: How to Multiply Your Resources


3. Video Christian Personal Development: You Have the Skills to Solve Problems

Our Organization has the divine mandate to raise problem-solvers in society. We love to solve problems. We dedicatedly use our books, videos, podcast, and any available material to solve practical problems of the people and society.

There are skills you must have to solve different problems. This gets connected to God Youtube video shows you the importance of having these skills. Please watch this video at

Video Christian Personal Development: You Have the Skills to Solve Problems


4. Get connected to God video: You Must Live Your Life for Others

You’re created to help others. If you’re a Christian, you’re saved to save others. You must use every resource God has given you to help others.

This video shares an interesting note with you on how and why you must live your life for others. Please watch the Christian personal development video at

Christian Video Youtube: You Must Live Your Life for Others

5. Get connected to God video: Power to Succeed

I’m a strong believer, and It’s also scriptural, in the fact that you’ll need the power to get worthy projects done on this earth. If you’re struggling to achieve a goal or complete a worthy project, it’s likely you’ve got no power to get it done.

So you need power and you must look unto God for this power. This Christian video shows you how you have the power to succeed. Click the link below to start watching:

Christian video Power to Succeed

I hope this post is of great use to you. Please watch the videos and write your comments here or on Youtube. I always reply to comments.

Related:  If you’re struggling to start a business idea or you’re finding it difficult to take your business idea or vision to another level or to the end stage, I want you to enroll for this online video course, From Business Vision to Manifestation.

Though it’s a premium course on but I’ll be giving you the 100 % coupon code to enroll free if you take the opportunity today.

You only need to visit I want the coupon code to enroll for the course and fill the simple form on the page. You will receive the gift and many others in your email after you’ve confirmed your subscription. 

Relax, this is a Christian organization. We’ll never play any pranks with your contact information.


Other Interesting Faith Resources


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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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