How to achieve greatness in life and business
god-powered life
Running faith based businesses

How to live the God-powered life as a business man

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School of BUSINESS

You can live the God-powered life as a Christian, as a businessman, and as an employee. This is was the theme of my last online seminar in a Visionary Business Project program on the 13th, August 2020.

This teaching was delivered to a group of success-minded people on a Whatsapp group called ‘Success in Christ.’ I am giving the details of this online Christian seminar in this post. Please enjoy it and let me read your comment.

Related: How to win in life and business as a Christian


Introduction to the seminar on living a God-powered life

You’re welcome to this online seminar. Everything is already pointing to the fact that we must go back fully to God for everything about our lives including our businesses, work, families, and finances. Coronavirus has shown us how vulnerable we are. An ordinary cold turned the world and world powers into babies. We must return to God fully for our sustenance.


Who is a God-powered Businessman or employee?

Acts 1:16-20

“Men and brethren, this Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus; for he was numbered with us and obtained a part in this ministry.”
(Now this man purchased a field with the wages of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out. And it became known to all those dwelling in Jerusalem; so that field is called in their own language, Akel Dama, that is, Field of Blood.)
“For it is written in the Book of Psalms: ‘Let his dwelling place be desolate, And let no one live in it’; and, ‘Let another take his office.’
It’s so clear that something calamitous happened to the destiny of Judas there. I am sure you will agree with me.
Let’s assume he was a business man or an employee.
Sure, he started a business but he began to produce bad products and began to use sharp practices. He began to deceive and cheat customers taking advantage of their ignorance
Let’s assume he was a worker in a company but he began to steal company’s products and equipment selling them without the knowledge of his employers.”

This Judas employee or businessman is surely not a God-powered individual. God-powered individuals or people who live a God-powered life are those who embrace righteousness and have maximum respect for God’s rules in the way they carry out their operations or work as employees.

What do you think about this definition of a God-powered life?

With God-powered individuals, God himself is their reward. The government, the economy, or the employers are not. God is ever ready to help these types of individuals because righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach on to it.

My friend with the situations of things today in our world, your best bet is to always position yourself to receive the help of God.

Related: Christian integrity and money issues


Judas failed to live a God-powered life

Let’s look at the Judas story again.

  • He was originally numbered among the disciples
  • But he voted for unrighteousness. He voted for sharp practices. He voted for iniquity
  • He got rewards from his iniquity Business
  • The Bible says he purchased a field with rewards of inequity
  • He did not enjoy this reward. He died untimely
  • The field he bought was named the field of blood


How does this apply to you and me?

Audience reply to a question from the facilitator: “It shows us to put GOD first in our business.”

Facilitator reply to comment from audiences: “You are right. God is a jealous God. We would have finished and destroyed over 80% of the devil’s fight against our life, Business, and finances if we can always let God be first.”

Let’s look at how the story of Judas applies to us in the following steps:

1. God is not partial

God is not partial. Even if you are a Christian of many years or a deacon or a pastor and you begin to vote for inequity in your business dealings, in your finances or in your workplace, God will withdraw His help after He must have warned you on many occasions through His Spirit and through other means.

Judas was counted among them but he lost his office. You will not lose your place in God. God’s mighty help will always be available for you in Jesus name. I have enjoyed His help severally in my ministry and business.


2. There is a always a reward

Whether you vote for righteousness or inequity in your finances or business, there will always be rewards you get.


3. Using the rewards of iniquity

You will end up purchasing or buying or using these rewards to buy valuables.


4. Consequences of not living a God-powered life

These valuables will always bring grievous consequences that can be harmful to you and your business.


We took a decision to live a God-powered life

We have done businesses with our Publishing company (Zarepath Publishing) for many years now and have interacted with many customers through products and services like web design, book publishing, book sales, seminar facilitation, school consultancy. We have, by God’s grace, done clean and Godly deals. We allow God’s rules to guide our activities because we know we are nothing without God’s help (John 15:5b).

God and His Word are always first when we set our mission for our organizations and businesses.

Related: Why Christians business owners must deal with customers with integrity

Living a God-powered life: Step by Step

Now and finally let us look at how to become a God-powered businessperson and employee.

1. You must be born again

If you’re not born again, you need to ask Jesus to become your Lord and Savior. God can’t power you if you are not saved. Say the salvation prayer immediately now. If you have turned away from God you need to turn back to Him now. Pray sincerely to Him. He will accept you back. Say the prayer here.


2. Embrace clean deals to live a God-powered life

Take a decision to embrace righteousness in your dealings. Decision determines destiny. I took that decision many years ago. It has helped me. Please don’t overlook this step. It’s important.

Audience reply to a question from the facilitator:: “We are following you, sir.”
Facilitator reply to comment from audiences:: “Thank you.”

3. Ask the Holy Spirit of God to help you

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Pray fervently for help so that you can break old habits of iniquity in business or workplace.


4. Stop all wrong deals

Stop any sharp practice or dirty business deals. Stop it immediately. You can also take steps to correct any wrong of the past if it’s possible.


5. Study God’s Word

Start studying His Word. You cannot do much without God’s Word. Jesus says in John 15:5b that without Him you can do nothing. Jesus is the Word of God. You know His will when you study His Word.


6. Be diligent in prayer

Cultivate a lifestyle of prayer and relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT. Walking righteously is difficult because we are not praying and we are not relating effectively with the HOLY SPIRIT of God.


7. Ask God for Wisdom to live a God-powered life

Ask God for wisdom for business, financial success. Ask Him for wisdom to succeed in your place of work. When God’s wisdom is available for you, God’s power will always power you.


8. Seek God’s Kingdom first

Use your resources, business, and finances to glorify God on the earth. Create a giving program for the things of God. Became a partner of God on the earth. Seek you first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

I pray on you the grace to live righteously and the grace to say reject sins in the market and workplaces. Amen.

Thank you for staying Online for this. I am open to your questions in the next 5 minutes.

We have some free resources for you at Christian personal development books please visit to get these resources here.

Audience reply to a question from the facilitator: Thanks so much for the great presentation. I think with all these we are good to continue on our businesses. This is the foundation we need to build our business on. Thank you very much sir. May the grace of God be sufficient for you and your household. I SAY A BIG THANK YOU.
Facilitator reply to comment from audiences:We thank God. You’re welcome.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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