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How to deal with problems in life

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I am using this short article to show you how to deal with problems in life. I have applied this same principle to solve series of problems in my life. I have also recommended the same principle or strategies to many people on how to handle problems in their lives.

This may be a short article but it contains a faith process that can help anyone to deal with problems in life. I want you to pay attention and try to read and study the accompanying bible texts on your own after you are done with this post.

Related: Can God solve your problems

Problems produce fear

I want to let you know today that problems and challenges produce fear. Yes, they do. But it’s to the extent we allow them to do so. They won’t if we don’t allow them – I believe that’s the good news.

Fear is the opposite of faith. When fear is present, faith will be absent and when faith is absent, it becomes difficult to please God. When you can’t please God, you will not be able to tap into His abundant mercy and help to solve your problems. I believe you can see the connection.

Related: How to keep faith in God during hard times


How to deal with problems in life: A case of Peter

Look at this case of Peter and the boisterous wind. The boisterous wind always produces fear in you if you look unto it. The bible says Peter was afraid when he began to look at the boisterous wind. See it below:

Matthew 14:30

But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”

Jesus and His Word produces faith in you when you look unto Him. The bible says Peter received strength and power to walk on water when he looked unto Jesus. Read it below:

Matthew 14:28-29

And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.


God’s Word produces faith to deal with problems

You can see the clear difference between the two situations of Peter and the boisterous wind as shown above. God’s Word produces faith in you and with faith, you can always please God to receive your miracles and breakthroughs.

When you learn to look unto God and His Word during challenging times, you will be filled with the faith required to produce a miracle over the problem. You will be filled with faith on how to deal with problems in life.

Related: Watch video on Looking Unto Jesus


7 ways on How to deal with problems in life

Now, let me do a short summary of the content of this post on how to deal with problems in life:

  • Don’t be scared of problems and challenges, they will always come
  • When they come, learn not to focus on them because they will produce fear in you
  • Learn to focus on God and His Word because they will produce faith in you
  • You need faith to please God and to solve problems in life
  • Be thankful to God after the problem is solved
  • Continue to study the Word of God diligently
  • Continue to read good Christian books and enroll in good Christian online courses on faith

I hope you love this article, please let me read your comment on how you deal with problems in life as a Christian or even a non-Christian. But I want you to understand that God may not be committed to solving your problems if you are not a child of His. If you are yet to become a child of God through Jesus, you should consider doing so immediately.

Say a simple prayer asking for forgiveness from God and asking Jesus to become your Lord and Saviour. Please visit here to read more about this step.

Finally, this bible text will be of help to you:

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2)

The Miraculous Faith Course

how to solve problems in life

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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