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How to multiply your life

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How to multiply your life is the focus of my Christian personal development article today. I have applied the principle I will be sharing with you to my life, business ane finances. As it has been with every success principle innthe bible, I have seen great results.


Can you multiply your life?

Yes, you can multiply your life. What do I mean by this? You can actually apply principles and follow godly strategies and methods to improve your life and everything that has to do with your life.

Multiplying your has to do with experiencing growth in your business and finances. It is about personal development and it is also about spiritual development.

Now, that you know what I mean by the multiplication if your life, let me now go ahead to share my personal experiences with you.

Related: Check out books on personal development here


How to multiply your life: Read my experiences

I have taken the time to observe how my life has multiplied over the years. Several years ago, I traveled from one section of my country to another for a job interview..

I just finished from college and I was desperate to have a job. It was two and half years after I finished from school and no job was coming through!

So when I left my home for this particular job interview, I was desperately desperate (I hope I am permitted to use that term. Now, at this period I was single and was alone but God was with me.

After I got the Job, I had to change location. So I actually travelled down to this new location with just my travelling bag with a few clothes and one pair of shoes.

Now let’s take it forward. Since then, my life has multiplied – God has multiplied my life. I am now married, own a house, have children, run organizations and more. It’s indeed great to have God with you and to be with God.

Related: How to multiply resources

How to multiply your life: Check out the story of the disciples

This scenario played out with the disciples in the passage below:

NKJV Bible. Matthew 15:36
[36]And He took the seven loaves and the fish and gave thanks, broke them and gave them to His disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitude.

The disciples handed over their only possession (7 loaves of bread and little fishes) to Jesus. Jesus broke the bread and gave them back to the disciples to give to the people. You should observe that Jesus did not give the multitudes the food directly.


Hand over your life to Jesus

I want you to read what happened after they handed over the loaves to Jesus:

  • The loaves and fishes wouldn’t have multiplied in the hands of the disciples if they had not given it out to Jesus in the first place.
  • The same way your life will not have the capacity to multiply if you don’t first hand it over to Jesus!
  • The disciples got back the loaves and fishes from Jesus with the divine capacity to multiply and gave it out to the people. The people ate and got filled up.
  • Likewise, your life can only be of divine blessings to the people if you first of all hand it over to Jesus Christ.

How to multiply your life: Give your entire life to Jesus Christ

Are you ready to surrender your life to Jesus now? Ask God to forgive your sins and ask Him to wash you clean with the blood of Jesus Christ. Confess that you believe Jesus died for you on the Cross. Confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

You can now begin to enjoy a life of multiplication that will continue to be of immense value to others.

Prayer point

It’s time to pray: Oh God, what I need to influence my generation for you, give it to me in Jesus name.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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